when a daily tester lies to people...

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when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by botunnet » Sun Jul 09, 2023 1:38 pm

Scenario : create an opening book from games of a reference player.

What normal people would do :

- select the games played from the start position by the reference player
- create a book with the moves played as white by the reference player
- create a book with the moves played as black by the reference player
- merge the two books

Code: Select all

polyglot.exe make-book -pgn depth4_startposition_white.pgn -bin depth4_startposition_white.bin -only-white
PolyGlot 2.0.2 by Fabien Letouzey.
inserting games ...
251 games.
13892 entries.
filtering entries ...
437 entries.
sorting entries ...
saving entries ...
all done!

polyglot.exe make-book -pgn depth4_startposition_black.pgn -bin depth4_startposition_black.bin -only-black
PolyGlot 2.0.2 by Fabien Letouzey.
inserting games ...
251 games.
12226 entries.
filtering entries ...
531 entries.
sorting entries ...
saving entries ...
all done!

polyglot.exe merge-book -in1 "depth4_startposition_white.bin" -in2 "depth4_startposition_black.bin" -out "depth4_startposition.bin"
PolyGlot 2.0.2 by Fabien Letouzey.

As we can see, the book moves were really played by the reference player, and their weights correspond to their percentages.

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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by botunnet » Sun Jul 09, 2023 1:47 pm

What a liar did :

- select any games played by the reference player
- create a book with any moves from the games
- arbitrarily assigned the book's filename to the reference player

Code: Select all

polyglot.exe make-book -pgn depth4_openings_white.pgn -bin depth4_openings_white.bin -only-white
PolyGlot 2.0.2 by Fabien Letouzey.
inserting games ...
allocating 1.25MB ...
allocating 2.5MB ...
501 games.
54046 entries.
filtering entries ...
779 entries.
sorting entries ...
saving entries ...
all done!

polyglot.exe make-book -pgn depth4_openings_black.pgn -bin depth4_openings_black.bin -only-black
PolyGlot 2.0.2 by Fabien Letouzey.
inserting games ...
allocating 1.25MB ...
allocating 2.5MB ...
501 games.
47189 entries.
filtering entries ...
809 entries.
sorting entries ...
saving entries ...
all done!

polyglot.exe merge-book -in1 "depth4_openings_white.bin" -in2 "depth4_openings_black.bin" -out "depth4_openings.bin"
PolyGlot 2.0.2 by Fabien Letouzey.
skipped 419 entries.

As we can see, the book moves weren't played by the reference player, and their weights don't correspond to their percentages.

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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by botunnet » Sun Jul 09, 2023 2:00 pm

Sedat Canbaz
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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Mon Jul 10, 2023 6:51 am

1st of all,
botunnet = bad police
Deeds = good police

In any case,
You have to be as candidate for Hollywood star ))
In case of artist role, the actors would give you:
BAD, NEGATIVE, FOOL character for sure !!

And as I mentioned before:
You are as real LIAR, not Me !!
Who said that you are as best exp expert?
And as we noticed...even you can not see my used
ProteusSF version (in Duel II match)... hehe..lol..
Really sometime I wonder:
With what kind of guy I talk, which he has no clue of nothing...

And now I see that you tried to say again
Nothing true, exception BLA BLA BLA!

Why I say like this,
Depth4=Deeds book's lines is not yours?

Look what I will tell you more, you can believe or not:
Depth4=Deeds bin is NOT my 1st creation, ok ? I work over
Books since many years, what about you ? when you started?
And how many opening books did you create so far?

By the way,
I've created a lot of based books, which are tuned,
Optimized to prefer many other Players openings
And I am not going to give detailed info (how many..)
Because I'm afraid to miss to not mention some of them
But there is one true: hundreds based books for sure!

In other words, in my eyes:
You are simply just as 'bad' apprentice tester!
Because you have troubles to learn..really..
Everything is wrong, terrible in your testings...
Claiming that your EXP is the best/strongest out there but
No any single proof.. come on )) ah sorry,
Exception on your PC lol.. )))

Forget everything..
Are you afraid much: Deept4 EXP's sales will be fall down?
And you claiming for such EXP, 80+ EURO ? is this as joke?
Sometimes I wonder, do you have a single or few customer/s ?)
Maybe that's why price is high ..because not many customers..
Btw, just do not say: botunnet is my customer, because it
Seems that both of you are fake and belonging to same guy..!!

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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Mon Jul 10, 2023 8:24 am

Here are those games, played by Deeds,
Where his EXP managed to win all opponents..LOL


Note also that,
My created Depth4_Deeds book is based on the above games!
In other words, the book is tuned to prefer Depth4 EXP's lines

And to be more clear,
Before starting 'Depth4_Deeds bin'' creation...
All doubles are removed.. there were plenty of same copy games!

