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Sjeng c't 2010 32b running for the IPON

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:16 pm
by IWB
As usuall you find the rating here:

Have fun

Re: Sjeng c't 2010 32b running for the IPON

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:20 pm
by IWB

Test of Deep Sjeng c't 2010 finished.

Just awsome!

GCP, please release the Deep and 64bit Version. I am willing to pay for it!


Re: Sjeng c't 2010 32b running for the IPON

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 4:31 am
by Zarkon
Is it available for free download?

Re: Sjeng c't 2010 32b running for the IPON

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 9:09 am
by IWB
Zarkon wrote:Is it available for free download?
NO, but it is available for free - almost :-)

It is part of a the german computermagazin "c't", issue 24 from last monday. On that CD is a full Version of the latest Shredder Classic 4 GUI + Shredder Classic Engine as well and all that for 3.7€!


Re: Sjeng c't 2010 32b running for the IPON

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 1:08 am
by Zarkon
IWB wrote:Hi
Zarkon wrote:Is it available for free download?
NO, but it is available for free - almost :-)

It is part of a the german computermagazin "c't", issue 24 from last monday. On that CD is a full Version of the latest Shredder Classic 4 GUI + Shredder Classic Engine as well and all that for 3.7€!

Wow - that does sound a bargain, especially the Shredder GUI for free!

Re: Sjeng c't 2010 32b running for the IPON

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:46 am
by thorstenczub
especially if you relate the 3.70 for sjeng with the money you would have to pay for
junior :-)

