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ECO C57 Traxler Theory

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:15 pm
by carbon
Hi All,
Anyone interested to solve this opening line?
Since 5.Nxf7 IMO leads to a forced draw I am now looking at the 5.Bxf7 retreat to b3 instead of d5 or c4 which seem to be less accurate.
My main line run out to mate may serve to be a good starter as posted below:

[Event "Traxler Bxf7"]
[Site "CpC"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Theory"]
[Black "Analysis"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C57"]
[PlyCount "151"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 Bc5 5. Bxf7+ $1 Ke7 6. Bb3 Rf8 7. d3 d6
8. Nf3 Qe8 9. Be3 Bxe3 10. fxe3 Bg4 11. Nc3 Qh5 12. Qe2 Na5 (12... Bxf3 13.
gxf3 Qh4+ 14. Kd2 Qh6 15. Qg2 Nd4 16. Rhg1 g6 17. Raf1 c6 18. f4 Nxb3+ 19. axb3
exf4 20. Rxf4 Nh5 21. Rh4 Rae8 22. Ne2 Rf7 23. Qg4 Qf8 24. Nf4 Nxf4 25. Qg5+
Kd7 26. Rxf4 Re5 27. Qg4+ Kc7 28. Rgf1 Rxf4 29. Rxf4 Qe8 30. Rf6 Qd7 31. Qg3 a5
32. Qf4 Re8 33. Qf3 b6 34. h4 Re5 35. Kc1 Re6 36. Rf7 Re7 37. Rf4 Re5 38. Kb1
Kb7 39. Rf7 Re7 40. Rf8 Re8 41. Rf6 Re5 42. Ka2 Kc7 43. Rf4 Kb7 44. Rf7 Re7 45.
Rf6 Re5 46. Rf8 Re8 47. Qf7 Re7 48. Qf6 Qc7 49. Qf3 Re5 50. Kb1 Re7 51. h5 gxh5
52. Qxh5 Qd7 53. Qh6 Kc7 54. Qf6 Kb7 55. Kc1 Qc7 56. Qf5 Rg7 57. d4 Rg1+ 58.
Kd2 Rg7 59. c4 Re7 60. Kc3 Qd7 61. Qxd7+ Rxd7 62. Re8 Rg7 63. e5 dxe5 64. Rxe5
Rg3 65. Kd3 Rg2 66. Re7+ Kc8 67. Rxh7 Rxb2 68. Kc3 Re2 69. Re7 Kd8 70. Re6 Kc7
71. d5 cxd5 72. cxd5 Re1 73. e4 b5 74. Rc6+ Kd7 75. Kd4 Rd1+ 76. Kc5 Re1 77.
Rd6+ Kc7 78. Ra6 Kb7 79. Rxa5 Rxe4 80. Rxb5+ Kc8 81. Kc6 Re2 82. b4 Re4 83. d6
Rc4+ 84. Kd5 Rh4 85. Rc5+ Kb7 86. Rc7+ Kb6 87. Rf7 Rh8 88. Ke6 Rh2 89. Rf5 Rh6+
90. Ke7 Rh7+ 91. Rf7 Rh1 92. d7 Re1+ 93. Kd8 Kb7 94. Rf3 Re5 95. Rf6 Re3 96.
Rf5 Re2 97. Rf8 Ra2 98. Re8 Kc6 99. Re6+ Kd5 100. Ke7 Ra7 101. Re2 Kc6 102.
Rc2+ Kd5 103. Ke8 Ra8+ 104. d8=Q+ Rxd8+ 105. Kxd8 Kd4 106. Kc7 Kd3 107. b5 Kxc2
108. b6 Kc3 109. b7 Kd4 110. Kc6 Ke5 {1-0 Theory-Analysis [Widmann,Kurt]}) 13.
