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Crafty and pre-Beta Rybka analysis

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 7:44 am
by BB+
An open place. Thunder and lightning. Enter three witches.
The start of the EvaluateWinner() function from Crafty 19.2:

Code: Select all

int EvaluateWinner(TREE * RESTRICT tree) {
  register int can_win=3;
/*  ----------------------------------------------------------
  |   if one side is a piece up, but has no pawns, then that |
  |   side can not possibly win.                             |
   ---------------------------------------------------------- */
  if (WhiteMajors == BlackMajors) {
    if (TotalWhitePawns==0 && WhiteMinors-BlackMinors==1) can_win&=2;
    if (TotalBlackPawns==0 && BlackMinors-WhiteMinors==1) can_win&=1;
    if (can_win == 0) return(can_win);
The comparative code from a pre-Beta Rybka.

Code: Select all

0x00401630:     push   %ebp               # EvaluateWinner function
0x00401631:     mov    %esp,%ebp
0x00401633:     sub    $0x24,%esp
0x00401647*     push   %ebx
0x00401648*     push   %esi
0x00401649*     mov    $0x3,%esi          # "can_win" = 3
0x0040164e*     push   %edi
0x00401636:     mov    0x8(%ebp),%ecx
0x00401639:     mov    0xb0e(%ecx),%al    # load WhiteMajors
0x0040163f:     mov    0xb0f(%ecx),%dl    # load BlackMajors
0x00401645:     cmp    %dl,%al            # if these are equal
0x0040164f:     mov    %esi,-0x4(%ebp)
0x00401652:     jne    0x4016a7             
0x00401654:     mov    0xb10(%ecx),%bl      # load TotalWhitePawns
0x0040165a:     test   %bl,%bl              # if TotalWhitePawns is 0
0x0040165c:     jne    0x40167b
0x0040165e:     movsbl 0xb0d(%ecx),%edi       # load BlackMinors
0x00401665:     movsbl 0xb0c(%ecx),%ebx       # load WhiteMinors
0x0040166c:     sub    %edi,%ebx              # compute WhiteMinors-BlackMinors
0x0040166e:     cmp    $0x1,%ebx              # if result is 1
0x00401671:     jne    0x40167b
0x00401673:     mov    $0x2,%esi
0x00401678:     mov    %esi,-0x4(%ebp)          # set "can_win" to 2
0x0040167b:     mov    0xb11(%ecx),%bl      # load TotalBlackPawns
0x00401681:     test   %bl,%bl              # if TotalBlackPawns is 0
0x00401683:     jne    0x40169f
0x00401685:     movsbl 0xb0d(%ecx),%edi       # load BlackMinors
0x0040168c:     movsbl 0xb0c(%ecx),%ebx       # load WhiteMinors
0x00401693:     sub    %ebx,%edi              # compute BlackMinors-WhiteMinors
0x00401695:     cmp    $0x1,%edi              # if result is 1
0x00401698:     jne    0x40169f
0x0040169a:     and    %edi,%esi              # AND "can_win" with 1
0x0040169c:     mov    %esi,-0x4(%ebp)
0x0040169f:     test   %esi,%esi            # if can_win is 0
0x004016a1:     je     0x4016e7               # return 0

Re: Crafty and pre-Beta Rybka analysis

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 7:59 am
by BB+
Continuing this EvaluateWinner() function, first Crafty then Rybka:

Code: Select all

/* ----------------------------------------------------------
  |   if one side is an exchange up, but has no pawns, then  |
  |   that side can not possibly win.                        |
   ---------------------------------------------------------- */
  if (WhiteMajors != BlackMajors) {
    if ((WhiteMajors-BlackMajors) == (BlackMinors-WhiteMinors)) {
      if (TotalBlackPawns==0) can_win&=1;
      if (TotalWhitePawns==0) can_win&=2;
    if (can_win == 0) return(can_win);

