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Houdini 1.5 vs Stockfish 1.9

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 6:36 pm
by Howard E
80 games played / Tournament is finished

Tournament start: 2010.12.18, 09:47:51
Latest update: 2010.12.22, 05:12:13
Site/ Country: HOWARD-PC, Canada
Level: Tournament 40/20 repeatingHardware: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz8x 3150 MHz with 8,192 MB Memory
Operating system: Microsoft Windows Vista Home Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 6001)

Hyperthreading on / 4 threads each
Openings from Albert Silver epd set of 40 ( I think this was Albert's 2nd installment. the latest has 50 positions) with alternating colors.
512 Mb Hash each
Ponder off (only off because the family uses the computer and needs resources also)

for Houdini ..
GTB on and working
Split_Depth at 12 (a bit faster than default 10 for my system)

Houdini_15_x64 - Stockfish-19-64-ja : 51.5/80 35-12-33 (1=1=10==1=1===101===01=01=11111=1=1=11==1=1===1010==1==11=1110=11=10=101010=0=1=) 64% +100
Stockfish-19-64-ja - Houdini_15_x64 : 28.5/80 12-35-33 (0=0=01==0=0===010===10=10=00000=0=0=00==0=0===0101==0==00=0001=00=01=010101=1=0=) 36% -100

So Houdini at +100 after 80 games at 40/20 minutes repeating.
For me this is a comfortable time control for watching the games.
Usually I test at 40/40.

Two great programs!

Some intresting game positions to follow.

Re: Houdini 1.5 vs Stockfish 1.9

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 11:25 pm
by Howard E
1r1rbq2/ppp2ppk/2n1p2p/4P3/2pP2RR/P1B3P1/1P3PBP/2Q3K1 b - - 5 18

Interesting position for me with the white rooks positioned where they are.
I'm always curious how such positions arise so here is the game.

[Event "Houdini01"]
[Site "HOWARD-PC"]
[Date "2010.12.18"]
[Round "5"]
[White "Houdini_15_x64"]
[Black "Stockfish-19-64-ja"]
[Result "1-0"]
[BlackElo "3200"]
[Time "13:44:57"]
[WhiteElo "3200"]
[TimeControl "40/1200:40/1200:40/1200"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "r1b1k2r/ppppqppp/2n1pn2/8/1bPP4/5NP1/PP1BPP1P/RN1QKB1R w KQkq - 0 1"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[PlyCount "44"]

1. Nc3 {+0.22/22 30} d5 {+0.04/21 24} 2. a3 {+0.29/22 22} Bxc3 {-0.12/23
26} 3. Bxc3 {+0.30/22 24} O-O {-0.20/24 28} 4. Bg2 {+0.31/21 35} Rd8
{-0.16/24 47} 5. O-O {+0.34/21 32} Ne4 {-0.28/23 39} 6. Nd2 {+0.37/22 35}
Nxd2 {-0.36/22 28} 7. Qxd2 {+0.34/21 53} dxc4 {-0.44/22 21} 8. Rfd1
{+0.36/22 43} Rb8 {-0.36/24 25} 9. Rac1 {+0.31/20 24} Bd7 {-0.44/23 21} 10.
e4 {+0.29/21 27} Re8 {-0.60/23 23} 11. Re1 {+0.47/22 21} Qd6 {-0.32/23 21}
12. e5 {+0.36/21 45} Qe7 {-0.20/23 22} 13. Re4 {+0.31/20 34} Red8 {-0.24/24
27} 14. Rh4 {+0.33/21 68} Be8 {-0.28/24 31} 15. Re1 {+0.54/21 20} h6
{-0.36/22 46} 16. Qc1 {+0.56/20 21} Qf8 {-0.24/22 22} 17. Ree4 {+1.80/19
21} Kh7 {-1.77/22 38} 18. Reg4 {+2.45/21 24} g6 {-2.26/24 34} 19. d5
{+3.95/19 33} exd5 {-2.78/21 28} 20. e6 {+3.96/17 0} d4 {-3.59/22 37} 21.
Bxc6 {+3.96/17 0} dxc3 {-4.08/22 29} 22. e7 {+3.85/16 0} Qg7 {-4.16/24 27}
23. ... {1-0 Arena Adjudication} 1-0

Re: Houdini 1.5 vs Stockfish 1.9

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 11:28 pm
by Howard E
r2r2k1/2pn1p2/bp1p2p1/3Pp1n1/NPP1PqPp/P3NP2/2Q2RBP/2R3K1 w - - 1 20

Stockfish 1.9 +1.00
Crafty 23.2 +0.77
Critter 0.90 +0.50
Komodo 1.3b1 +0.30
Houdini 1.5 -0.06

This is game #6 which Stockfish 1.91 won.
This is an interesting eval position. Houdini sees it as a minute plus for black.
All other engines I tested are plus for white. Perhaps it provides a glimpse into Houdini's eval.
Black is a rook pawn down but has a dynamic placement of Queen and Knight on the kingside.
I also believe that black willingly went into this position from move 14 where it plays a4 instead of axb4,
which all of the above engines prefer. I'm not saying Houdini's eval is off as it just may be the thing that works in other positions.

