Time management: Rybka vs IvanHoe

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Re: Time management: Rybka vs IvanHoe

Post by kingliveson » Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:19 pm

Code: Select all

Ivanhoe v Rybka R005, Blitz:5'  2010                   

1   Deep Rybka 4 x64   +14/=25/-11 53.00%   26.5/50
2   IvanHoe 9.57b x64  +11/=25/-14 47.00%   23.5/50
† 25 Positions (test suite)
† 3-4-5 Nalimov/Robbobase
† 128 MB Hash
† Ponder Off
† Athlon 64 X2 6000+ @ 3100 MHz
† 2 Cores
† 5+0 Time Control

TC 2.72.115 (Recommended, default 3.80.100)

TimeEasyFactor 12 (default 15)
TimeOrdinaryFactor 51 (default 75)
TimeAbsolutePercent 20 (default 25)

Pawn Hash 8 MB (1/16 or 1/8 Hash Recommended, default 4)
BufferTime 2000 (1000 = 1 second, default 0)
AllowInstantMoveFromHash Off

On System 2

Code: Select all

Rybka vs IvanHoe , Blitz:5'                             

1   IvanHoe 9.57b x64       +16/=24/-10 56.00%   28.0/50
2   Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 x64  +10/=24/-16 44.00%   22.0/50
† 25 Positions (test suite)
† 3-4-5 Nalimov/Robbobase
† 256 MB Hash
† Ponder Off
† Phenom II 940
† 4 Cores
† 5+0 Time Control

TC 2.72.115 (Recommended, default 3.80.100)

TimeEasyFactor 12 (default 15)
TimeOrdinaryFactor 51 (default 75)
TimeAbsolutePercent 20 (default 25)
Pawn Hash 16 MB (1/16 or 1/8 Hash Recommended, default 4)
BufferTime 2000 (1000 = 1 second, default 0)
AllowInstantMoveFromHash Off

Game data available: http://chess.cygnitec.com/pgn/
PAWN : Knight >> Bishop >> Rook >>Queen

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Re: Time management: Rybka vs IvanHoe

Post by kingliveson » Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:19 pm

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Ivanhoe v Rybka R005, Blitz:5'  2010

1   IvanHoe 9.57b x64  +13/=27/-10 53.00%   26.5/50
2   Deep Rybka 4 x64   +10/=27/-13 47.00%   23.5/50
† 25 Positions (test suite)
† 3-4-5 Nalimov/Robbobase
† 128 MB Hash
† Ponder Off
† Athlon 64 X2 6000+ @ 3100 MHz
† 2 Cores
† 5+0 Time Control

TC 2.72.115 (Recommended, default 3.80.100)

TimeEasyFactor 13 (default 15)
TimeOrdinaryFactor 48 (default 75)
TimeAbsolutePercent 20 (default 25)

Pawn Hash 16 MB (1/16 or 1/8 Hash Recommended, default 4)
BufferTime 2000 (1000 = 1 second, default 0)
AllowInstantMoveFromHash Off

On System 2

Code: Select all

Rybka vs IvanHoe , Blitz:5' 
1   IvanHoe 9.57b x64       +11/=33/-6 55.00%   27.5/50
2   Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 x64  +6/=33/-11 45.00%   22.5/50
† 25 Positions (test suite)
† 3-4-5 Nalimov/Robbobase
† 256 MB Hash
† Ponder Off
† Phenom II 940
† 4 Cores
† 5+0 Time Control

TC 2.72.115 (Recommended, default 3.80.100)

TimeEasyFactor 13 (default 15)
TimeOrdinaryFactor 48 (default 75)
TimeAbsolutePercent 20 (default 25)
Pawn Hash 32 MB (1/16 or 1/8 Hash Recommended, default 4)
BufferTime 2000 (1000 = 1 second, default 0)
AllowInstantMoveFromHash Off

Game data available: http://chess.cygnitec.com/pgn/
PAWN : Knight >> Bishop >> Rook >>Queen

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Re: Time management: Rybka vs IvanHoe

Post by kingliveson » Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:47 pm

Code: Select all

Ivanhoe v Rybka R006, Blitz:5'  2010                    

1   IvanHoe 9.57b x64  +17/=24/-9 58.00%   29.0/50
2   Deep Rybka 4 x64   +9/=24/-17 42.00%   21.0/50
† 25 Positions (test suite)
† 3-4-5 Nalimov/Robbobase
† 128 MB Hash
† Ponder Off
† Athlon 64 X2 6000+ @ 3100 MHz
† 2 Cores
† 5+0 Time Control