Code: Select all

0x00401639:     mov    0xb0e(%ecx),%al    # load WhiteMajors
0x0040163f:     mov    0xb0f(%ecx),%dl    # load BlackMajors
0x004016a3:     cmp    %dl,%al            # if WhiteMajors != BlackMajors
0x004016a5:     je     0x4016f0
0x004016a7:     movsbl 0xb0d(%ecx),%edi     # load BlackMinors
0x004016ae:     movsbl 0xb0c(%ecx),%ebx     # load WhiteMinors
0x004016b5:     movsbl %dl,%edx             
0x004016b8:     movsbl %al,%eax
0x004016bb:     sub    %ebx,%edi            # BlackMinors-WhiteMinors
0x004016bd:     sub    %edx,%eax            # WhiteMajors-BlackMajors
0x004016bf:     cmp    %edi,%eax            # compare these last 2
0x004016c1:     jne    0x4016e3             # if equal
0x004016c3:     mov    0xb11(%ecx),%al        # load TotalBlackPawns
0x004016c9:     test   %al,%al                # if TotalBlackPawns is 0
0x004016cb:     jne    0x4016d3
0x004016cd:     and    $0x1,%esi                # AND "can_win" with 1
0x004016d0:     mov    %esi,-0x4(%ebp)
0x004016d3:     mov    0xb10(%ecx),%al        # load TotalWhitePawns
0x004016d9:     test   %al,%al                # if TotalWhitePawns is 0
0x004016db:     jne    0x4016e3
0x004016dd:     and    $0x2,%esi                # AND "can_win" with 2
0x004016e0:     mov    %esi,-0x4(%ebp)
0x004016e3:     test   %esi,%esi            # if "can_win" is 0
0x004016e5:     jne    0x4016f0
0x004016e9:     xor    %eax,%eax              # return 0
0x004016ef:     ret    
Note that Rybka checks TotalBlackPawns before TotalWhitePawns here, just like Crafty, and the opposite of the order in the previous post.

Re: Crafty and pre-Beta Rybka analysis

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:23 am
by BB+
Again continuing this EvaluateWinner() function, first Crafty then Rybka:

Code: Select all

/* ************************************************************
 *   if neither side has any pieces, and both sides have    *
 *   non-rookpawns, then either side can win.  also, if one *
 *   has a piece and the other side has one pawn, then that *
 *   piece can sac itself for the pawn so that the side     *
 *   with a pawn can't win.                                 *
 ************************************************************ */
  if (TotalWhitePieces == 0 && TotalBlackPieces == 0) {
    if (WhitePawns & not_rook_pawns && BlackPawns & not_rook_pawns)
      return (can_win);
  if (!TotalBlackPieces) {
    if (!TotalBlackPawns)
      can_win &= 1;
    if (TotalBlackPawns == 1 && TotalWhitePieces)
      can_win &= 1;
  if (!TotalWhitePieces) {
    if (!TotalWhitePawns)
      can_win &= 2;
    if (TotalWhitePawns == 1 && TotalBlackPieces)
      can_win &= 2;

Code: Select all

0x004016f0: mov    0xb0a(%ecx),%bl     # load TotalWhitePieces
0x004016f6: test   %bl,%bl
0x004016f8: jne    0x40173e
0x004016fa: mov    0xb0b(%ecx),%al     # load TotalBlackPieces
0x00401700: test   %al,%al
0x00401702: jne    0x40173e            # if both are zero
0x00401704: mov    0xa78(%ecx),%eax      # load WhitePawns bitboard
0x0040170a: mov    0xa7c(%ecx),%edx      # ... in 2 steps of course
0x00401710: and    $0x7e7e7e7e,%eax      # AND this bitboard
0x00401715: and    $0x7e7e7e7e,%edx      # with "not_rook_pawns"
0x0040171b: or     %edx,%eax             # if result is nonempty
0x0040171d: je     0x40173e              
0x0040171f: mov    0xa80(%ecx),%eax        # load BlackPawns bitboard
0x00401725: mov    0xa84(%ecx),%edx
0x0040172b: and    $0x7e7e7e7e,%eax        # AND this bitboard
0x00401730: and    $0x7e7e7e7e,%edx        # with "not_rook_pawns"
0x00401736: or     %edx,%eax               # if result is nonempty
0x00401738: jne    0x4020b2                  # return current "can_win"

