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How do you train with computers?

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:57 pm
by Jeremy Bernstein
I'm generally a bit overwhelmed by the options for computer-based chess training. How do you use computers to train:

- reviewing master games (particularly of interest -- I feel like this is a shortcoming in my studying)
- tactics training
- strategic concepts and training
- openings or endgame training

I guess I'd say that I tend to feel very unfocused, do a little here or there, but lack a kind of directed "how to learn" with the computer. Anyone have some tips for such a general query. Keep in mind that I'm not that great, as well.

Thanks, Jeremy

Re: How do you train with computers?

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 12:03 am
by Cubeman
I use computer software to improve many aspects of my game.Firstly I like to make it clear that I solely use handheld PDA as my job has alot of time that I am not actually working.I have loaded PocketFritz4 and PocketGrandMaster on a nice cellphone.I like to study tactical exercises so have many PGN files of just positions such as Anthology of Chess Combinations,The Big Book of Combinations, and many others that can be downloaded at DB Books.
After studying tactics, I then sometimes try and study openings by having PGN files of that particular opening (quite good as you get to see the whole game) or just use the inbuilt opening book.I still find a good book on openings is much better at this than PDA.
And finally I like to play games online mainly on FICS.I experiment with a new opening that I have just got a new book for and save the games to a PGN file then afterwards at my leisure I will try and see what the theory said about my play and can have the inbuilt engine analyse the game.I must say that even after studying all the tactics that I do, I find that I still miss easy tactical shots when actually playing a real game.
I have never really studied the endgame and just make do with basic knowledge, I probably throw away alot of wins and turn them into draws and turn draws into losses.So the next part I would like to improve is the endgame.

Re: How do you train with computers?

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:00 pm
by John Blake
I usually just use the computer for help with openings or endgames, in the endings, I set up positions and try play them out against the computer (without tablebases) then review afterwords and find my errors.

I like to analyse the games of the classic players (Capa, Lasker Alekhine) but this is mainly for pleasure.

Maybe sometime I will have a go and buy some of the more detailed chess courses available on DVD. But I don't think they'll help me much, I'm between bad and hopeless as a player ;)