it started good in my tournament...
Motor                     Punkte     De   Cr   Ti   St   Fi   Ho   Iv   St   Na   Ko   De   Hi   Gu   Cr   Za   De   Ha   Jo   Ti   No   Sp   Gu   Pr   To   Ch   Ch   Pr   Ne   Cr   Ar   Ku   De   Bi   Ga    S-B
01: Deep Rybka 4 x64 [t1]     81,0/106 ···· =10= 11=0 ==1= ===1 ==== ==== ==11 1=11 ==== ==01 =111 0110 ==1  11=1 1=11 11== =11= 1=   1111 111= =111 1111 111  11   11   11   11   =    1    111  =    111  1     3433,2
02: Crab-x64_PGO [t1]         80,0/102 =01= ···· ==== ==0= 1=1= 11=0 1111 1==0 =1== 111= 1=01 1111 10=1 =1=  10=1 =111 1111 1111 ==   11=1 1111 1111 1111 1=1  1=   11   1=   11   1         11        111        3569,2
03: Tinapa1.01 [t1]           79,5/103 00=1 ==== ···· =0== =0== 1=01 0011 1==1 00== =111 1101 ==== 11=1 1==  1111 1111 1111 1111 =1   1111 11=1 1=11 1111 111  11   11   11   11   1         111       111        3338,7
04: Stockfish-18-64-ja [t1]   78,5/102 ==0= ==1= =1== ···· 0010 10=1 00== ==== =111 1=1= 1=01 1111 1=11 11=  1=11 1111 1=11 11=1 11   0==1 1=11 =111 1111 111  11   11   11   11   1         11        111        3406,0
05: Fire_131_x64_KLO [t1]     76,5/103 ===0 0=0= =1== 1101 ···· 1==1 1=== 1=== =1=1 111= 111= =111 01=1 010  =1== 1=11 =1== 1=11 10   11=1 111= 11== 111= 111  1=   =1   11   11        1    111       111        3377,5
06: Houdini103_x64_1CPU       73,0/103 ==== 00=1 0=10 01=0 0==0 ···· 1=1= 0101 0=1= =10= 1=1= =1=1 11=1 0==  111= =101 11=1 1=1= =1   11=1 1111 1111 1011 11=  11   11   11   11        1    111       111        3046,5
07: IvanHoe53_64 [t1]         72,5/103 ==== 0000 1100 11== 0=== 0=0= ···· 00=1 1=1= ==1= =1=1 11=1 ==11 =0=  ==1= 1==1 10== 11== =1   1111 1111 1111 1111 111  11   11   1=   11   1         111       111        3005,0
08: Stockfish-191-64-ja [t1]  70,5/103 ==00 0==1 0==0 ==== 0=== 1010 11=0 ···· =0== ==1= =111 ==1= ==11 1=0  ==1= 111= 111= 111= 10   1111 1110 1111 11=1 1==  =1   =1   1=   11   1         111       111        2968,2
09: Naum4.2_64 [t1]           67,5/102 0=00 =0== 11== =000 =0=0 1=0= 0=0= =1== ···· 1=== =110 10=1 1111 0=1  101= 1=11 1=== 1111 =?   11== =11= 1111 1=11 1=1  11   =1   11   1=   =    1    11        111        2796,7
10: Komodo-12-64-ja           60,0/99  ==== 000= =000 0=0= 000= =01= ==0= ==0= 0=== ···· =1== 1==1 =11= =1   1=== ==11 =111 111= ==   111= 11=1 0==1 111= 11   11   1    =1   =1        0    111       11         2486,2
11: DeepShredder12UCIx64 [t1] 57,0/102 ==10 0=10 0010 0=10 000= 0=0= =0=0 =000 =001 =0== ···· 1=01 =0== =0   =111 11=1 01=1 =101 10   1=1= 01== 111= ==11 ==1  11   ==   11   11   1    1    111       11         2237,0
12: Hiarcs12MPUCI [t1]        55,0/105 =000 0000 ==== 0000 =000 =0=0 00=0 ==0= 01=0 0==0 0=10 ···· 1=== =01  =00= 11=1 111= ==11 01   1001 =1== 1111 1111 =1=  1=   11   ==   11   1    1    111  0    111        1977,7
13: Gull 012a x64             53,5/103 1001 01=0 00=0 0=00 10=0 00=0 ==00 ==00 0000 =00= =1== 0=== ···· 1==  0=11 =0=0 ==1= 1=0= 1=   11== 1111 ==1= 111= 11=  1=   11   01   1=   1         111       111        2030,7
14: Critter_0.70_64bit [t1]   48,5/78  ==0  =0=  0==  00=  101  1==  =1=  0=1  1=0  =0   =1   =10  0==  ···· ===  0=1  ==1  111  11   11=  =1   1==  ==   =11  11   =1   1=   11   =         111       1=         2006,0
15: Zappa Mexico II x64 [t1]  47,0/101 00=0 01=0 0000 0=00 =0== 000= ==0= ==0= 010= 0=== =000 =11= 1=00 ===  ···· 0==1 11=0 0==0 0=   11== =1=1 1000 =1== 111  =    11   1=   11   =         11        111        1838,0
16: Deep-onno-1-2-70-x64 [t1] 45,0/101 0=00 =000 0000 0000 0=00 =010 0==0 000= 0=00 ==00 00=0 00=0 =1=1 1=0  1==0 ···· 101= 11== =0   =1=0 1=1= 1==1 ==11 =1   =1   1=   11   11        1    111       11         1560,0
17: Hannibal1.0ax64           43,0/103 00== 0000 0000 0=00 =0== 00=0 01== 000= 0=== =000 10=0 000= ==0= ==0  00=1 010= ···· ==01 0=   ==11 0=01 1==1 1=11 01=  =1   ==   =1   11        1    111       1=1        1546,0