0x0040173e: mov    0xb0b(%ecx),%dl     # load TotalBlackPieces (again)
0x00401744: test   %dl,%dl             # if nonzero
0x00401746: jne    0x401766
0x00401748: mov    0xb11(%ecx),%al       # load TotalBlackPawns
0x0040174e: test   %al,%al               # if nonzero
0x00401750: jne    0x401758
0x00401752: and    $0x1,%esi               # AND "can_win" with 1
0x00401755: mov    %esi,-0x4(%ebp)
0x00401758: cmp    $0x1,%al              # if TotalBlackPawns is 1
0x0040175a: jne    0x401766
0x0040175c: test   %bl,%bl               # and TotalWhitePieces is nonzero
0x0040175e: je     0x40176a
0x00401760: and    $0x1,%esi               # AND "can_win" with 1
0x00401763: mov    %esi,-0x4(%ebp)

0x00401766: test   %bl,%bl             # if TotalWhitePieces is nonzero
0x00401768: jne    0x401788
0x0040176a: mov    0xb10(%ecx),%al       # load TotalWhitePawns
0x00401770: test   %al,%al               # if nonzero
0x00401772: jne    0x40177a
0x00401774: and    $0x2,%esi               # AND "can_win" with 2
0x00401777: mov    %esi,-0x4(%ebp)
0x0040177a: cmp    $0x1,%al              # if TotalWhitePawns is 1
0x0040177c: jne    0x401788
0x0040177e: test   %dl,%dl               # and TotalBlackPieces is nonzero
0x00401780: je     0x401788
0x00401782: and    $0x2,%esi               # AND "can_win" with 2
0x00401785: mov    %esi,-0x4(%ebp)
Note again that Rybka and Crafty both choose to compare TotalWhitePieces then TotalBlackPieces on the first line, but then both switch the order in the latter two segments.

Re: Crafty and pre-Beta Rybka analysis

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 9:27 am
by BB+
The purpose of this thread is to show that the pre-Beta Rybka contained "large chunks" of code from Crafty, but the next segments in EvaluateWinner() get so repetitive that I will elide some details.

Code: Select all

/* ----------------------------------------------------------
  |   if white has a pawn, then either the pawn had better   |
  |   not be a rook pawn, or else white had better have the  |
  |   right color bishop or any other piece, otherwise it is |
  |   not winnable if the black king can get to the queening |
  |   square first.                                          |
   ---------------------------------------------------------- */
  if (TotalWhitePawns) do {
    if (WhitePawns&not_rook_pawns) continue;
    if (TotalWhitePieces>3 || (TotalWhitePieces==3 && WhiteKnights)) continue;
    if (TotalWhitePieces==0) {
      if (file_mask[FILEA]&WhitePawns &&
          file_mask[FILEH]&WhitePawns) continue;
    if (!(WhitePawns&not_rook_pawns)) {
      if (WhiteBishops) {
        if (!BlackBishops) {
          if (WhiteBishops&dark_squares) {
            if (file_mask[FILEH]&WhitePawns) continue;
          else if (file_mask[FILEA]&WhitePawns) continue;
        else {
          if (WhiteBishops&dark_squares && !(BlackBishops&dark_squares)) {
            if (file_mask[FILEH]&WhitePawns) continue;
          else if (file_mask[FILEA]&WhitePawns) continue;
      if (!(WhitePawns&file_mask[FILEA]) ||
          !(WhitePawns&file_mask[FILEH])) {
        if (WhitePawns&file_mask[FILEA]) {
          int bkd, wkd, pd;
          if (bkd <= 1) can_win&=2;
          else {
            if (bkd<(wkd-wtm) && bkd<=(pd-wtm)) can_win&=2;
        else {
          int bkd, wkd, pd;
          if (bkd <= 1) can_win&=2;
          else {
            if (bkd<(wkd-wtm) && bkd<=(pd-wtm)) can_win&=2;
  } while (0);
Our "friend" the compiler likes to "optimise" here, particularly with the Distance macro. So the pre-Beta Rybka disassembly looks a bit hairy. I also omit the last a/h-file "else" case, as it mutandis mutatis.