[Event "Houdini01"]
[Site "HOWARD-PC"]
[Date "2010.12.18"]
[Round "6"]
[White "Stockfish-19-64-ja"]
[Black "Houdini_15_x64"]
[Result "1-0"]
[BlackElo "3200"]
[Time "14:06:33"]
[WhiteElo "3200"]
[TimeControl "40/1200:40/1200:40/1200"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "r1b1k2r/ppppqppp/2n1pn2/8/1bPP4/5NP1/PP1BPP1P/RN1QKB1R w KQkq - 0 1"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[PlyCount "128"]

1. Bg2 {+0.08/24 24} Bxd2+ {-0.05/22 46} 2. Nbxd2 {+0.12/23 33} O-O
{+0.04/22 29} 3. O-O {0.00/24 39} d6 {+0.01/22 41} 4. e4 {0.00/23 22} e5
{+0.09/22 29} 5. d5 {+0.08/25 20} Nb8 {+0.06/23 46} 6. Ne1 {+0.04/24 28} a5
{+0.10/21 29} 7. Nd3 {+0.04/24 35} Bg4 {+0.04/21 40} 8. f3 {+0.12/25 25}
Bc8 {0.00/22 170} 9. a3 {+0.32/21 28} h5 {+0.07/20 32} 10. b4 {+0.72/22 58}
h4 {+0.13/20 17} 11. g4 {+0.64/23 32} b6 {+0.33/19 29} 12. Rf2 {+0.56/22
42} Nbd7 {+0.41/20 24} 13. Nb3 {+0.60/23 28} Ba6 {+0.35/21 43} 14. Rc1
{+0.60/23 20} a4 {+0.27/20 25} 15. Nd2 {+0.64/25 27} Nh7 {+0.22/21 37} 16.
Nf1 {+0.60/26 32} Ng5 {+0.18/20 19} 17. Ne3 {+0.60/26 32} g6 {+0.19/21 23}
18. Qc2 {+0.68/25 32} Rfd8 {+0.19/20 17} 19. Nb2 {+0.88/22 24} Qf6
{+0.21/19 28} 20. Nxa4 {+1.01/25 23} Qf4 {+0.20/20 16} 21. Re1 {+1.01/24
26} Bc8 {+0.13/22 122} 22. Qb3 {+1.29/28 25} h3 {+0.11/21 18} 23. Bh1
{+1.29/23 1} Ba6 {+0.10/21 14} 24. Nc3 {+1.29/29 27} Qf6 {+0.06/20 30} 25.
a4 {+1.29/30 35} Re8 {-0.01/19 12} 26. Rb1 {+1.41/26 26} Rf8 {+0.02/19 13}
27. Qb2 {+1.37/28 22} Qf4 {0.00/19 16} 28. Qd2 {+1.41/27 35} Bb7 {-0.07/20
14} 29. Rff1 {+1.45/25 58} Rfd8 {-0.10/19 14} 30. Qf2 {+1.53/26 25} Rf8
{-0.16/20 32} 31. Ra1 {+1.69/25 32} Ra6 {-0.18/20 11} 32. Nb5 {+1.61/26 32}
Rc8 {-0.28/21 13} 33. Ra3 {+1.73/23 31} Kg7 {-0.33/20 24} 34. Rfa1
{+1.65/23 20} Nb8 {-0.38/20 15} 35. Nf1 {+1.81/23 44} Qf6 {-0.37/21 20} 36.
Nd2 {+1.77/23 52} Ra8 {-0.26/20 10} 37. Qe3 {+1.81/23 19} Na6 {-0.48/19 11}
38. Rb1 {+1.57/22 19} Rcb8 {-0.36/19 14} 39. Ra2 {+1.73/23 19} Kg8
{-0.34/19 25} 40. Rab2 {+1.77/21 20} Rc8 {-0.32/19 8} 41. Nc3 {+1.81/24 75}
Re8 {-0.41/22 61} 42. Ra1 {+2.06/25 39} Qe7 {-0.46/20 56} 43. a5 {+2.06/27
78} bxa5 {-0.89/19 31} 44. Rxa5 {+2.38/26 55} f6 {-0.88/20 22} 45. c5
{+2.22/24 43} dxc5 {-0.88/22 79} 46. bxc5 {+2.30/23 33} Reb8 {-0.88/22 22}
47. Rb1 {+2.22/23 37} Nf7 {-0.88/21 21} 48. Nd1 {+2.78/23 44} Bc8 {-0.99/21
40} 49. Rba1 {+3.27/24 43} Bb7 {-1.15/21 20} 50. c6 {+2.70/25 48} Bc8
{-1.15/19 0} 51. Nf2 {+2.86/27 31} Rb6 {-1.49/21 55} 52. Nxh3 {+3.11/24 38}
Rab8 {-2.02/19 28} 53. Nf2 {+3.35/24 36} Nd6 {-1.75/19 20} 54. R5a4
{+3.27/25 30} Nb4 {-1.69/21 55} 55. Qc3 {+3.31/24 25} Na6 {-1.65/21 21} 56.
Bg2 {+3.39/24 27} Nb5 {-1.79/21 22} 57. Qc4 {+3.31/25 27} Kh7 {-1.86/21 49}
58. Nd3 {+3.55/21 23} g5 {-1.90/20 20} 59. Bf1 {+3.71/24 30} Kg6 {-2.11/20
26} 60. Kg2 {+3.67/22 23} Qh7 {-1.95/19 21} 61. h3 {+3.71/23 21} Qh6
{-2.58/20 96} 62. Qc1 {+3.91/21 29} Nd4 {-3.35/18 40} 63. Qc3 {+4.16/20 27}
Qf8 {-3.44/17 28} 64. f4 {+4.68/20 17} Nb3 {-3.47/18 24} 65. ... {1-0 Arena
Adjudication} 1-0

