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TCEC Division B (150m + 30s) LIVE broacast! Starts 23/3

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:20 am
by Martin Thoresen
TCEC Division B - Season 2


Official discussion thread:
NB: You need to be registered in order to participate or view the discussion on the official site.

For live chat please visit
NB: Don't pay too much attention to their built-in computer analysis since it's running multi pv which slows it down considerably.

Code: Select all

N Engine      Pts  SB   Za Sp Ju Na Sp Hi 

1 Zappa       0.0 0.00     -- -- -- -- -- 
1 Spark       0.0 0.00  --    -- -- -- -- 
1 Junior      0.0 0.00  -- --    -- -- -- 
1 Naum        0.0 0.00  -- -- --    -- -- 
1 Spike       0.0 0.00  -- -- -- --    -- 
1 Hiarcs      0.0 0.00  -- -- -- -- --    
NB: Engine updates are allowed only until the tournament starts,
and then the engine version numbers will be added.

CPU: Intel Core i7 980x @ 4198 MHz
MB: Asus Rampage III Gene
RAM: 12 GB Corsair
OS: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Threads: Up to 6 per engine.
Tournament length: 30 games (15 openings + 15 reversed openings).
Openings: Randomly selected from the TCEC main opening book consisting of 9106 openings.
All openings are fixed to 10 moves and analyzed by a top engine for approximately 24 seconds.

Time Control:
150 minutes + 30 seconds added per move for the whole game.

Graphical User Interface:
Type: ChessGUI
Resign: +/- 7.50 eval for 5 moves in a row (both engines)
Draw: An eval of +0.05/-0.05 for 5 moves in a row (both engines - only possible at move 30 or later)
If there is a pawn advance, or a capture by any kind, this draw counter will reset
Ponder: Off
Hash: Max 4096 MB per engine
Endgame tablebases: For any engine using these, all 3-4-5 men are available (Nalimov, Gaviota etc.)
Endgame cache: Up to 256 MB

For complete information on the rules and hardware, see the Information page.

The winner will play in TCEC A next season while the engine
finishing last will have to play TCEC C for next season.

For news and updates check the News Forum regularly.

Re: TCEC Division B (150m + 30s) LIVE broacast! Starts 23/3

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:10 pm
by Martin Thoresen

Re: TCEC Division B (150m + 30s) LIVE broacast! Starts 23/3

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 11:28 pm
by Martin Thoresen
Standings after 3 of 10 rounds:

Code: Select all

N Engine          Pts   SB   S J Z S N H 

1 Spark 1.0       2.5  2.25      = 1   1 
2 Junior 12.0     2.5  2.00        = 1 1 
3 Zappa Mexico II 1.5  2.25  =     = =   
4 Spike 1.4       1.0  2.00  0 = =       
5 Naum 4.2        1.0  1.00    0 =     = 
6 Hiarcs 13.2     0.5  0.50  0 0     =   
I urge people to visit the live site now, the current
game between Spark and Junior is pretty wild!

