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The name is Carlsen. Magnus Carlsen.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:37 pm
by kingliveson
The name is Carlsen. Magnus Carlsen.

Continuing his fashion career for G-Star, this spring and summer Magnus Carlsen will be seen on posters together with ‘Bond girl’ Gemma Arterton. Arterton replaces Hollywood actress Liv Tyler, G-Star’s female model in the fall/winter campain. Carlsen is still G-Star’s male model. We spoke to Magnus yesterday at the opening of the Tata tournament.

We’ll start with G-Star’s official press release, in which Carlsen’s ‘new girl’ is introduced.


Re: The name is Carlsen. Magnus Carlsen.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:15 pm
by alfons
There's no need to look that (pre-) pissed for Magnus as he hasn't been raised in the ghastly north of the country: dark winters and no wéi-tā-mìng (维他命, lol) for the unprivileged masses (a nice pear sells for 120 krona which equals 67€!!!!!!!!!!!!! and citroner are gold-dust) during that period.

Gulfstream keeps strong Мороз away however - at least at the coast - which I would consider as a plus though.

Re: The name is Carlsen. Magnus Carlsen.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:31 pm
by Hood
It depends on MC to be a model or a chessplayer. He has free will.
He has no obligation to follow requirements of unknown people