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Not able to test Stockfish 2.2.1 JA 64bit SEE4.2

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:24 pm
by mwyoung
Stockfish 2.2.1 64bit SEE4.2 will not run in tournament mode under Fritz 13. The Engines run in engine vs engine mode as well as a stand alone engine for play or analysis.
When setup to run in a tournament. The error window says stockfish 2.2.1 is undefined.

Re: Not able to test Stockfish 2.2.1 JA 64bit SEE4.2

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:20 pm
by AnthonyTheSage
I had this same problem with Deep Junior 12.5. Fritz doesn't like long filenames. You need to find the fritz engine file for stockfish and shorten the name. I don't use fritz anymore I switched to chess assistant so I can't remember exactly where the engine files are stored. I believe its something like c/documents and settings/owner/applications/chessbase/engines. Something along those lines anyways. Once you find the file its an easy fix, just open with notepad and shorten the name at the top. Cheers.