Damn, IvanHoe is *STRONG*
Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:50 am
Just wanted to give my kudos to IvanHoe developers.
Magnificent achievement.
Magnificent achievement.
robbolito wrote:180 games played / Tournament is finishedCode: Select all
Engine Score Iv Ho Ry S-B 1: IvanHoe-B57d_11 65.5/120 ········ 19-10-31 18-16-26 3759.5 2: Houdini 1.02 60.0/120 10-19-31 ········ 21-12-27 3550.5 3: Rybka 4 w32 54.5/120 16-18-26 12-21-27 ········ 3429.5
Name of the tournament: Ivanhoe B57d
Site/ Country: XP-2G, United States
Level: Blitz 5/0
Hardware: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz 1994 MHz with 1,024 MB Memory
Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)
-----------------Houdini 1.02-----------------
Houdini 1.02 - IvanHoe-B57d_11 : 25.5/60 10-19-31 (==0===011000=0===01=10=0===000001======11010=0==0==0=====11=) 43% -49
Houdini 1.02 - Rybka 4 w32 : 34.5/60 21-12-27 (0===011101==01=1==01110==10======111==10101==00==111=====110) 58% +56
IvanHoe-B57d_11 - Houdini 1.02 : 34.5/60 19-10-31 (==1===100111=1===10=01=1===111110======00101=1==1==1=====00=) 58% +56
IvanHoe-B57d_11 - Rybka 4 w32 : 31.0/60 18-16-26 (0=0=011==0=11=0==011===0==01=0=0111=01=010=11==1100=0===11==) 52% +14
-----------------Rybka 4 w32-----------------
Rybka 4 w32 - Houdini 1.02 : 25.5/60 12-21-27 (1===100010==10=0==10001==01======000==01010==11==000=====001) 43% -49
Rybka 4 w32 - IvanHoe-B57d_11 : 29.0/60 16-18-26 (1=1=100==1=00=1==100===1==10=1=1000=10=101=00==0011=1===00==) 48% -14