Code: Select all

0x004016f0: mov    0xb0a(%ecx),%bl   # load TotalWhitePieces
0x00401788: mov    0xb10(%ecx),%al   # load TotalWhitePawns
0x0040178e: test   %al,%al           # if TotalWhitePawns is nonzero
0x00401790: je     0x401bae
0x00401796: mov    0xa78(%ecx),%esi    # load WhitePawns bitboard
0x0040179c: mov    0xa7c(%ecx),%edi    # ... in 2 steps of course
0x004017a2: mov    %esi,%eax
0x004017a4: mov    %edi,%edx
0x004017a6: and    $0x7e7e7e7e,%eax    # AND WhitePawns with not_rook_pawns
0x004017ab: and    $0x7e7e7e7e,%edx
0x004017b1: or     %edx,%eax
0x004017b3: jne    0x401bab            # if result is nonzero, skip the rest
0x004017b9: cmp    $0x3,%bl               
0x004017bc: jg     0x401bab            # if TotalWhitePieces > 3
0x004017c2: jne    0x4017d6            #    or (TotalWhitePieces ==3
0x004017c4: mov    0xa88(%ecx),%edx    #            and WhiteKnights)
0x004017ca: or     0xa8c(%ecx),%edx    # [other 32-bit of WhiteKnights]
0x004017d0: jne    0x401bab              # then skip the rest
0x004017d6: test   %bl,%bl             
0x004017d8: jne    0x401804            # if TotalWhitePieces is 0
0x004017da: mov    %esi,%eax
0x004017dc: mov    %edi,%edx
0x004017de: and    $0x1010101,%eax       # AND WhitePawns with FILEA filemask
0x004017e3: and    $0x1010101,%edx
0x004017e9: or     %edx,%eax
0x004017eb: je     0x401804
0x004017ed: mov    %esi,%eax
0x004017ef: mov    %edi,%edx
0x004017f1: and    $0x80808080,%eax      # AND WhitePawns with FILEH filemask
0x004017f6: and    $0x80808080,%edx
0x004017fc: or     %edx,%eax
0x004017fe: jne    0x401bab              # if both are nonzero, skip the rest
0x00401804: mov    0xa98(%ecx),%eax    # load WhiteBishops
0x0040180a: mov    0xa9c(%ecx),%edx
0x00401810: mov    %eax,%ebx
0x00401812: or     %edx,%ebx
0x00401814: mov    %edx,-0x10(%ebp)
0x00401817: je     0x401896            # if WhiteBishops is nonzero
0x00401819: mov    0xaa0(%ecx),%ebx      # load BlackBishops
0x0040181f: mov    0xaa4(%ecx),%edx
0x00401825: mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)
0x0040182d: or     %edx,%ebx
0x0040182f: jne    0x40184f              # if BlackBishops is 0
0x00401828* and    $0xaa55aa55,%eax
0x00401831: mov    -0x10(%ebp),%edx
0x00401834: and    $0xaa55aa55,%edx        # AND WhiteBishops with dark_squares
0x0040183a: or     %edx,%eax
0x0040183c: mov    %edi,%edx
0x0040183e: mov    %esi,%eax
0x00401840: je     0x401883                # if result is nonzero
0x00401842: and    $0x80808080,%eax          # AND WhitePawns with FILEH
0x00401847: and    $0x80808080,%edx        # else AND WhitePawns with FILEA  
0x0040184d: jmp    0x40188e                # if result is non-0, skip the rest
0x0040184f: mov    -0x10(%ebp),%ebx      # else [a BlackBishop exists]
0x00401852: and    $0xaa55aa55,%ebx
0x00401858: or     %ebx,%eax
0x0040185a: je     0x40187f                # if (WhiteBishop & dark_squares)
0x0040185c: mov    -0xc(%ebp),%eax
0x0040185f: and    $0xaa55aa55,%eax
0x00401864: and    $0xaa55aa55,%edx
0x0040186a: or     %edx,%eax
