the guest round robin is finished:
The first 8 are promoted to the single elimination tournament:
Code: Select all
Engine Score Ga De Ar Ro Ic Ca Ro At Be Fi S-B
01: Gaviota 1.0 30.0/36 ···· 1000 111= 1111 1=10 1111 111= 111= 1111 1111 465.00
02: Deuterium IGWT II 2014 26.0/36 0111 ···· 0=00 1=01 1011 1111 1011 1==1 1101 1111 406.50
03: Arasan 17.1 25.5/36 000= 1=11 ···· =000 ===1 1111 1=11 111= =111 1111 366.00
04: Rodent 1.4 24.5/36 0000 0=10 =111 ···· 101= ==11 ==11 1111 1111 1110 356.50
05: Ice 1.0 21.5/36 0=01 0100 ===0 010= ···· =10= ==10 1111 1111 1111 292.00
06: Capivara LK 0.09b02c 17.0/36 0000 0000 0000 ==00 =01= ···· 01== 1111 1111 1111 179.50
07: Rodin 7.0 15.0/36 000= 0100 0=00 ==00 ==01 10== ···· 10=1 1=01 1011 208.25
08: Atak 6.8 9.0/36 000= 0==0 000= 0000 0000 0000 01=0 ···· 01=1 1110 106.75
09: Beowulf 2.4a 8.0/36 0000 0010 =000 0000 0000 0000 0=10 10=0 ···· 111= 87.00
10: Fischerle 0.9.50 3.5/36 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0100 0001 000= ···· 52.50
The Knockout table tournament are on tab Guest standings & final tournament - Knockout tournament - Table tournament
The debug file is available on request (by email).
Knockout tournament start 31 MAY at 20:00 (italian time) in same url
Only one match per day; The first match will be Atak 6.8 vs Chiron 2.
Code: Select all
Chiron 2________ 1) ________________
|________________ 2) ________________
Atak 6.8________| | 3) ________________
Rodent 1.4______ | |
|________________| |
Leila 0.53h_____| |
Deuterium IGWT__ | |
|________________ | |
Rattatechess No_| | | |
|________________| |
Hamsters 0.71___ | |
|________________| |
Capivara LK_____| |
Gaviota 1.0_____ |
|________________ |
Matilde 2008____| | |
|________________ |
Pedone 0.4______ | | |
|________________| | |
Ice 1.0_________| | |
Delfi 5.4_______ |
|________________ |
Rodin 7.0_______| | |
Arasan 17.2_____ | ________________
|________________| |________________
ECE 12.01_______| ________________|