Re: TCEC Division B (150m + 30s) LIVE broacast! Starts 23/3

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:24 am
by BB+
Been a tough go for HIARCS so far. Here was a round 3 loss, starting from a tablebase draw:[White "HIARCS 13.2"][Black "Junior 12"][Event "TCEC B"][Round "3.1"][FEN "8/5p2/7k/8/1p4K1/3B4/8/4b3 w - - 0 77"][Result "0-1"]
77. Kf5 Kg7 78. Bc4 Bd2 79. Bb3 Bc1 80. Bd5 Bb2 81. Bc4 Bd4 82. Ke4 Bf2 83. Kf5 Bh4 84. Bb3 Kf8 85. Kg4 Be1 86. Kh5 Ke7 87. Kg4 Kf6 88. Bc4 Bc3 89. Bd5 Kg6 90. Be4+ Kg7 91. Bd5 Kf6 92. Bc4 Ke7 93. Kf5 Kf8 94. Kf4 Kg7 95. Kf5 Bb2 96. Bd5 Ba1 97. Be4 Kf8 98. Bd5 Bc3 99. Bc4 Bd4 100. Ke4 Bb2 101. Kf5 Ke7 102. Bb3 Bf6 103. Kf4 Bc3 104. Kf5 Bd4 105. Bc4 Bg7 106. Bd5 Bh6 107. Bb3 Be3 108. Bd5 Bf2 109. Bb3 Kf8 110. Kf4 Be1 111. Bc4 Ke7 112. Kf5 Bd2 113. Bb3 Ke8 114. Bd5 Be1 115. Bb3 Kf8 116. Bd5 Kg8 117. Bb3 Bf2 118. Kg4 Bd4 119. Kf4 Bc3 120. Bc4 Be1 121. Bb3 Bh4 122. Ke4 Kf8 123. Kd3? Kg7 124. Kc4 Be1 125. Kd3 f5 126. Ke2 Bc3 127. Kd3 Kf6 128. Ke3 Ke5 129. Bc2 Be1 130. Bd1 Bh4 131. Kd3 Kf4 132. Bb3 Kg3 133. Bg8 f4 134. Ke2 f3+ 135. Kf1 Kf4 136. Bb3 Ke3 137. Bd5 f2 138. Bb3 Kd4 139. Bg8 Kc3 140. Ke2 b3 141. Bh7 Kb2 142. Bg8 Kc2 143. Bf7 b2 0-1Maybe some problem with the 50-move rule and transpositions caused the blunder? Seem rather clear the King should stand close to the f-pawn.

Re: TCEC Division B (150m + 30s) LIVE broacast! Starts 23/3

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:56 pm
by Martin Thoresen
Standings after 7 of 10 rounds:

Code: Select all

N Engine          Pts   SB    Sp Za Na Ju Sp Hi 

1 Spark 1.0       5.5  14.50     == =  1  1  11 
2 Zappa Mexico II 4.5  14.50  ==    =  1  == 1  
3 Naum 4.2        4.0  10.50  =  =     0= 1  =1 
4 Junior 12.0     4.0  10.00  0  0  1=    =1 1  
5 Spike 1.4       2.0   7.00  0  == 0  =0    =  
6 Hiarcs 13.2     1.0   3.00  00 0  =0 0  =     

Re: TCEC Division B (150m + 30s) LIVE broacast! Starts 23/3

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:26 am
by AnthonyTheSage
Cheers for Zappa. Amazing the old engine can still hold its own.

Re: TCEC Division B (150m + 30s) LIVE broacast! Starts 23/3

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:20 am
by BB+
Crunch time for HIARCS, needing a last-round victory over Spike to avoid relegation. Enter the Cunningham Gambit:
[White "HIARCS"][Black "Spike"][Event "TCEC B"][Round "10.3"][Result "*"]
1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 Be7 4. Nc3 Bh4+ 5. Ke2 d5 6. Nxd5 Nf6 7. Nxf6+ Qxf6 8. d4 Bg4 9. Qd2 Nc6 10. c3 g5 11. Kd1 Bxf3+ 12. gxf3 O-O-O 13. Kc2 Rhe8 14. Qg2 Qd6 15. Bd2 f5 16. Be1 Bxe1 17. Rxe1 Nxd4+ 18. cxd4 Qxd4 19. a3 h5 20. Kb1 g4 21. Rc1 gxf3 22. Qc2 Qxe4 23. Bh3 Rd5Seems that Black didn't play this too well for a few moves there, and the piece sac has gone down the drain with only the isolated tripled pawns to show for it. Spike took an hour for the first 6 non-book moves, while HIARCS took about 15-20 minutes.

Re: TCEC Division B (150m + 30s) LIVE broacast! Starts 23/3

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:29 pm
by Martin Thoresen
Final standings after 10 of 10 rounds:

Code: Select all

N Engine           Pts   SB    Sp Na Za Ju Sp Hi 

1 Spark 1.0        7.0  30.25     == == 1= 1= 11 
2 Naum 4.2         6.0  27.50  ==    =1 0= 1= =1 
3 Zappa Mexico II  5.5  25.50  == =0    1= == 1= 
4 Junior 12.0      5.0  23.50  0= 1= 0=    =1 10 
5 Spike 1.4        3.5  17.50  0= 0= == =0    == 
6 Hiarcs 13.2      3.0  14.25  00 =0 0= 01 ==    
Congratulations to Spark (& Allard Siemelink!) for winning
this in style being the only undefeated engine.

See you all in 3 days for TCEC A with the strongest engines on the planet.
