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"An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:03 pm
by Jeremy Bernstein
Season's greetings, OpenChesslers. Here's some reading from Harvey Williamson on the HIARCS forum regarding the chairman of the Dutch computer chess association's admitted (one-time) use of pirated software which, while perhaps somewhat extreme, is probably worth getting annoyed about. The organizations responsible for creating, maintaining and developing the competitive field are under a special obligation to play by the rules, and it looks like a massive fail occurred on a number of levels here...

Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:37 pm
by kingliveson
Read it all and what can I say...a little self humility never hurts.

Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:44 pm
by Jeremy Bernstein
kingliveson wrote:Read it all and what can I say...a little self humility never hurts.
No doubt that Harvey was an amazing prick at this dinner party when Cock presumably casually mentioned in an aside that he was using a crack. Nevertheless, he's kind of right. Moral high road and all that.

Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:19 pm
by Harvey Williamson
Jeremy Bernstein wrote:
kingliveson wrote:Read it all and what can I say...a little self humility never hurts.
No doubt that Harvey was an amazing prick at this dinner party when Cock presumably casually mentioned in an aside that he was using a crack. Nevertheless, he's kind of right. Moral high road and all that.
I thought I was quite reserved and still paid more that two thirds of the bill for the 3 of us :-)

Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:25 pm
by thorstenczub

i can completely understand that someone bans harvey williamson from a tournament.

if i would take a few people onto an island somewhere for 3 years,
who you would take with you

cock de gorter ?
harvey williamson ?

i would take cock.

i would certainly not invite harvey williamson onto this island in the sun.
first because he is a chess base sysop.- that alone disqualifies him.-

i can imagine a situation where he "talks" with cock and the situation
i am sure it would develop in a similar way if he would "talk" with me.

in fact harvey is the person i left hiarcs forum and ended my friendship with mark uniacke.

there are some people i don't have to tolerate in my hobby-time.
its enough that you have to bear with those kind of people at work.
in my hobby time i want to be with people like mark uniacke, cock de gorter or
others. but certainly not with people who behave like harvey.
i could name a few more people from CCC, but i am sure you know what i mean :-))


i remember when 1999 hiarcs participated in paderborn, and had to play versus ferret.
ferret made the first move on board. the hiarcs operator was not there.
and the clock was running against hiarcs.

i saw this and ran from chess system tal computer to the other desk and operated hiarcs,
although it was maybe not 100% "allowed" / legal from the tournament rules.
but it was my point of view that the engine of a friend of me should not lose because
of timeout, only because the operator of hiarcs was fucking his girl friend in the hotel.

ferret programmer bruce moreland complained about this and went angry towards
i do completely understand bruce.
he was upset because i have not the right to operate hiarcs AND Cstal in this situation.
when cock de gorter saw this, he instantly sat on the chair of the hiarcs computer and operated
hiarcs until later the operator came.

thats how i know cock de gorter. he is a person i would trust 100%.
i would lend him my car. and this means something for me.

to me harvey williamson stands for censorship and

Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:08 pm
by Harvey Williamson
thorstenczub wrote:
i would take cock.

No comment ;-)

However you talk of events more than a decade ago. I to would have given my Car to Cock until the 2nd of december this year.

As for stories of daring do. When you were 1st booted from CCC I allowed you to post your reasons on the Hiarcs forum, This is a lot more recent than the examples you site. You wanted to do an interview with Johan de Koning. I put you in touch and gave you his phone number. So please spare me all this off topic crap.

Jeremy copied this thread here in good faith - it is so sad you have to take the opportunity to post your Spam.

Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:28 pm
by thorstenczub
harvey, when i was first banned in CCC, you did not do computerchess at all.

you and good faith ??
this is a contradiction in itself.

your dirty laundry copied in this forum too... is good faith ??

discuss your intimate insights in your person with your comrades who demand that handicapped people with broken legs should carry their pc's in a blitz tournament although walking on crutches. these are the "comrades" you deserve. but do it in private. i am not interested
in reading how low some people fish in the mud. life is much more interesting than
some people suggest to us.

i am sure they (your comrades) will all agree with you. this is no surprise. isn't it ?
good faith would have been to shut your mouth and deal with it in private emails.

but i guess you need to publish it. any kind of propaganda is good for business. even this kind of dirt.

go back into your censorship forums.
there you can at least delete the messages you don't like.
go back into your playing ground where you operate as SYSOP.
there you can throw out people.

if this is your personal need for developing your character. ok.
but don't come here and call it good faith when you wash your dirty laundry.
why don't you ask the boys in brazil moderators in the CCC why they send arround
cracked hiarcs versions ?
instead of polluting the air in this forum.

Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:35 pm
by Harvey Williamson
Nice to know you earned your 1st banned medal of honor before we met.

excellent reply from the only person I know who copies private posts from the mod forum on CCC and publishes them. I still have your emails to me saying they are kicking me out of ccc what shall i do,,, However i will not stoop to your level and will not reply again unless Jeremy steps in to keep this on topic, which sadly is not about you.

Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:27 am
by thorstenczub
can you explain to me what you want with this thread here ?
you want to make it into a thread where people , obviously fans, post that they agree with you, clap on your shoulder and ask when the next hiarcs version for ipad appears ?

can't you reduce your amount of dirty laundry washing into these forums where you can erase and manipulate everything you like, because you are the sysop or you know somebody beeing somebody ?

IMO there is the right place for you to wash your laundry. here is is not.
it is not because you CROSSPOST your dirt here.

ONE "open letter to XYZ" posting is IMO enough. why copying the shit here ?

Its like Ingo posting his : "tested engine XYZ in the latest ipon list" in each chess forum.
thats called CROSS POSTING.

for the people reading different forums it is annoying to read all the same bullshit twice and thrice.

your intention in the game is clear.
and thats IMO the sad thing about the "good faith" dirty laundry you claim to present here.
its neither new nor surprising that you behave like this.
its sad.
so go back to your dying world of fossile kingdoms (mass extinction).

and don't try to tell the people that you did it because you love computerchess.
the only thing you love is yourself. take them all with you. visit a restaurant and pay for
them or not. cock de gorter has done more for hiarcs and computerchess at times
when you never imagined to do computerchess at all.
the difference between you and him is that you can't live without beeing the center of the universe, while he is not even talking about the many times he helped somebody.
or hiarcs. he is not talking about it. because for him it is a natural thing , he is doing
like a reflex. and thats why cock de gorter is somebody i do trust.

Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:42 am
by thorstenczub
"to keep this ON TOPIC".
you think your dirt in the hiarcs forum is ON TOPIC? has to do with
computerchess ? amazing.

maybe you mixed the forum. this forum is neither the christian thinker forum
nor the dirty laundry forum. this forum is about computerchess.
e.g. which program is the strongest. ah i see your dilemma.
hiarcs and junior cannot produce topics about this anymore so you
have to concentrate on other ugly topics.