18: Jonny400                  37,5/102 =00= 0000 0000 00=0 0=00 0=0= 00== 000= 0000 000= =010 ==00 0=1= 000  1==1 00== ==10 ···· 00   =1=1 =0== 1=1= 0011 =01  00   10   11   11        1    111       11         1315,2
19: Tinapa1.01 [EN setting]   36,5/59  0=   ==   =0   00   01   =0   =0   01   =?   ==   01   10   0=   00   1=   =1   1=   11   ···· 1=   11   1=   11   ==   1=   11   11   11   =    1    11        11         1269,5
20: Now2t                     34,0/102 0000 00=0 0000 1==0 00=0 00=0 0000 0000 00== 000= 0=0= 0110 00== 00=  00== =0=1 ==00 =0=0 0=   ···· ==== =110 01=0 11   10   ==   1=   =1        1    101       111        1179,0
21: Spike 1.2                 34,0/100 000= 0000 00=0 0=00 000= 0000 0000 0001 =00= 00=0 10== =0== 0000 =0   =0=0 0=0= 1=10 =1== 00   ==== ···· 0110 01=1 0=   =0   11   1=   =1        1    111       11         1153,5
22: Gull 09 x64               32,5/102 =000 0000 0=00 =000 00== 0000 0000 0000 0000 1==0 000= 0000 ==0= 0==  0111 0==0 0==0 0=0= 0=   =001 1001 ···· 1=01 =01  =0   1=   11   11   0         11        111        1080,2
23: ProDeo 1.5                27,0/99  0000 0000 0000 0000 000= 0100 0000 00=0 0=00 000= ==00 0000 000= ==   =0== ==00 0=00 1100 00   10=1 10=0 0=10 ···· 0=   0=   01   1    11        1    111       11         832,50
24: TornadoChess4.0_x64       24,0/77  000  0=0  000  000  000  00=  000  0==  0=0  00   ==0  =0=  00=  =00  000  =0   10=  =10  ==   00   1=   =10  1=   ···· =1   10   00   =1   =         111       11         745,25
25: ChessTiger2007.1          19,5/58  00   0=   00   00   0=   00   00   =0   00   00   00   0=   0=   00   =    =0   =0   11   0=   01   =1   =1   1=   =0   ···· 00   ==   10   ?    1    11        11         554,25
26: ChessTiger2007.1 [gambit] 18,0/58  00   00   00   00   =0   00   00   =0   =0   0    ==   00   00   =0   00   0=   ==   01   00   ==   00   0=   10   01   11   ···· 1=   11   0         1=        11         483,75
27: ProDeo1.8 [!m02ma12]      14,5/58  00   0=   00   00   00   00   0=   0=   00   =0   00   ==   10   0=   0=   00   =0   00   00   0=   0=   00   0    11   ==   0=   ···· 0=   0         11        11         446,00
28: Nejmet 3.07               10,5/61  00   00   00   00   00   00   00   00   0=   =0   00   00   0=   00   00   00   00   00   00   =0   =0   00   00   =0   01   00   1=   ···· =    0    1=        11   1     191,50
29: Crafty-234-64-ja          8,0/20   =    0    0    0              0    0    =         0    0    0    =    =                   =              1         =    ?    1    1    =    ···· 1                   =     226,25
30: Arasanx12.2-64            3,5/20   0                   0    0              0    1    0    0                   0    0    0    0    0    0         0         0              1    0    ···· =    0    1           74,25
31: Kurt_0_9_2_beta_x64       3,5/77   000  00   000  00   000  000  000  000  00   000  000  000  000  000  00   000  000  000  00   010  000  00   000  000  00   0=   00   0=        =    ····      10          52,00
32: Deepsjeng2010_32_ct       2,5/3    =                                                      1                                                                                         1         ····             99,00
33: Bikjump2.01_64bit         2,0/74   000  000  000  000  000  000  000  000  000  00   00   000  000  0=   000  00   0=0  00   00   000  00   000  00   00   00   00   00   00        0    01        ····        49,25
34: Gaviota0.80-win-64        0,5/3    0                                                                                                                                      0    =                        ····    4,00

1396 Partien von 2244 gespielt
Name des Turniers: Arena Turnier
Ort/ Land: ORION8-LATITUDE, Deutschland
Spielstufe: Turnier 40/20
Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU         T7600  @ 2.33GHz  mit 2.048 MB Speicher
Betriebssystem: Microsoft Windows Vista Professional (Build 6000)
PGN-Datei: C:\schach\arena201\Arena.pgn
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