0x0040186c: jne    0x40187f                # and !(BlackBishops & dark_squares)
0x0040186e: mov    %esi,%eax
0x00401870: mov    %edi,%edx
0x00401872: and    $0x80808080,%eax          # AND WhitePawns with FILEH
0x00401877: and    $0x80808080,%edx        # else AND WhitePawns with FILA    
0x0040187d: jmp    0x40188e                # if result is non-0, skip the rest
0x0040187f: mov    %esi,%eax
0x00401881: mov    %edi,%edx
0x00401883: and    $0x1010101,%eax          [AND with FILEA, see 401840 above]
0x00401888: and    $0x1010101,%edx
0x0040188e: or     %edx,%eax
0x00401890: jne    0x401bab                 
0x00401896: mov    %esi,%ebx           # So, blind bishops are applicable...
0x00401898: and    $0x1010101,%ebx
0x0040189e: mov    %edi,%eax
0x004018a0: and    $0x1010101,%eax     # AND WhitePawns with FILEA
0x004018a5: mov    %ebx,%edx
0x004018a7: or     %eax,%edx
0x004018a9: mov    %eax,-0x18(%ebp)
0x004018ac: je     0x4018c8
0x004018ae: mov    %esi,%eax
0x004018b0: mov    %edi,%edx
0x004018b2: and    $0x80808080,%eax    # AND WhitePawns with FILEH
0x004018b7: and    $0x80808080,%edx
0x004018bd: or     %edx,%eax
0x004018bf: jne    0x401bab            # if neither is zero, skip the rest
0x004018c5: mov    -0x18(%ebp),%eax
0x004018c8: mov    %ebx,%edx           # about to split into two cases...
0x004018ca: or     %eax,%edx
0x004018cc: je     0x401a34            # if (WhitePawns & file_mask[FILEA])
0x004018d2: movsbl 0xb09(%ecx),%edi      # load BlackKingSQ
0x004018d9: mov    %edi,%eax
0x004018db: sar    $0x3,%eax
0x004018de: sub    $0x7,%eax             # compute Distance(BlackKingSq, A8)
0x004018e1: cltd   
0x004018e2: mov    %eax,%esi
0x004018e4: xor    %edx,%esi
0x004018e6: mov    %edi,%eax
0x004018e8: and    $0x7,%eax
0x004018eb: sub    %edx,%esi
0x004018ed: cltd   
0x004018ee: xor    %edx,%eax
0x004018f0: sub    %edx,%eax
0x004018f2: cmp    %esi,%eax
0x004018f4: mov    %eax,0x8(%ebp)
0x004018f7: jg     0x4018fc
0x004018f9: mov    %esi,0x8(%ebp)        # distance is now in 0x8(%ebp)
0x004018fc: cmpl   $0x1,0x8(%ebp)        # compare this distance to 1
0x00401900: jle    0x401ba7              # if distance <= 1
0x00401ba7* andl   $0x2,-0x4(%ebp)         # AND "can_win" with 2
0x00401bab* mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi         # and ignore the rest
0x00401906: movsbl 0xb08(%ecx),%edi      # else load WhiteKingSQ
0x0040190d: mov    %edi,%eax             
0x0040190f: sar    $0x3,%eax
0x00401912: sub    $0x7,%eax
0x00401915: cltd   
0x00401916: mov    %eax,%esi
0x00401918: xor    %edx,%esi
0x0040191a: mov    %edi,%eax
0x0040191c: and    $0x7,%eax
0x0040191f: sub    %edx,%esi
0x00401921: cltd   
0x00401922: xor    %edx,%eax
0x00401924: sub    %edx,%eax
0x00401926: cmp    %esi,%eax
0x00401928: jle    0x40192c
0x0040192a: mov    %eax,%esi
0x0040192c: mov    -0x18(%ebp),%eax      # have Distance(WhiteKingSQ,A8)
0x0040192f: mov    %ebx,-0x24(%ebp)      # now the next Distance
0x00401932: mov    %eax,-0x20(%ebp)
0x00401935: bsf    -0x24(%ebp),%edx      # get LastOne(WhitePawns & FILEA)
