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Null move and transposition tables

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 10:26 am
by op12no2

New here. I'm confused about null move and TT. Found a few threads with similar content but unresolved. Hope it's OK to ask for advice...

I've written a Javascript chess engine. It's very basic. Mailbox move gen, PV+killer+capture+PST move ordering; A/B + PV + null move + Q search. I recently added TT and all is well except when I come to try and add a successful null move beta cut into the TT. If I do that (with the orig depth), lots more nodes get searched and the whole thing is slower.

I figure the issues here are: I only do null move if not in check and depth > 2, so adding the null move beta cut into the TT without any flag saying where it came from could cause inappropriate beta cuts when the position is re-encountered? About to try this but it was not mentioned in the other treads i've seen.

Given the null move search is depth-2-1, the beta cut TT entry itself will be for depth, but it's child nodes will be for depth-3, 4 etc. I guess these are valid but can't quite get my head round it all.

Bottom line: Is there a standard way of handling null move and TT?

For the moment my search is based on the CPW engine overall shape (credited in the code) and I note that they do not do anything at all with the TT on null moves.

My code is online since it's javascript should anybody be interested... to execute. Max ply fixed at 10 for the moment while testing TT timing.