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What happened to the Arena beta build?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:13 pm
by Hagen
I posted a reply giving my willingness to be a beta tester to the new Arena build...which according to the original poster...would be up in the "middle of July" and this poster put this in this forum. After that thread went up...there hasn't been any word since from that poster about this mysterious Arena build.

According to that thread...this new Arena would be sporting a new feature called "Early Draw". I'm mystified about what this could mean. Most likely this suggests in my opinion something similar to what's been put into the new Rybka 4 Aquarium GUI...Monte Carlo. The Monte Carlo feature allows the user to set up a position and lets the engine run multiple blitz games from that position using itself to test the percentages of wins, losses or draws. This assumes my analysis of what "Early Draw" is correct. I could be totally off.

I still await news about this new Arena build. Any information forthcoming yet?

Re: What happened to the Arena beta build?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:59 pm
by Lostark

Like you I am also eagerly awaiting the release of the new Arena since its been a loooong time that we have a new version.

If only we had some info from the creators of this lovely interface...

I really liked the nuts and bolts way of tinkering with the Appearance though there is one improvement that I really want to see in Arena and that is the adjustment of the engine-panes instead of just being stuck at the bottom....where they can be only re-sized up and down.
Any body else has other preferences that they like to see in Arena?

Re: What happened to the Arena beta build?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:11 pm
by Hagen
The one annoying problem I have with Arena is I can't use Rybka reliably. I keep getting adjudication errors during the middle of the games. I'm forced to use Shredder Classic 4.0 . Hopefully this "new" version we've been hinted at will address this issue.