By the way, via using SCID program,
Everyone can check is true or not and for anyone missed e.g
Depth4_Deeds bin book is still available (directly at this link):
https://mega.nz/file/voYhnaZB#dDpkHPgP3 ... a3Kz0PWrQs

And one thing more, after the end of tour,
https://sites.google.com/site/computers ... t-bn-cs-14
All the played tour games will be shared...I mean anyone who interested
Can compare...these lines are played by Depth4_ Deeds book or not...

And later we can talk about who is LIAR...

Shame on both fake members (Deeds=botunnet)

Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1636
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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:31 am

Well, here are two games, which may help...and
It's not required much time to wait who is LIAR

In other words,
Deeds is the biggest LIAR in our hobby!
And not only via comments... plus as we see
With real facts' as well!

In short, due to no free time for all...
I realized to check just two games e.g
One game played during SCCT B/N CS XIV
And one game during Deeds's EXP VS BOOK

By the way,
A screenshot, where c5 is playing as GOLDEN KEY,
Regarding that the last C5 move belongs to Deeds book!
And later is out of book..I mean in both games c5 is played:

And here the both games, where everything is clear:

E.g here is the recent game, which is
Played by Depth4_Deeds in SCCT B/N XIV:

[Event "SCCT- Book/NNUE CS XIV "]
[Site "Antalya"]
[Date "2023.07.05"]
[Round "19"]
[White "CachoUPD2"]
[Black "Depth4_Deeds"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "E94"]
[PlyCount "108"]
[EventDate "2023.??.??"]
[TimeControl "120+1"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. Nf3 O-O 6. Be2 e5 7. O-O Nbd7 8. Be3
c6 9. d5 c5 10. Kh1 Kh8 {-1.01/23 1.8s} 11. Bg5 a6 {-1.00/27 5.6s} 12. a4 Rb8 {
-0.93/26 7.1s} 13. g3 Qe8 {-0.87/24 1.4s} 14. Bd2 Qe7 {-0.93/25 2.4s} 15. Ng5
b6 {-1.09/27 6.0s} 16. Qc2 Re8 {-1.21/26 4.1s} 17. Kg2 Nf8 {-1.04/22 2.1s} 18.
h4 {+1.50/24 7.0s} Ng8 {-1.22/26 8.7s} 19. Rh1 {+1.66/25 3.1s} h5 {
-1.22/24 1.6s} 20. Raf1 {+1.70/28 11s} Nh7 {-1.25/26 5.5s} 21. Qc1 {
+1.75/27 6.2s} Rf8 {-1.37/25 1.9s} 22. f3 {+1.91/27 2.2s} Rb7 {-1.25/27 2.8s}
23. Nh3 {+1.91/27 7.9s} Qe8 {-0.95/25 3.0s} 24. Nf2 {+1.57/28 9.9s} f5 {
-0.92/26 2.7s} 25. Rh2 {+1.50/26 1.9s} Rbf7 {-0.95/25 4.4s} 26. Kh1 {
+1.44/26 6.8s} Ngf6 {-0.94/30 15s} 27. Rg1 {+1.61/23 3.7s} Bd7 {-1.07/25 2.0s}
28. Qc2 {+1.43/28 5.3s} Qe7 {-0.86/25 6.7s} 29. Qb3 {+1.42/26 6.1s} Qd8 {
-0.96/28 1.4s} 30. Qd1 {+1.43/25 3.7s} Qe7 {-0.98/27 10s} 31. exf5 {
+1.44/25 6.1s} gxf5 {-0.71/25 1.2s} 32. Nh3 {+1.59/21 1.5s} Qe8 {-0.77/26 2.4s}
33. Qb1 {+1.76/26 2.8s} Kg8 {-0.99/30 6.9s} 34. b4 {+1.61/27 4.7s} e4 {
-1.05/27 2.8s} 35. Nf4 {+1.64/28 6.1s} Qc8 {-0.95/27 2.7s} 36. Rhg2 {
+1.47/27 3.9s} exf3 {-1.17/26 4.7s} 37. Bxf3 {+1.48/27 2.7s} cxb4 {
-1.33/29 4.4s} 38. Qxb4 {+1.91/27 2.1s} Ng4 {-1.28/26 2.0s} 39. Ne6 {
+2.23/26 2.0s} Re8 {-1.67/31 8.2s} 40. Nxg7 {+2.40/25 2.5s} Kxg7 {-1.67/24 1.3s
} 41. Be2 {+2.32/25 3.4s} Nhf6 {-1.62/23 1.4s} 42. Qxb6 {+2.55/29 6.7s} Rxe2 {
-1.78/29 6.5s} 43. Nxe2 {+2.37/26 1.9s} Qxc4 {-1.70/27 1.4s} 44. Bc3 {
+2.50/26 3.4s} Qxd5 {-1.55/25 1.6s} 45. Rc1 {+2.35/25 2.2s} Kh7 {-1.83/26 4.6s}
46. Bxf6 {+2.75/27 1.8s} Rxf6 {-1.98/24 1.3s} 47. Nf4 {+2.74/24 2.2s} Qe4 {
-2.37/29 7.3s} 48. a5 {+3.23/22 2.0s} Bb5 {-2.33/22 1.8s} 49. Qc7+ {
+3.54/22 1.8s} Kg8 {-3.03/25 2.9s} 50. Qc8+ {+3.69/25 1.9s} Be8 {-2.87/23 0.94s
} 51. Qxa6 {+4.10/25 2.6s} d5 {-3.00/22 2.5s} 52. Qb7 {+4.37/22 1.8s} Rc6 {
-2.63/22 0.80s} 53. Ra1 {+5.23/20 2.0s} Qe3 {-5.14/21 5.3s} 54. Qb2 {
+5.92/22 2.6s} Rc8 {-5.71/21 1.9s, White wins by adjudication} 1-0


