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Legal move generator

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 6:05 pm
by Donbaek
In my C# program I like to be able to do something like this:

string someFen = “r1b1k2r/pp1p1ppp/2n1p3/qN2P3/5P2/2bBB3/P1P2KPP/R2Q3R b kq”
list<string> moves = MoveGenerator.GetLegalMoves(“someFen”)

Without having to write MoveGenerator.GetLegalMoves myself.

Because my interest is in experimenting with alternative/selective search algorithmns, not in writing chess engines from scratch.
Reusing 3th party code for basic tasks like move generation gives me more time for my main focus.

I tried basic google search but could not find anything easy to use.
And seams to focus on giving advise on how to program the function yourself, exactly what I was hoping to avoid.

Is their anything easy to use like this?

Re: Legal move generator

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 7:01 pm
by User923005

Re: Legal move generator

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:20 pm
by Donbaek
Thanks Again User923005 you are great.
I never thought of searching for 'c# chess engine' only on stuff like 'chess move generator' dooh.....
Any way I have ended up using the 'chess game starter kit' from this site
It seems to work great for my purpose.