O-O Nd7 (13... c6 14. Qe1 Kd7 (14... Nxb3 15. axb3 a6 16. Ne2 Qh6 17. Ng3 g6
18. Nd2 Be6 19. h3 Nh5 20. Nc4 Bxc4 21. bxc4 Qg5 22. Rxf8 Rxf8 23. Nxh5 gxh5
24. Qd2 Rf3 25. Rf1 Rxf1+ 26. Kxf1 h4 27. Ke1 Kd7 28. Qf2 Kc7 29. Kd2 h6 30.
Qf7+ Kb8 31. Qf3 Kc7 32. b4 Qe7 33. Qg4 Qf6 34. Qe2 Qd8 35. Qf2 Qe7 36. Qf3 Qg5
37. Qf7+ Kb8 38. Qf8+ Ka7 39. Qf2 Qd8 40. c3 Qe7 41. Qf3 Qg7 42. Kc2 b6 43. Kb3
Kb7 44. d4 b5 45. c5 dxc5 46. bxc5 Qh7 47. Qf5 Qe7 48. dxe5 Qxc5 49. Qd7+ Ka8
50. Qd4 Qf8 51. e6 Qf1 52. Kb4 Qf8+ 53. Ka5 b4 54. cxb4 Qe7 55. Kb6 Qb7+ 56.
Kc5 Qb5+ 57. Kd6 Qb8+ 58. Kxc6 Qc8+ 59. Kd5 Qd8+ 60. Kc4 Qc8+ 61. Kb3 Qxe6+ 62.
Qd5+ Qxd5+ 63. exd5 Kb7 64. Kc4 Kb6 65. e4 Kc7 66. e5 Kd7 67. d6 Kc6 68. Kd4 h5
{1-0 Theory-Analysis[Widmann,Kurt]}) 15. Qg3 Qh6 16. Nh4 Nxb3 17. axb3 Kc7 18.
b4 a6 19. Rae1 Be6 20. Nf5 Bxf5 21. exf5 a5 22. b5 g6 23. bxc6 bxc6 24. fxg6
Qxg6 25. Rf3 Nd7 26. Qxg6 hxg6 27. Rxf8 Rxf8 28. Rf1 Rxf1+ 29. Kxf1 Nc5 30. h4
d5 31. g4 Kd6 32. Ke2 Ke6 33. e4 Nd7 34. Kf3 Nb6 35. exd5+ cxd5 36. b3 Nd7 37.
Na4 Kf6 38. Ke3 Ke6 39. d4 Kd6 40. dxe5+ Nxe5 41. Kf4 d4 42. Nb2 Ke6 43. Nd3
Nd7 44. h5 gxh5 45. gxh5 Kf6 46. Ke4 Kg5 47. Kxd4 Kxh5 48. c4 Nf6 49. c5 Ne8
50. c6 Kg5 51. Ke5 Kg6 52. Ke6 Nc7+ 53. Kd6 Nb5+ 54. Kd7 Kf5 55. c7 Nxc7 56.
Kxc7 Ke6 57. Kb6 {1-0 Theory-Analysis/Widmann Kurt:}) 14. Bd5 Bxf3 15. Rxf3
Rxf3 16. Qxf3 Qxf3 17. gxf3 Nf6 18. b4 Nc6 19. Bxc6 bxc6 20. Rb1 a5 21. b5 cxb5
22. Rxb5 Nd7 23. Nd5+ Kd8 24. Rb7 Nf6 25. a4 Nxd5 26. exd5 Kd7 27. Kf2 Rf8 28.
h4 Rf5 29. Rb8 Rh5 30. Rg8 Rxh4 31. Rxg7+ Kd8 32. c4 Rh2+ 33. Rg2 Rh1 34. Rg8+
Kd7 35. f4 exf4 36. exf4 Rh3 37. Ke2 h5 38. Ra8 h4 39. Rxa5 Rh1 40. Ra8 h3 41.
Rh8 Ke7 42. a5 Kf7 43. a6 Ra1 44. Rxh3 Kg6 45. f5+ Kg7 46. f6+ Kg6 47. f7 Kxf7
48. Rh7+ Ke8 49. Rh8+ Kd7 50. Ra8 Ra2+ 51. Ke3 Rc2 52. a7 Ra2 53. d4 Ra3+ 54.
Kf4 Ke7 55. c5 dxc5 56. dxc5 Kd7 57. Ke4 Ra4+ 58. Ke5 Ra3 59. c6+ Ke7 60. Rb8
Rxa7 61. Rb7 Ra8 62. Rxc7+ Kf8 63. Rb7 Ra1 64. c7 Re1+ 65. Kd6 Rc1 66. Rb8+ Kg7
67. c8=Q Rxc8 68. Rxc8 Kf6 69. Rf8+ Kg6 70. Ke6 Kh6 71. d6 Kg5 72. d7 Kh5 73.
Rg8 Kh4 74. d8=Q+ Kh3 75. Qc7 Kh4 76. Qh2# 1-0