0x00401939: mov    $0x0,%eax
0x0040193e: jne    0x401950
0x00401940: bsf    -0x20(%ebp),%edx
0x00401944: mov    $0x20,%eax
0x00401949: jne    0x401950              # HORRORS, the compiler is going
0x0040194b: mov    $0x20,%edx            # to split the Distance computation
0x00401950: add    %edx,%eax             # with Max(FileDist,RankDist)
0x00401952: mov    0xa78(%ecx),%edx      # and then FileDist as abs(x,y)
0x00401958: mov    %eax,%edi             # into four different parts...!
0x0040195a: mov    0xa7c(%ecx),%eax
0x00401960: and    $0x1010101,%edx
0x00401966: and    $0x1010101,%eax
0x0040196b: mov    %edx,-0x24(%ebp)
0x0040196e: mov    %eax,-0x20(%ebp)
0x00401971: bsf    -0x24(%ebp),%edx      # get LastOne(WhitePawns & FILEA)
0x00401975: mov    $0x0,%eax
0x0040197a: jne    0x40198c
0x0040197c: bsf    -0x20(%ebp),%edx
0x00401980: mov    $0x20,%eax
0x00401985: jne    0x40198c
0x00401987: mov    $0x20,%edx
0x0040198c: add    %edx,%eax
0x0040198e: sar    $0x3,%eax
0x00401991: sub    $0x7,%eax
0x00401994: cltd   
0x00401995: mov    %eax,%ebx
0x00401997: xor    %edx,%ebx
0x00401999: sub    %edx,%ebx
0x0040199b: mov    %edi,%eax
0x0040199d: and    $0x7,%eax
0x004019a0: cltd   
0x004019a1: xor    %edx,%eax
0x004019a3: sub    %edx,%eax
0x004019a5: mov    0xa78(%ecx),%edx
0x004019ab: and    $0x1010101,%edx
0x004019b1: cmp    %ebx,%eax
0x004019b3: mov    0xa7c(%ecx),%eax
0x004019b9: mov    %edx,-0x24(%ebp)
0x004019bc: jle    0x4019e8
0x004019be: and    $0x1010101,%eax
0x004019c3: mov    %eax,-0x20(%ebp)
0x004019c6: bsf    -0x24(%ebp),%edx      # get LastOne(WhitePawns & FILEA)
0x004019ca: mov    $0x0,%eax
0x004019cf: jne    0x4019e1
0x004019d1: bsf    -0x20(%ebp),%edx
0x004019d5: mov    $0x20,%eax
0x004019da: jne    0x4019e1
0x004019dc: mov    $0x20,%edx
0x004019e1: add    %edx,%eax
0x004019e3: and    $0x7,%eax
0x004019e6: jmp    0x401a13
0x004019e8: and    $0x1010101,%eax
0x004019ed: mov    %eax,-0x20(%ebp)
0x004019f0: bsf    -0x24(%ebp),%edx      # get LastOne(WhitePawns & FILEA)
0x004019f4: mov    $0x0,%eax
0x004019f9: jne    0x401a0b
0x004019fb: bsf    -0x20(%ebp),%edx
0x004019ff: mov    $0x20,%eax
0x00401a04: jne    0x401a0b
0x00401a06: mov    $0x20,%edx
0x00401a0b: add    %edx,%eax
0x00401a0d: sar    $0x3,%eax
0x00401a10: sub    $0x7,%eax
0x00401a13: mov    0x8(%ebp),%edi
0x00401a16: cltd   
0x00401a19: sub    %edx,%eax            
0x00401a1b: mov    0x6aa02c,%edx         # load wtm
0x00401a21: sub    %edx,%esi             
0x00401a23: cmp    %esi,%edi             # if (bkd < wkd-wtm)
0x00401a25: jge    0x401bab
0x00401a2b: sub    %edx,%eax
0x00401a2d: cmp    %eax,%edi             # and (bkd <= pd-wtm)
0x00401a2f: jmp    0x401ba5              
0x00401ba5* jg     0x401bab
0x00401ba7* andl   $0x2,-0x4(%ebp)         # AND "can_win" with 2, skip rest
0x00401a34: movsbl 0xb09(%ecx),%eax      # else case 2, the same for H8/FILEH
The next Crafty code segment does the same as this one, but for Black instead of White. I will spare you the details, and the next post will move on the final 3 conditions in this function.

