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Graph History Interaction Problem

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:40 am
by kevinfat
I am trying to understand the graph history interaction problem described in this paper by Kishimoto and Mueller. ... ci-ghi.pdf

I see that the problem has already been discussed but I couldn't follow their discussion.

Presumably the high level pseudo code below has problems. Can someone describe concrete examples that cause problems?

Code: Select all

Input Graph g, Position p in g, Move m, Evaluation e:
let p' be position after making move m in position p or create p' if it doesn't exist in g
add edge (p, p') with label m
set evaluation e for p'
call minimax on p'

Re: Graph History Interaction Problem

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 6:27 am
by kevinfat
The previous pseudocode is for implementing extending the graph by a move. And on a side note on further reflection I realize it doesn't handle for example an drawn endgame consisting of rook king pawn vs rook king. It would exhaust all the positions but if the approximate evaluation passed in was not 0 it would have no way to detect that all the positions should be set to 0.