And the other game.. played in Deeds's EXP VS BOOK:

[Event "EXP VS BOOK"]
[Site "dual xeon e5-2660v3"]
[Date "2022.07.13"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Solista-010722 (Eman 8.10)"]
[Black "Depth4_050522 (Eman 8.10)"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "E94"]
[PlyCount "116"]
[EventDate "2022.??.??"]
[Source "SC"]
[TimeControl "60+1"]

1. d4 {book} Nf6 {book} 2. c4 {book} g6 {book} 3. Nc3 {book} Bg7 {book} 4. e4 {
book} d6 {book} 5. Nf3 {book} O-O {book} 6. Be2 {book} e5 {book} 7. O-O {book}
Nbd7 {book} 8. Be3 {book} c6 {book} 9. d5 {+1.67/22 1.8s} c5 {+1.35/28 6.2s}
10. a4 Qe7 {+1.31/24 0.69s} 11. a5 {+1.72/31 8.1s} Ne8 {+1.39/22 1.3s} 12. Qb1
{+1.57/29 4.9s} Kh8 {+1.30/23 1.4s} 13. Bd3 {+1.55/28 4.3s} Nc7 {+1.35/29 3.7s}
14. Bg5 {+1.44/25 1.8s} Bf6 {+1.36/24 1.4s} 15. Bd2 {+1.60/25 1.4s} Na6 {
+1.25/27 4.3s} 16. Qe1 {+1.61/26 1.9s} Nb4 {+1.18/27 2.3s} 17. Bb1 {
+1.55/25 1.5s} b6 {+1.22/25 1.7s} 18. Nd1 {+1.74/24 1.9s} a6 {+1.56/27 8.0s}
19. Ra3 {+1.74/25 3.3s} bxa5 {+1.51/24 2.0s} 20. Rxa5 {+1.63/29 10s} Bg7 {
+1.28/27 0.93s} 21. Bxb4 {+1.52/23 2.3s} cxb4 {+1.29/29 1.0s} 22. Qxb4 {
+1.37/28 1.3s} Nc5 {+1.45/25 1.2s} 23. Qa3 {+1.52/24 1.1s} Qa7 {+1.31/29 1.1s}
24. Qc3 {+1.45/29 2.3s} Nb7 {+1.28/26 1.9s} 25. Ra2 {+1.38/27 1.5s} a5 {
+1.39/26 1.8s} 26. Bc2 {+1.44/29 9.7s} Qb6 {+1.12/27 1.9s} 27. b3 {
+1.49/24 0.71s} Bd7 {+1.09/30 7.7s} 28. Nb2 {+1.25/25 2.4s} f5 {+1.23/24 1.2s}
29. Na4 {+1.14/24 1.5s} Qd8 {+1.16/26 1.9s} 30. Rfa1 {+1.12/25 4.1s} Rb8 {
+0.97/25 4.4s} 31. Rb1 {+1.31/23 2.0s} Bf6 {+1.05/23 1.1s} 32. h3 {
+1.23/22 2.9s} Qc7 {+0.84/22 1.8s} 33. Rab2 {+1.12/24 0.64s} Rg8 {+0.75/23 1.6s
} 34. Ra2 {+1.00/27 7.5s} Rgf8 {+0.83/24 2.5s} 35. Rab2 {+1.01/24 1.4s} Rg8 {
+0.81/25 4.5s} 36. Ra1 {+1.12/24 2.6s} Bd8 {+0.73/27 8.6s} 37. Rd1 {
+0.75/21 2.8s} Rc8 {+0.62/25 2.5s} 38. Rdb1 {+0.84/21 1.1s} Rg7 {+0.46/21 0.71s
} 39. Nd2 {+0.55/21 1.3s} f4 {+0.60/22 1.4s} 40. Kf1 {+0.61/21 0.69s} Bxa4 {
+0.38/22 1.3s} 41. bxa4 {+0.59/17 0.14s} Nc5 {+0.17/22 0.70s} 42. h4 {
+0.56/23 1.4s} Qd7 {+0.15/24 2.0s} 43. Nf3 {+0.21/22 1.3s} h6 {+0.10/21 0.48s}
44. Rb5 {+0.49/20 0.50s} Qe7 {+0.17/21 0.84s} 45. Kg1 {+0.41/19 0.57s} Kh7 {
+0.21/22 0.91s} 46. Qa3 {+0.42/23 0.68s} Qa7 {+0.14/25 2.4s} 47. Qc3 {
+0.31/24 1.2s} Qe7 {+0.24/23 1.3s} 48. Qa3 {+0.21/23 0.79s} Qa7 {+0.15/25 1.6s}
49. Qb2 {+0.25/23 1.1s} Qe7 {+0.20/23 0.64s} 50. Qc3 {+0.27/21 0.27s} Qd7 {
+0.23/25 1.8s} 51. Qb2 {+0.24/24 2.3s} Na6 {+0.07/24 0.95s} 52. Rb7 {
+0.30/29 0.57s} Qxb7 {+0.06/28 0.36s} 53. Qxb7 {+0.12/23 0.33s} Rxb7 {
0.00/34 0.64s} 54. Rxb7+ {0.00/29 0.31s} Kg8 {0.00/41 0.66s} 55. Kf1 {
0.00/35 0.81s} Nc5 {0.00/42 0.71s} 56. Rb5 {0.00/33 0.61s} Kg7 {0.00/42 0.66s}
57. Ke2 {0.00/40 2.5s} Kf7 {0.00/33 0.77s} 58. Nd2 {0.00/33 0.23s} Kg7 {
0.00/42 0.76s, Draw by adjudication} 1/2-1/2
Last edited by Sedat Canbaz on Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sedat Canbaz
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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:39 am