Re: Crafty and pre-Beta Rybka analysis

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 9:40 am
by BB+
To complete the analysis of Crafty and pre-Beta Rybka for EvaluateWinner():

Code: Select all

/* ----------------------------------------------------------
  |   if both sides have pawns, the game is not a draw for   |
  |   lack of material.  also, if one side has at least a    |
  |   B+N, then it's not a drawn position.                   |
  |                                                          |
  |   if one side has a rook, while the other side has a     |
  |   minor + pawns, then the rook can't possibly win.       |
   ---------------------------------------------------------- */
  if (TotalWhitePawns && TotalBlackPawns) return(can_win);

Code: Select all

0x00401fc5: mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi
0x00401fc8: mov    0xb10(%ecx),%al    # load TotalWhitePawns
0x00401fce: test   %al,%al
0x00401fd0: je     0x401fe0
0x00401fd2: mov    0xb11(%ecx),%dl    # load TotalBlackPawns
0x00401fd8: test   %dl,%dl
0x00401fda: jne    0x4020b2           # if both nonzero, return "can_win"

Code: Select all

/* ----------------------------------------------------------
  |   if one side has two bishops, and the other side has    |
  |   a single kinght, the two bishops win.                  |
   ---------------------------------------------------------- */
  if (TotalWhitePawns==0 && TotalWhitePieces==6 &&
      TotalBlackPieces==3) {
    if (WhiteKnights || !BlackKnights) can_win&=2;
  else if (TotalBlackPawns==0 && TotalBlackPieces==6 &&
      TotalWhitePieces==3) {
    if (BlackKnights || !WhiteKnights) can_win&=1;

Code: Select all

0x00401fe0: test   %al,%al            # if TotalWhitePawns == 0
0x00401fe4: jne    0x402018
0x00401fe2* mov    $0x6,%dl       
0x00401fe6: cmp    %dl,0xb0a(%ecx)    # and TotalWhitePieces == 6
0x00401fec: jne    0x402018           
0x00401fee: cmpb   $0x3,0xb0b(%ecx)   # and TotalBlackPieces == 3
0x00401ff5: jne    0x402018
0x00401ff7: mov    0xa88(%ecx),%edi     
0x00401ffd: or     0xa8c(%ecx),%edi
0x00402003: jne    0x402013             # if WhiteKinghts
0x00402005: mov    0xa90(%ecx),%edi
0x0040200b: or     0xa94(%ecx),%edi
0x00402011: jne    0x402052             # or !BlackKnights
0x00402013: and    $0x2,%esi              # AND "can_win" with 2
0x00402016: jmp    0x402052           # else
0x00402018: mov    0xb11(%ecx),%bl    # if TotalBlackPawns == 0
0x0040201e: test   %bl,%bl
0x00402020: jne    0x402052
0x00402022: cmp    %dl,0xb0b(%ecx)
0x00402028: jne    0x402052           # and TotalBlackPieces == 6
0x0040202a: cmpb   $0x3,0xb0a(%ecx)
0x00402031: jne    0x402052           # and TotalWhitePieces == 3
0x00402033: mov    0xa90(%ecx),%edi
0x00402039: or     0xa94(%ecx),%edi
0x0040203f: jne    0x40204f             # if BlackKnights
0x00402041: mov    0xa88(%ecx),%edi
0x00402047: or     0xa8c(%ecx),%edi
0x0040204d: jne    0x402052             # or !WhiteKnights
0x0040204f: and    $0x1,%esi              # AND "can_win" with 1

