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Evidence that Ippolit was based on decompiled engine

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:19 pm
by Uly

"Without much doubt it [...] explains how the Rybka 3 hackers created Ippolit as the original Ippolit source code came in one long C-file created by the Hex-rays decompiler, like the source code of Rybka 1.0 Beta offered on this page comes as one long C-code file. It confirms what many already noticed, parts of the Ippolit source code are computer generated and indeed the Hex-rays decompiler does exactly that."

Re: Evidence that Ippolit was based on decompiled engine

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:10 pm
by hyatt
that statement plus 4 bucks will buy a cup of coffee at starbucks. In fact, the 4 bucks is enough. Which shows what that statement is worth...

Re: Evidence that Ippolit was based on decompiled engine

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 7:40 pm
by Richard Vida
What puzzles me is Ed's double meter. He argues very intensively against ICGA evidence defending Rybka. On the other hand he makes a verdict about Ippolit being "hacked Rybka 3" without any evidence whatsoever. He cannot have it both ways.

And the argument about hexrays and one long C file is simply pathetic.

Re: Evidence that Ippolit was based on decompiled engine

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 10:38 pm
by Prima
Also if you note, when Strelka / IPPO were "allegedly" BUT unproven clones of Rybka, the Rybka sectarians screamed: "Illegal". "Not allowed" !

But, oh!, changed their precepts now, in light that the infallible [Vas] Rybka itself is a clone of Fruit and Crafty! ED, a proven prevaricator of truth/facts, and leader of these brigands, now want an amendment of the ["useless"] ICGA's Rule 2 to accept derived works. Inadvertently admitting Rybka/Vas' guilt of illegal cloning (or non originality). Inadvertently displaying their adulation, above objectivity, for Vas.

I fully support ICGA & its Rule 2 appertaining originality. Computer chess community needs more morally & ethically intact organizations like ICGA.