And that's all... I do not want talk more over this thread

Actually, I am perfectly aware of Mark Twain's great saying:

Never argue with stupid people,
They will drag you down to their level
And then beat you with experience

But when someone is starting to call me as LIAR
Sorry...sometimes not all in my hands...

On other hand,
Very likely I will be stay far away from here...
I think that this is the best way (for solution...)

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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by deeds » Mon Jul 10, 2023 10:12 am

Thank you to have confirmed my words and your lies ! loool

liar's book :

exp file :

Last edited by deeds on Mon Jul 10, 2023 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by deeds » Mon Jul 10, 2023 10:20 am

Liar's book :

As botunnet already said,
botunnet wrote:
Wed Jul 05, 2023 10:35 am

Christophe JEAN's "D.C.S. Book 040723" polyglot bin book is private.
DeeDs "Cumulated" polyglot bin book is available since July 24, 2021.
So Sedat created an opening book which also contains GUI's moves with the weights which don't correspond to the percents, then Sedat arbitrarily assigned "Depth4_deeds" as the book's filename :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sedat Canbaz
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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Mon Jul 10, 2023 10:45 am

I created a book based on your published games,
Which is highly tuned to prefer your EXP ([Depth4)
This is already a fact...open your eyes..if you can not see...

And in same time, with your GUI moves
You managed to win all opponents..hehe.. )))
No words to say..exception, BLA BLA BLA...

Btw, what about here ?
https://sites.google.com/site/computers ... t-bn-cs-14
Gui moves did not worked well... LOL...

And you say again that
I am confirming that I am as a LIAR, right ? LOL

Actually it is already 100% clear that
You are as real LIAR !! I proved many times !!

And what a funny that now I see
You changed the direction.. LOL

To be more clear,
If you was as real HONEST tester..
Then simply you had to name your exp such as
GUI's moves (as player),
I mean not as Depth4 exp player

But money money....advertising and advertising ...for what ?
You are trying to FOOL the people..to gain so much Euro!!
Sad to read all these cheap and fake actions by you!
Shame on you again...
Last edited by Sedat Canbaz on Mon Jul 10, 2023 10:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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