TC 2.72.115 (Recommended, default 3.80.100)

TimeEasyFactor 13 (default 15)
TimeOrdinaryFactor 48 (default 75)
TimeAbsolutePercent 20 (default 25)

Pawn Hash 16 MB (1/16 or 1/8 Hash Recommended, default 4)
BufferTime 2000 (1000 = 1 second, default 0)
AllowInstantMoveFromHash Off

Game data available: http://chess.cygnitec.com/pgn/

Note: I am quite confident that using these time management settings against Rybka 4's best in sudden death matches, IvanHoe 999957 is stronger. Keep in mind this setting is only for your sudden death matches. I am still fine tuning repeating time control.

Interesting 30 move game:

[Event "Ivanhoe v Rybka R006, Blitz:5'"]
[Site "W0111D0010"]
[Date "2010.07.03"]
[Round "42"]
[White "Deep Rybka 4 x64"]
[Black "IvanHoe 9.57b x64"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D45"]
[Annotator "0.33;0.31"]
[PlyCount "60"]
[EventDate "2010.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]

{AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+ W=13.5 plies; 184kN/s B=17.3
plies; 2,490kN/s} 1. Nf3 d5 2. d4 Nf6 3. c4 c6 4. Nc3 e6 {Both last book move}
5. e3 {0.33/15 15} a6 {0.31/18 34 (Nbd7)} 6. Qc2 {0.41/13 10} Nbd7 {0.31/17 4}
7. a4 {0.37/13 5} Bd6 {0.19/18 6} 8. c5 {0.35/14 5} Bb8 {0.14/17 1 (Bc7)} 9. b4
{0.41/15 6 (Be2)} O-O {0.00/19 8 (e5)} 10. Be2 {0.34/15 11} e5 {0.00/18 2} 11.
O-O {0.31/14 4} Re8 {-0.04/17 2} 12. Bb2 {0.31/13 12 (a5)} e4 {-0.09/18 6} 13.
Nd2 {0.04/13 4} h5 {-0.17/17 2 (Nf8)} 14. a5 {0.05/11 7 (b5)} Ng4 {-0.49/18 6
(Nf8)} 15. Bxg4 {-0.26/13 6} hxg4 {-0.54/18 2} 16. Rfe1 {-0.32/14 9 (g3)} Re6 {
-0.76/20 12 (Bc7)} 17. g3 {-0.69/15 7} Rh6 {-0.77/19 5 (Bc7)} 18. Ne2 {-0.71/
16 6 (Na4)} Nf8 {-1.03/18 8 (Qg5)} 19. Nf4 {-0.84/12 6} Qf6 {-1.08/17 5 (Ne6)}
20. Re2 {-0.83/12 5 (Qc3)} Qf5 {-1.44/15 3 (g5)} 21. Ng2 {-1.51/12 13} Qh5 {-1.
96/15 2 (Qh7)} 22. Nf1 {-2.02/15 7} Nh7 {-1.99/16 1} 23. Nf4 {-2.02/15 5} Qf5 {
-2.10/16 3} 24. Nd2 {-2.24/14 9 (Kh1)} Ng5 {-2.87/15 5} 25. h4 {-2.24/13 5}
Nf3+ {-3.49/15 3} 26. Kg2 {-3.09/12 6 (Kf1)} g5 {-3.65/18 4} 27. Nb3 {-3.45/11
3 (Rh1)} gxf4 {-4.21/15 4} 28. Rh1 {-7.82/12 6 (exf4)} fxg3 {-9.20/17 4} 29.
fxg3 {-8.46/14 4} Ne1+ {-9.40/19 2} 30. Rexe1 {-9.42/14 3} Qf3+ {-10.08/20 9}
PAWN : Knight >> Bishop >> Rook >>Queen

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Re: Time management: Rybka vs IvanHoe

Post by kingliveson » Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:30 am

Code: Select all

Rybka vs IvanHoe , Blitz:1'                         

1   IvanHoe 9.55b x64       +27/=53/-20 53.50%   53.5/100
2   Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 x64  +20/=53/-27 46.50%   46.5/100
† 50 Positions (test suite)
† 3-4-5 Nalimov/Robbobase
† 128 MB Hash
† Ponder Off
† Phenom II 940
† 4 Cores
† 1+0 Time Control

TC 2.72.115 (Recommended, default 3.80.100)

TimeEasyFactor 13 (default 15)
TimeOrdinaryFactor 48 (default 75)
TimeAbsolutePercent 20 (default 25)
Pawn Hash 16 MB (1/16 or 1/8 Hash Recommended, default 4)
BufferTime 2000 (1000 = 1 second, default 0)
AllowInstantMoveFromHash Off

Note: Rybka 4's time management specialist recommends 1/72/115 for bullets/sudden death matches. I had told him 1 second buffer is not good enough since Rybka still loses on time -- So 2 seconds is used. Rybka lost one game on time.