Re: ECO C57 Traxler Theory

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:48 pm
by carbon
[Event "Traxler Bxf7"]
[Site "CGC"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Theory"]
[Black "Analysis"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C57"]
[Annotator "Widmann,Kurt"]
[PlyCount "33"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 Bc5

r1bqk2r/pppp1ppp/2n2n2/2b1p1N1/2B1P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQK2R w KQkq - 0 5

5. Bxf7+ $1 (5. Nxf7 Bxf2+ 6. Kf1 Qe7 7. Nxh8 d5 8. exd5 Nd4 9. d6 Qxd6 10. Nf7 Qe7 11. c3 Bg4 12. Qa4+ Nd7 13. Kxf2
Qh4+) 5... Ke7 6. Bb3 Rf8 7. d3 d6 8. Nf3 Qe8 9. Be3 Bxe3 10. fxe3 Bg4 11. Nc3 Qh5 12. Qe2 Na5 (12... Bxf3 13. gxf3 Qh4+ 14. Kd2 Qh6 15. Qg2 Nd4 16. Rhg1 g6 17. Raf1 c6 18. f4 Nxb3+ 19. axb3) 13. O-O Nd7 (13... c6 14. Qe1 Kd7 (14... Nxb3 15. axb3 a6 16. Ne2 Qh6 17. Ng3 g6 18. Nd2) 15. Qg3 Qh6 16. Nh4 Nxb3 17. axb3) 14. Bd5 Bxf3 15. Rxf3 Rxf3 16. Qxf3 Qxf3 17. gxf3 1-0

just how do I make this pgn4web feature work?

Re: ECO C57 Traxler Theory

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:28 am
by carbon
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 Bc5 5. Bxf7+

(5. Nxf7 Bxf2+ 6. Kf1 Qe7 7. Nxh8 d5 8. exd5 Nd4 9. d6 Qxd6 10. c3 Bg4 11. Qa4+ Nd7 12. Kxf2 Qf6+ 13. Kg1
Be2 14. h4 Qf1+ 15. Kh2 Qf4+ 16. Kg1 draw)

5... Ke7 6. Bb3 Rf8

(6... Qe8 7. d3 d6 8. Nf3 Rf8 9. Be3 Bxe3 10. fxe3 Qg6 11. Nc3 Bd7 12. a3 Rae8 13. Qd2 Kd8 14. O-O-O)

7. d3 d6 8. Nf3 Qe8 9. Be3 Bxe3 10. fxe3 Bg4 11. Nc3 Qh5 12. Qe2 Na5 13. O-O c6

(13... Nd7 14. Bd5 Bxf3 15. Rxf3 Rxf3 16. Qxf3 Qxf3 17. gxf3 Nf6 18. b4 Nc6 19. Bxc6 bxc6 20. Rb1) 14. Qe1 Nxb3

(14... Kd7 15. Qg3 Qh6 16. Nh4 Nxb3 17. axb3) 15. axb3 a6 16. Ne2 Qh6 17. Ng3 g6 18. Nd2 1-0

how do we show variation?

Re: ECO C57 Traxler Theory

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:46 am
by Hagen
That's the same thing I'm wondering about. How to show variations. There's a thread on how to publish chess games. There might be an answer in there.

Re: ECO C57 Traxler Theory

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 7:33 am
by Jeremy Bernstein
Hagen wrote:That's the same thing I'm wondering about. How to show variations. There's a thread on how to publish chess games. There might be an answer in there.
The pgn4web software we're using doesn't support variations. For variation support, you might want to check this out: (you can see examples of use here: can look into integrating it into the phpBB forum software as an alternative, if variations are required, and if you think it's worth the effort. I find it uglier and less elegant than pgn4web, though, and would rather work on adding variation support to that code base.


Re: ECO C57 Traxler Theory

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:06 am
by BB+
I don't claim any expertise here, but here are two links (of which you are probably already aware). ... d-probably

Re: ECO C57 Traxler Theory

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:08 am
by Uly
Jeremy Bernstein wrote:I [...] would rather work on adding variation support to that code base.
+1, I like pgn4web very much.

Re: ECO C57 Traxler Theory

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:49 pm
by carbon
BB+ wrote:I don't claim any expertise here, but here are two links (of which you are probably already aware). ... d-probably
Thanks for the leads. The first deals mainly with Bxf7_ Bd5 claiming refutation with Bxc6 etc.
After Bxf7 Ke7, I looked at Bc4 and Bb3 as well as Bd5 as discussed in that forum.
My current analysis of all three bishop moves show no forced draw option for black.
But i have not found a forced line in all three variations as of yet to proof refutation of the Traxler Attack.
And this is my reason for opening a discusion here to see if we can eliminate the Tracler Bc5 move as unsound
or better a loosing move for black.
The second lead is very accurate as to Nxf7 analysis with a new idea to keep the black queen on e7 instead of c5 forcing a draw.
I did check this line and agree that if white plays Nxf7 black has a forced draw thus Bxf7 is the only move which could lead to a refutation
of the Traxler.