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A Tale of Two Fish

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 9:18 pm
by Ted Summers
Normally I would not be interested in a game between the same engines. However, being that I found the opening position to be interesting.

r2q1rk1/1pp1bpp1/p3bn1p/4p3/1n1pPP2/3P2PP/PPP3BK/RNBQ1RN1 b - f3 0 12

Plus the fact that the engines played on old and new hardware (Black Q6700 @2.66GHz vs White i7 Q720 @ 1.60GHz), So I stayed around for a while an witnessed a very enjoyable game that had black give up a bishop for 2 pawns.

r2q1rk1/1p2bpp1/p3b2p/2pnPP2/1n1p4/3P3P/PPP3BK/RNBQ1RN1 b - - 0 15

Then later showed a exchange sac of a rook for a knight leading to a won endgame for black.

5r2/1p3k2/p7/2p1r2p/P3NppP/1P1Pp3/2P1R3/5R1K b - - 0 40

Anyway, here is hoping you enjoy it.

[Event "Rated game, 60m + 15s"]
[Site "Engine Room"]
[Date "2011.01.16"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Global Player, Stockfish 2.0.1 JA "]
[Black "NYTed, Stockfish 2.0.1 JA "]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A07"]
[WhiteElo "2603"]
[Annotator "0.00;-0.56"]
[PlyCount "95"]
[EventDate "2011.01.16"]
[TimeControl "3600+15"]

{Stockfish 2.0.1 JA 64bit (8 cores): 22.7 plies; 4,977kN/s Intel(R) Core(TM)
i7 CPU Q720 @ 1.60GHz 1595MHz, StrongBook2011.ctg, 2048 MB} 1. g3 {0}
d5 {B 0} 2. d3 {0} e5 {B 0} 3. Bg2 {0} Nf6 {B 0} 4. Nf3 {0} Nc6 {B 0} 5. Nc3 {0
} d4 {-0.56/24 71} 6. Nb1 {0} Be7 {-0.52/26 89} 7. O-O {0} O-O {-0.40/26 107}
8. e4 {0 (c3)} Be6 {-0.88/25 225} 9. h3 {0 (Qe2)} h6 {-0.88/25 92} 10. Kh2 {0
(Nbd2)} a6 {-0.92/22 112} 11. Ng1 {0 (Bd2)} Nb4 {-0.72/23 170} 12. f4 {104}
exf4 {-0.56/25 0} 13. gxf4 {179} c5 {-0.56/26 0} 14. e5 {97 (Ne2)} Nfd5 {-0.12/
24 188} 15. f5 {93} Qb8 {-0.04/25 23} 16. Kh1 {161 (fxe6)} Qxe5 {0.36/27 102}
17. fxe6 {74} Bd6 {0.68/26 41} 18. Nf3 {225} Qxe6 {0.64/30 0} 19. Re1 {97} Ne3
{0.64/24 5} 20. Bxe3 {65} dxe3 {0.56/23 0} 21. Nc3 {143} Rad8 {0.48/26 65} 22.
Re2 {166 (Nh2)} Nc6 {0.56/24 99} 23. Qf1 {22 (Qg1)} Ne7 {0.68/24 90} 24. h4 {
76 (Ne4)} Bf4 {0.96/22 118} 25. Bh3 {69} f5 {0.64/21 40} 26. Ne1 {197 (Qg2)} g5
{0.00/24 183} 27. a4 {84 (Ng2)} Qc6+ {0.00/24 138} 28. Bg2 {99} Qf6 {0.00/24
110} 29. Nd1 {94 (Kg1)} Be5 {-0.40/24 156} 30. Nf3 {54} f4 {-0.16/24 27} 31.
Bh3 {30 (hxg5)} Nf5 {-0.56/26 125} 32. Bxf5 {0} Qxf5 {-0.28/24 18} 33. Nxe5 {46
} Qxe5 {-0.52/25 0} 34. Qf3 {55} Qd5 {-0.48/28 150} 35. Qxd5+ {0} Rxd5 {-0.40/
23 9} 36. Nc3 {192 (hxg5)} Re5 {-0.96/28 120} 37. Ne4 {160} g4 {-0.96/28 0} 38.
Rg1 {264} h5 {-1.33/31 0} 39. b3 {42 (Ree1)} Kf7 {-1.01/31 162} 40. Rf1 {219}
Rxe4 {-1.93/33 27} 41. dxe4 {45} Ke6 {-2.10/33 43} 42. Kg1 {137} Rf6 {-2.22/31
45} 43. Rd1 {76 (b4)} Ke5 {-2.02/29 77} 44. Rd3 {0} Kxe4 {-2.22/31 101} 45. Re1
{0} Re6 {-2.66/29 91} 46. Kg2 {63} b5 {-2.90/30 31} 47. axb5 {144} axb5 {-3.03/
32 0} 48. Rd8 {40 (Kf1) Global Player,Stockfish 2.0.1 JA 6 gibt auf} 0-1