Game data available: http://chess.cygnitec.com/pgn/
PAWN : Knight >> Bishop >> Rook >>Queen

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Re: Time management: Rybka vs IvanHoe

Post by kingliveson » Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:58 am

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Ivanhoe v Rybka R007, 4'/40+4'/40+4'/40  2010                     

1   Deep Rybka 4 x64   +13/=27/-10 53.00%   26.5/50
2   IvanHoe 9.55b x64  +10/=27/-13 47.00%   23.5/50
† 25 Positions (test suite)
† 3-4-5 Nalimov/Robbobase
† 128 MB Hash
† Ponder Off
† Athlon 64 X2 6000+ @ 3100 MHz
† 2 Cores
† 40/4 Repeating Time Control

TC 3.100.150 (Recommended, default 3.80.100)

TimeEasyFactor 15 (default 15)
TimeOrdinaryFactor 66 (default 75)
TimeAbsolutePercent 25 (default 25)

Pawn Hash 16 MB (1/16 or 1/8 Hash Recommended, default 4)
BufferTime 2000 (1000 = 1 second, default 0)
AllowInstantMoveFromHash Off

On System 2

Code: Select all

Rybka vs IvanHoe , 4'/40+4'/40+4'/40  2010                            

1   IvanHoe 9.55b x64       +15/=26/-9 56.00%   28.0/50
2   Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 x64  +9/=26/-15 44.00%   22.0/50
† 25 Positions (test suite)
† 3-4-5 Nalimov/Robbobase
† 256 MB Hash
† Ponder Off
† Phenom II 940
† 4 Cores
† 40/4 Repeating Time Control

TC 3.100.150 (Recommended, default 3.80.100)

TimeEasyFactor 15 (default 15)
TimeOrdinaryFactor 66 (default 75)
TimeAbsolutePercent 25 (default 25)
Pawn Hash 32 MB (1/16 or 1/8 Hash Recommended, default 4)
BufferTime 2000 (1000 = 1 second, default 0)
AllowInstantMoveFromHash Off

Game data available: http://chess.cygnitec.com/pgn/
PAWN : Knight >> Bishop >> Rook >>Queen

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Re: Time management: Rybka vs IvanHoe

Post by kingliveson » Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:06 pm

Code: Select all

Ivanhoe v Rybka R008, 4'/40+4'/40+4'/40  2010                     

1   Deep Rybka 4 x64   +10/=32/-8 52.00%   26.0/50
2   IvanHoe 9.55b x64  +8/=32/-10 48.00%   24.0/50
† 25 Positions (test suite)
† 3-4-5 Nalimov/Robbobase
† 128 MB Hash
† Ponder Off
† Athlon 64 X2 6000+ @ 3100 MHz
† 2 Cores
† 40/4 Repeating Time Control

TC Buffer 3
TC Normal Move Time 100
TC Max Move Time 150

TimeEasyFactor 14
TimeOrdinaryFactor 64
TimeAbsolutePercent 24
BufferTime 2000
Pawn Hash 8 MB
AllowInstantMoveFromHash Off

Game data available: http://chess.cygnitec.com/pgn/

TimeEasyFactor 20, TimeOrdinaryFactor 240, TimeAbsolutePercent 80 had best result on this hardware. Running another test to see if it can be reproduced.
PAWN : Knight >> Bishop >> Rook >>Queen

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Re: Time management: Rybka vs IvanHoe

Post by kingliveson » Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:11 pm

Code: Select all

Ivanhoe v Rybka R008, 4'/40+4'/40+4'/40  2010                 

1   Deep Rybka 4 x64   +14/=23/-13 51.00%   25.5/50
2   IvanHoe 9.55b x64  +13/=23/-14 49.00%   24.5/50
† 25 Positions (test suite)
† 3-4-5 Nalimov/Robbobase
† 128 MB Hash
† Ponder Off
† Athlon 64 X2 6000+ @ 3100 MHz
† 2 Cores
† 40/4 Repeating Time Control

TC Buffer 3
TC Normal Move Time 100
TC Max Move Time 150

TimeEasyFactor 20
TimeOrdinaryFactor 240
TimeAbsolutePercent 80
BufferTime 2000
Pawn Hash 8 MB
AllowInstantMoveFromHash Off

