Jesus is Caesar

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Re: Jesus is Caesar

Post by Peterpan » Sun May 22, 2011 11:58 am

I'm with the guys saying Jesus is the Savior of this world.God who became flesh,who died,and who has risen on the 3rd day and who still lives now.
He is the way to eternal life,the only way.

What amazes me is that people will fabricate so many stories as to twist the facts of history.

People say many things,they also say there was a Big bang,a little dot (or basically nothing) exploded and formed all we have today.Now this idea is insane and mathematically impossible.And they say as facts that so many million years this and so many million year that,but they don't even know who their great great great great great great great great great grandma's is exactly.I choose not the believe this and choose to believe that i was created,and it is supported by history,facts,and a personal relationship with the Creator Himself,and that i have a purpose in this life.

Jesus Christ came to earth to die in our place for our sins,so that we don't have to pay for it,and so that there can be forgiveness for our sins.We are all sinners and we are all walking the same road,we need a Savior.An act of love by a Loving God.

This is what i believe.


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Re: Jesus is Caesar

Post by thorstenczub » Sun May 22, 2011 1:28 pm

Fabricate??? Facts? ?
The jesus story is pure fabrication. There are no facts about jesus because he never existed.

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Re: Jesus is Caesar

Post by Uly » Sun May 22, 2011 1:59 pm

Peterpan wrote:Jesus Christ came to earth to die in our place for our sins
What sins? Even a child that hasn't committed any sin is told since birth that he was meant to pay for an "original sin" but that since Jesus died long ago for his sins now he doesn't have to pay. That doesn't make sense.

Those are just fabrications to create guilt and control people, made up by the church. If it works for you, great! Everyone is free to believe in what he chooses, but, I wouldn't like to live in a world in where god sends me to hell for some sin I didn't commit while someone that made the lives of others miserable just has to ask god to forgive him and he'll go to heaven...

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Re: Jesus is Caesar

Post by Peterpan » Mon May 23, 2011 12:05 pm

Perhaps this will give you more insight to the truth of this matter.


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Re: Jesus is Caesar

Post by Uly » Tue May 24, 2011 2:39 am

From your link:
Perhaps one of the most telling statements in all the Bible regarding the importance God places on the stars is found in Genesis 1:16b: “He made the stars also.” This simple statement reveals the extent of the importance of the stars’ creation. Some biblical commentators have said this brevity of description is deliberate as God wants to in no way give the stars significance.
I stopped reading beyond that point. Of course, christians are going to deny it.

In that paragraph they claim that god created the whole universe, galaxies, other planets and everything out of earth, without significance. The only significant bit was then humanity? That seems something clearly invented by an humanity that wants to be the center and point of creation.

If that was true, god would have just created earth, and put a wall paper in there for decoration, instead, he created billions and billions of planets where it's very likely that many of them have life in them, just in this galaxy.

And there are billions and billions of galaxies, why would go create all that if it was insignificant?

It seems to me, the human thought he was superior to everything else, and thought "I must be the point of creation!", and then he invented scriptures. Probably the universe is full of such races that think they are the point of creation.

I refused to read the rest of the article if it claims the bible is literally, and so, anything that disagrees with it is false.

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Re: Jesus is Caesar

Post by Peterpan » Tue May 24, 2011 6:23 am

hi Uly

Too bad you didn't read all of it :( and then there are some interesting movies too,i hope you watched some of those too :)

Anyway,i am glad you at least made an attempt to visit the link,thanks.


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Re: Jesus is Caesar

Post by Hood » Sat Jun 25, 2011 3:48 pm

thorstenczub wrote:Fabricate??? Facts? ?
The jesus story is pure fabrication. There are no facts about jesus because he never existed.
Ask Jews, they will tell you that Jesus existed and was crucified and was not caesar.
Smolensk 2010. Murder or accident... Cui bono ?

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Re: Jesus is Caesar

Post by thorstenczub » Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:51 am

look: caesar existed and we have LOTS of data confirming this.
we have coins with his picture. his statements have been written down.

he and his story is written down all over the world.

he lived BEFORE this unknown jesus.
and he was murdered like this unknown jesus.
he founded a religion. like this unknown jesus.
and went into heaven. like this unknown jesus.

caesar wanted to be the king of the romains.
and he was punished for that with assasination.

the locations he lived sound like the locations this unknown jesus lived.
the sayings of caesar sound exactly like the sayings of this unknown jesus.
the people's names arround caesar sound like the names of the people arround this unknown jesus.

so: this caesar was resurrected. he had his ascension into heaven. he said what this unknown jesus said.

the only difference is: caesars story happened somewhere else (although the NAMES of the locations sound similar).

we don't know why and how the religion caesar founded disappeared.
and we don't know why and how the religion this unknown jesus founded, suddenly appeared out of nothing.

the thesis is: that the religion of jesus is the religion of caesar, transposed into a different area.
transposed for the jewish people.

so this unknown jesus was no jew, in fact he was romain. and he was not jesus but caesar.

there was a rewrite of caesars biography/story and the TARGET, the reason to do this was that the jews in that time did not followed or integrated in the romain empire.
they did not pay taxes and they did not praise the romain gods. to
make them integrate into the romain empire, the romains created a JEWISH messias
on the blueprint of caesar. caesars life was translated into jewish location/sayings/names.

so the catholic church is in fact the successor of the romain empire.

as jesus said: his empire is a spirituell empire, the romain empire survived in the catholic church.
before it was the romain empire of power and war, now it is the romain catholic /christian empire of spirit.

the idea worked.

but today, it is forgotten where the roots of the jesus story came from.

it is forgotten that BEFORE jesus there was a congruent messias like person who had similar biography, similar behaviour, similar sayings.

WHO really knows that caesar founded a religion ? that he was a living god, and later a god,
that he was resurrected, had his ascension and that the temples of this religion (divus julius)
were the roots of our churches.

this fact is forgotten over 2000 years.

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Re: Jesus is Caesar

Post by Hood » Sun Jun 26, 2011 6:50 pm

Ask Jews.
Smolensk 2010. Murder or accident... Cui bono ?

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Re: Jesus is Caesar

Post by thorstenczub » Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:04 am

it makes no sense to "ask jews" about this.

as it seems flavius josephus was part of the team who invented the jesus-story on the blueprint of caesar.

so "the jews" were betrayed too. this was an effort to integrate the jewish people into romain empire. give them a new messias. who tells them to pay caesar.

thats what jesus said. pay taxes.

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