Re: Houdini 1.5 vs Stockfish 1.9

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 5:09 pm
by Howard E
A test position from this match.
Best move: Ra1

r4r1k/5p1p/p3p2p/1p1pPP2/2qP2P1/b1P5/3QN2P/1R3RK1 w - - 1 19

From this game. Note once again Houdini's dynamic play' disregarding the a3 pawn loss for an attack on the king. Some programs, Komodo and Crafty for example, prefer Qh6.

[Event "Houdini01"]
[Site "HOWARD-PC"]
[Date "2010.12.18"]
[Round "11"]
[White "Houdini_15_x64"]
[Black "Stockfish-19-64-ja"]
[Result "1-0"]
[BlackElo "3200"]
[Time "21:20:57"]
[WhiteElo "3200"]
[TimeControl "40/1200:40/1200:40/1200"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "r1b1kbnr/pp3ppp/1qn1p3/3pP3/2pP4/P1P2N2/1P3PPP/RNBQKB1R w KQkq - 0 1"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[PlyCount "55"]

1. Nbd2 {+0.03/21 40} Na5 {+0.20/25 23} 2. Be2 {0.00/23 29} Bd7 {+0.20/26
40} 3. Rb1 {-0.01/22 22} Be7 {+0.12/26 23} 4. Qc2 {-0.01/23 25} Nh6
{+0.08/26 60} 5. O-O {-0.03/23 30} Nf5 {+0.24/24 25} 6. g4 {-0.01/23 24}
Nh6 {+0.20/25 22} 7. b4 {+0.20/22 23} cxb3 {+0.04/24 26} 8. Nxb3 {+0.21/21
0} Ba4 {+0.04/25 22} 9. Nfd2 {+0.12/23 128} O-O {+0.16/25 24} 10. Qa2
{+0.14/23 106} Nxb3 {+0.04/24 33} 11. Nxb3 {+0.14/21 0} Qc7 {0.00/24 32}
12. Bd2 {+0.15/21 29} a6 {+0.04/22 35} 13. Qb2 {+0.18/20 23} Bb5 {0.00/25
29} 14. Nc1 {+0.20/21 20} Bxe2 {+0.16/25 23} 15. Nxe2 {+0.20/19 0} Qc4
{0.00/26 34} 16. Bxh6 {+0.21/20 21} gxh6 {+0.24/18 7} 17. f4 {+0.23/22 39}
Bxa3 {0.00/24 32} 18. Qd2 {+0.64/21 30} b5 {0.00/26 32} 19. f5 {+0.89/20
29} Kh8 {0.00/27 34} 20. Ra1 {+1.92/21 37} Be7 {-2.10/22 41} 21. f6
{+1.90/23 39} Bd8 {-2.26/23 33} 22. Rf3 {+2.47/20 7} Rg8 {-2.74/24 22} 23.
Rh3 {+2.47/19 0} Rg6 {-2.74/24 41} 24. Rxh6 {+3.49/20 34} Kg8 {-3.19/23 27}
25. Rxg6+ {+2.47/17 0} fxg6 {-3.47/23 32} 26. Nf4 {+3.50/22 26} Qc8
{-3.87/22 52} 27. Rf1 {+4.47/21 27} Ra7 {-4.76/25 23} 28. Nh3 {+4.47/19 0}
... {1-0 Arena Adjudication} 1-0

Re: Houdini 1.5 vs Stockfish 1.9

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 4:19 am
by Howard E
8/pp2rrk1/3p1bq1/P2Pp3/1P3p1p/5P1R/1BR3PP/2Q3K1 w - - 0 23

If I asked my 10 year old chess student, "what do you think of white's rook on h3?",
he'd reply, "well .... not very good".