Code: Select all

/* ----------------------------------------------------------
  |   if one side is two knights ahead and the opponent has  |
  |   no remaining material, it is a draw.                   |
   ---------------------------------------------------------- */
  if (TotalWhitePawns==0 && TotalWhitePieces==6 && !WhiteBishops &&
      TotalBlackPieces+TotalBlackPawns==0) can_win&=2;
  if (TotalBlackPawns==0 && TotalBlackPieces==6 && !BlackBishops &&
      TotalWhitePieces+TotalWhitePawns==0) can_win&=1;

Code: Select all

0x00402052: test   %al,%al
0x00402054: jne    0x402081           # if TotalWhitePawns == 0
0x00402056: cmp    %dl,0xb0a(%ecx)    
0x0040205c: jne    0x402081           # and TotalWhitePieces == 6
0x0040205e: mov    0xa98(%ecx),%edi 
0x00402064: or     0xa9c(%ecx),%edi
0x0040206a: jne    0x402081           # and !WhiteBishops
0x0040206c: movsbl 0xb0b(%ecx),%edi   # and TotalBlackPieces + 
0x00402073: movsbl 0xb11(%ecx),%ebx   #     TotalBlackPawns
0x0040207a: add    %ebx,%edi          
0x0040207c: jne    0x402081           #     is zero
0x0040207e: and    $0x2,%esi          #  then AND "can_win" with 2
0x00402081: mov    0xb11(%ecx),%bl
0x00402087: test   %bl,%bl            # if TotalBlackPawns == 0
0x00402089: jne    0x4020b2
0x0040208b: cmp    %dl,0xb0b(%ecx)    # and TotalBlackPieces == 6
0x00402091: jne    0x4020b2
0x00402093: mov    0xaa0(%ecx),%edx
0x00402099: or     0xaa4(%ecx),%edx
0x0040209f: jne    0x4020b2           # and !BlackBishops
0x004020a1: movsbl 0xb0a(%ecx),%ecx   # and TotalWhitePieces +
0x004020a8: movsbl %al,%edx           #     TotalWhitePawns
0x004020ab: add    %edx,%ecx
0x004020ad: jne    0x4020b2           #     is zero
0x004020af: and    $0x1,%esi          #  then AND "can_win" with 1
0x004020ba: ret    

Re: Crafty and pre-Beta Rybka analysis

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:59 pm
by kingliveson
You should probably specify which Rybka version...

Re: Crafty and pre-Beta Rybka analysis

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:39 am
by G.Paredes
All this is just excellent against rybka, every piece of evidence matters.

Re: Crafty and pre-Beta Rybka analysis

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:59 am
by jury_osipov
BB+, where did you get this pre-beta version of Rybka?

Re: Crafty and pre-Beta Rybka analysis

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 2:49 pm
by kingliveson
jury_osipov wrote:BB+, where did you get this pre-beta version of Rybka?

Re: Crafty and pre-Beta Rybka analysis

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:54 pm
by BB+
Recalling ... 3#pid99683
Vasik Rajilch wrote:Generally, code theft is easy to show - just show the two sections of identical code, side-by-side. There isn't much to debate in such cases. [...]
I apologise if my vertical presentation (as opposed to side-by-side) is not the preferred.