Game data available: http://chess.cygnitec.com/pgn/
PAWN : Knight >> Bishop >> Rook >>Queen

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Re: Time management: Rybka vs IvanHoe

Post by kingliveson » Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:24 pm

Code: Select all

Rybka vs IvanHoe , Blitz:4'+2  2010                 

1   Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 x64  +12/=28/-10 52.00%   26.0/50
2   IvanHoe 9.55b x64       +10/=28/-12 48.00%   24.0/50
† 25 Positions (test suite)
† 3-4-5 Nalimov/Robbobase
† 256 MB Hash
† Ponder Off
† Phenom II 940
† 4 Cores
† 4+2 Time Control

TC Buffer 3
TC Normal Move Time 100
TC Max Move Time 150

TimeEasyFactor 15
TimeOrdinaryFactor 66
TimeAbsolutePercent 22
BufferTime 2000
Pawn Hash 16 MB
AllowInstantMoveFromHash Off

Game data available: http://chess.cygnitec.com/pgn/

Observation: Rybka's time management configuration is very interesting for this time control. Rybka spends time positioning itself well, and when it gets in time trouble, it still manages to survive/win since the pieces are already well positioned.

TimeEasyFactor 15, TimeOrdinaryFactor 69, TimeAbsolutePercent 23 is slight adjustment allowing Ivanhoe to play a little slower will be tested next.
PAWN : Knight >> Bishop >> Rook >>Queen

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Re: Time management: Rybka vs IvanHoe

Post by kingliveson » Thu Jul 08, 2010 2:56 am

Code: Select all

Ivanhoe v Rybka R008, Blitz:4'+2  2010            

1   Deep Rybka 4 x64   +11/=31/-8 53.00%   26.5/50
2   IvanHoe 9.55b x64  +8/=31/-11 47.00%   23.5/50
† 25 Positions (test suite)
† 3-4-5 Nalimov/Robbobase
† 128 MB Hash
† Ponder Off
† Athlon 64 X2 6000+ @ 3100 MHz
† 2 Cores
† 4+2 Time Control

TC Buffer 3
TC Normal Move Time 100
TC Max Move Time 150

TimeEasyFactor 15
TimeOrdinaryFactor 69
TimeAbsolutePercent 23
BufferTime 2000
Pawn Hash 8 MB
AllowInstantMoveFromHash Off

Game data available: http://chess.cygnitec.com/pgn/

It is time to extend the length of the matches to see how these settings play out. I have settled on the following:

Repeating Time Control

Code: Select all

TimeEasyFactor 14
TimeOrdinaryFactor 64 
TimeAbsolutePercent 24
BufferTime 2000
Sudden Death Time Control

Code: Select all

TimeEasyFactor 13
TimeOrdinaryFactor 48 
TimeAbsolutePercent 20
BufferTime 2000
Incrementing Time Control

Code: Select all

TimeEasyFactor 18
TimeOrdinaryFactor 69 
TimeAbsolutePercent 23 
BufferTime 2000
50 game 4+2 match currently running on the Phenom system with above settings -- after 22 games, +8/=11/-3 in favor of IvanHoe. But again, these results are meaningless until more games are completed. Looks likely Rybka will be a major force to be reckoned with for a time.
PAWN : Knight >> Bishop >> Rook >>Queen

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Re: Time management: Rybka vs IvanHoe

Post by kingliveson » Thu Jul 08, 2010 2:09 pm

Code: Select all

Rybka vs IvanHoe , Blitz:4'+2  2010 

1   IvanHoe 9.55b x64       +14/=29/-7 57.00%   28.5/50
2   Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 x64  +7/=29/-14 43.00%   21.5/50
† 25 Positions (test suite)
† 3-4-5 Nalimov/Robbobase
† 256 MB Hash
† Ponder Off
† Phenom II 940
† 4 Cores
† 4+2 Time Control

TC Buffer 3
TC Normal Move Time 100
TC Max Move Time 150

TimeEasyFactor 18
TimeOrdinaryFactor 69
TimeAbsolutePercent 23
BufferTime 2000
Pawn Hash 16 MB
AllowInstantMoveFromHash Off

Game data available: http://chess.cygnitec.com/pgn/

100 game 4+2 match currently running on the slower Athlon 64 x2 system with above time management settings -- after 58 games, +19/=30/-9 in favor of IvanHoe.
PAWN : Knight >> Bishop >> Rook >>Queen

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