This is comical of course given the strength of the program involved.
Does it remind anyone of the scene from the movie Rainman, where Dustin Hoffman rattles off all kinds of mathematical oddities, yet is baffled by how much change is given from one dollar for a 50 cent chocolate bar purchase?

Enjoy the game ...

[Event "Houdini01"]
[Site "HOWARD-PC"]
[Date "2010.12.19"]
[Round "21"]
[White "Houdini_15_x64"]
[Black "Stockfish-19-64-ja"]
[Result "0-1"]
[BlackElo "3200"]
[Time "11:40:32"]
[WhiteElo "3200"]
[TimeControl "40/1200:40/1200:40/1200"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "r1bq1rk1/ppp1npbp/3p2p1/3Pp2n/1PP1P3/2N2N2/P3BPPP/R1BQR1K1 b - - 0 1"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[PlyCount "70"]

1. ... f5 {-0.16/20 23} 2. Rb1 {+0.31/20 46} Nf6 {-0.16/22 36} 3. Bd3
{+0.38/21 31} fxe4 {-0.20/23 24} 4. Nxe4 {+0.37/20 37} Nxe4 {0.00/23 32} 5.
Bxe4 {+0.36/21 91} Bg4 {-0.20/23 21} 6. Qd3 {+0.41/22 29} Bxf3 {-0.24/23
26} 7. Bxf3 {+0.41/20 0} Nf5 {-0.28/26 28} 8. Bg4 {+0.39/21 22} Qf6
{-0.28/23 27} 9. Re4 {+0.38/19 61} h5 {-0.28/21 23} 10. Bh3 {+0.30/21 24}
Rae8 {-0.28/22 25} 11. Bb2 {+0.40/19 36} Qf7 {-0.32/23 34} 12. a4 {+0.44/19
65} Kh7 {-0.40/22 33} 13. a5 {+0.44/20 20} c6 {-0.20/24 23} 14. Bxf5
{+0.28/21 22} gxf5 {0.00/22 25} 15. Rh4 {+0.24/22 44} cxd5 {-0.20/25 34}
16. cxd5 {+0.20/22 34} Qg6 {0.00/25 36} 17. Qd1 {+0.18/21 72} Kh6 {0.00/25
32} 18. Rc1 {+0.13/20 38} Re7 {+0.16/24 35} 19. Rh3 {+0.10/20 18} f4
{+0.40/23 34} 20. Rc4 {+0.01/22 117} Bf6 {+0.40/21 26} 21. f3 {-0.02/21 87}
Kg7 {+0.40/21 24} 22. Rc2 {-0.10/19 47} Rff7 {+0.92/25 23} 23. Qc1
{-0.14/19 11} h4 {+1.01/23 31} 24. Rc3 {-0.34/19 12} Qf5 {+1.13/24 35} 25.
Ba1 {-0.26/18 26} Kg6 {+1.45/23 35} 26. a6 {-0.46/18 32} Rg7 {+2.26/22 34}
27. Kh1 {-0.71/17 17} bxa6 {+2.82/24 30} 28. Bb2 {-1.25/19 21} e4 {+3.83/23
26} 29. Rb3 {-1.51/19 17} e3 {+3.83/23 22} 30. Bxf6 {-1.99/20 14} Kxf6
{+4.72/24 35} 31. Qa1+ {-2.43/18 11} Qe5 {+5.09/26 34} 32. Rb1 {-3.14/19
10} Qxa1 {+5.61/25 29} 33. Rxa1 {-2.50/17 0} Rh7 {+6.58/27 33} 34. Kg1
{-3.35/20 10} Ke5 {+6.86/28 26} 35. Rc1 {-3.57/20 9} Kxd5 {+7.87/26 33} 36.
Kf1 {-3.77/20 8} ... {0-1 Arena Adjudication} 0-1

Re: Houdini 1.5 vs Stockfish 1.9

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:18 am
by Howard E
6q1/1Qp2rkp/1p6/1PbPp1p1/4PpP1/p2B1P1P/P2K4/2R5 w - - bm Rxc5;

Black (Houdini) just played Bd6-c5 and Stockfish won with Rxc5. Do other engines play Rxc5?
Also avoiding Bc5 one move earlier is a good test position.

Re: Houdini 1.5 vs Stockfish 1.9

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:21 am
by Howard E
Another test position with g4 and an unstoppable King side attack.
r2r2k1/1pq1bppp/2n2n2/p3pP2/2PpN3/PP1P1B1P/5QP1/1RB2R1K w - - bm g4;

This was a win for Houdini.