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Booot 5.2.0 running for the IPON

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 9:18 pm
by IWB
here: you find the tourney.

If Booot comes out with more than 2706 Elo it will push good old Zappa out of the Top 20. That is especially remarkable as Boot is written "just" in Pascal and for sure has a performance handicap compared to the other C/C++ engines there!

Have fun

Re: Booot 5.2.0 running for the IPON

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 11:19 am
by lucasart
That makes Toga 3.0 the last of the top 20 list. So, in order to enter in the IPON rating list, engines need to be at least as strong as Toga 3.0, if I understand correctly. This is very hard, and there are very few engines written from scratch these days that reach that level (Booot is one of them though).

Would you consider making a "Second division" for engines ranked 21 to 40 ?

PS: Perhaps one day DiscoCheck will make it into the IPON rating list, but it's a moving target :roll:

Re: Booot 5.2.0 running for the IPON

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 2:18 pm
by IWB
That makes Toga 3.0 the last of the top 20 list. So, in order to enter in the IPON rating list, engines need to be at least as strong as Toga 3.0, if I understand correctly.
This is very hard, and there are very few engines written from scratch these days that reach that level (Booot is one of them though).
Booot is not writen from scratch - a least not this version - it is a continues improvement. (Unfortunately the last Booot was not able to ponder correctly)
Would you consider making a "Second division" for engines ranked 21 to 40 ?
Absolutly, it is just a matter of money someone is willing to pay for it :-). Just keep in mind that all my comps running full power for the IPON consume 1.5 kWh and I need about 20h (0.29€/kWh here in Germany) to finish ONE run with 2850 games (right now it is not running full, therefore longer). At the moment I am paying this out of my private pocket.
PS: Perhaps one day DiscoCheck will make it into the IPON rating list, but it's a moving target :roll:
I understand you point but hope you understand mine as well. I have to move hat target to have acceptable costs.

Nonetheless I hope that your enigne manages to get into the Top 20


PS: From time to time I made an exception for an engine if I was very bored ;-)

Re: Booot 5.2.0 running for the IPON

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 12:19 am
by User923005
I see no booot games and no rating for booot

Re: Booot 5.2.0 running for the IPON

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 6:15 am
by IWB
User923005 wrote:I see no booot games and no rating for booot
Patience, I am just remote and will make the new full list available Monday late.

But the rating for Boost will be 2740, just ebhind Junior 13. I checked that already.


Re: Booot 5.2.0 running for the IPON

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 5:42 pm
by IWB
Sorry for the delay, but sometimes private life (aka 'weekend') interferes.

Booot 5.2.0 is finished and can be seen at

It pushed Zappa Mexico II out of the Top 20 after 5 Years and 4 monthes!


Re: Booot 5.2.0 running for the IPON

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 7:43 pm
by User923005
Interesting. The Booot program is only 32 bits. Because it is a bitboard program, it should get a very big boost from a 64 bit compile.
It is easy to convert to 64 bits for the bitboard stuff using freepascal:

Code: Select all

function BitScanForward(var BB: TBitBoard): Integer;     // for 32
// Àññåìáëåðíàÿ ïðîöåäóðà ïîèñêà åäèíè÷íîãî áèòà â áèòáîðäå
// ïîèñê îñóùåñòâëÿåòñÿ "âïåðåä",ò.å îò 0 äî 63 áèòà
//Íà âõîäå- áèòáîàðä (íåíóëåâîé!), íà âûõîäå - íîìåð ïåðâîãî íàéäåíîãî "1"-áèòà.
// Åñëè ïîäàòü íóëåâîé áèòáîàðä - íà âûõîäå 0 (âîçìîæíà îøèáêà!!!)
{$ifdef CPU64}
result := Integer(BsfQWord(BB));
 //  bsf rax,qword ptr [bb]  {64}
       bsf eax, dword ptr [BB]
       jnz @@2
  @@0: bsf eax, dword ptr [BB+04h]
       add eax, 20h

function BitScanBackward(var BB: TBitBoard): Integer;   // for 32
// Àññåìáëåðíàÿ ïðîöåäóðà ïîèñêà åäèíè÷íîãî áèòà â áèòáîðäå
// ïîèñê îñóùåñòâëÿåòñÿ "íàçàä",ò.å îò 63 äî 1 áèòà
//Íà âõîäå - áèòáîàðä(íåíóëåâîé!), íà âûõîäå - íîìåð ïåðâîãî íàéäåíîãî "1"-áèòà.
// Åñëè ïîäàòü íóëåâîé áèòáîàðä - íà âûõîäå 0 (âîçìîæíà îøèáêà!!!)
{$ifdef CPU64}
result := Integer(BsrQWord(BB));
//   bsr rax,qword ptr[bb] {64}
     bsr eax, dword ptr [BB+04h]
       jz @@0
       add eax, 20h
       jnz @@2
  @@0: bsr eax, dword ptr [BB]

However, the I/O stuff won't convert nicely so porting to 64 bits is not as simple as I had hoped.

Re: Booot 5.2.0 running for the IPON

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 7:51 pm
by IWB
User923005 wrote:Interesting. The Booot program is only 32 bits. ...
I run the delivered 64bit windows version!


Re: Booot 5.2.0 running for the IPON

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 8:05 pm
by User923005
I only downloaded the code.
From looking at the code, I do not understand how it can even run in 64 bit mode.
The get first bit and get last bit routines are strictly delivered in 32 bit assembly code.
There must be another code base that was not released.

Re: Booot 5.2.0 running for the IPON

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 8:13 pm
by User923005
Now I see in the code that the 64 bit assembly is simply commented out.
You change the comments for 32 or 64 bit compile.