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bobby fischer memorial tournament

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:17 am
by thorstenczub

My dedicated chess computer tournament makes progress.

in the last days the new entries Novag Constellation Expert and CXG Sphinx40 , although beeing OLDIES
made lots of fun playing the games. The Novag machine showed that one should not underestimate the
PSH-computer although it is very old. And the Sphinx40 really played like the name suggested it.

here the list of participants and their hardware-specifications:
Name                       Programmierer   CPU             Takt    ROM/RAM    
Sparc                      spracklen       sparc cpu 32bit 20 mhz  256KByte ROM 1024 KByte RAM (hash tables) 
Excel68000                 spracklen       68000           12 mhz  64KByte  ROM 8 KByte RAM 
Kishon Chesster            spracklen       6502            3.6mhz  32KByte  ROM 8 KBYte RAM 
Designer2000 Display       spracklen       6502            5  mhz  32KByte  ROM 8 KByte RAM 
Designer2100               spracklen       6502            6  mhz  64KByte  ROM 8 KByte RAM 
StarDiamond                dave kittinger  H8 singlechip   25 mhz  512KByte ROM !! 256 Kbyte RAM (118 for hash) 
Ruby                       dave kittinger  H8 singlechip   20 mhz  32 KByte ROM 1 KByte RAM 
Emerald Classic Plus       dave kittinger  H8 singlechip   26 mhz  32 KByte ROM 1 KByte RAM 
Citrine                    dave kittinger  H8 singlechip   20 mhz  56 KByte ROM 3 KByte RAM 
Constellation Expert       dave kittinger  6502             5 mhz  64 KByte ROM 4 KByte RAM 
NigelShort                 ed schroeder    6502            10 mhz  64KByte  ROM 8 KByte RAM 
Milano                     ed schroeder    6502            5  mhz  64KByte  ROM 8 KByte RAM 
MM5                        ed schroeder    6502            5  mhz  32KByte  ROM 8 KByte RAM 
academy                    ed schroeder    6502            5  mhz  48KByte  ROM 8 KByte RAM 
mega IV                    ed schroeder    6502            5  mhz  32KByte  ROM 8 KByte RAM 
College (SupmonII)         ed schroeder    6502            4  mhz  32KByte  ROM 8 KByte RAM 
Supermondial b             frans morsch    6502            4  mhz  32KByte  ROM 8 KByte RAM 
Challenger                 frans morsch    H8 singlechip   24 mhz  32KByte  ROM 1 KByte RAM 
Milano Pro                 frans morsch    SH7034 single   20 mhz  64KByte  ROM 4 KByte RAM 
Schachakademie             frans morsch    H8 singlechip   24 mhz  32KByte  ROM 1 KByte RAM    
Mephisto IIIb              nitsche+henne   1806            8  mhz  32KByte  ROM 4 KByte RAM 
CXG Shpinx40               levy+taylor     68000           8  mhz  16KByte  ROM 256 KByte RAM 
Shredder java              st.meyer-kahlen ARM11           500mhz  ?? 
Igor                       ron nelson      H8 singlechip   24 mhz 
Regency                    horvath         H8 singlechip   20 mhz 
Corona d+                  julio kaplan    6502            6  mhz  32+32+32 ROM (program, book, endgame-rom) + 8 Kbyte RAM 
Maestro d++                julio kaplan    6502            6  mhz  32+32+32 ROM + 8 KByte RAM 
Simultano                  julio kaplan    6502            5  mhz  32+32+32 ROM + 8 KByte RAM 
Blitz                      julio kaplan    H8 singlechip   10 mhz  32KByte  ROM 1 KByte RAM 
MM2                        ulf rathsmann   6502            7,4mhz  32KByte  ROM 4 KByte RAM 
Schneider Titan            kaare danielsen 6301Y           16 mhz  16KByte  ROM 2.25 KB RAM 
CM The King2.54            johan de Koning ARM2 RISC 32    15 mhz  512KByte 
Tiger Grenadier            chrilly donninger H8 singlechip 20 mhz  32KByte  ROM 4 KByte RAM 
Mephisto Berlin            richard lang    68000           12 mhz  128KByte ROM 512 KByte RAM 
PsionST EMU unlimited      richard lang    68000 EMULATOR  unlim. 
Glasgow Emu unlimited      nitsche+henne   68000 EMULATOR  unlim. 

Maestro Travel Chess       craig barnes    ??              ?? 
Supremo                    dave kittinger  6301Y           16 mhz  32 KByte ROM 2 KByte RAM 
Adv.StarChess              kaare danielsen 6301Y           8  mhz  16KByte  ROM 2.25 KB RAM 
Excel Display              spracklen       ?               3  mhz  32KByte  ROM 8 KByte RAM

Mainly it was capable to create winning positions, but was not capable to win them :-)
Different the Novag Constellation Expert. When HE came into a winning position, often due to a sacrifice
or a very smashing move, he WON them.

Here the tournament table as it is in the moment, 3 years from beginning it:
Motor                                         Punkte ChSpMiMeStMeChMeNoMeIgMeMeNiRuDeEmDeMeCoSuSiExMaPsMiKiKrKaTiCXGlMeCoScSh    S-B
01: Chessmachine512 The King2.54 {Brettcomputer}  19,0/20 ·   1 1 1 1 1 1     1     1 1   1   1 1 1   1   0 1 1 1 1 1              211,50
02: Sparc {Brettcomputer}                         18,5/22   · = 0   0 0   1 1 1 1   1     1 ? 1 1 1   1   1 1 1 1   1 1 1 1        167,50
03: MilanoPro {Brettcomputer}                     17,0/24 0 = · 1 0 1 = =     1     1 = =   0 = 1 1 = 1 1   1 1 = 1 1     1        171,00
04: Mephisto College {Brettcomputer}              16,5/24 0 1 0 · 0 0 1 = 1     1 1   = 0   1 = =     1 1     1 = 1 1   1 1   1    153,75
05: Star Diamond {Brettcomputer}                  16,0/23 0   1 1 · 1 1 0   1 1   0 1 = = =   1 1 0 0 =   1   1   1     1 1        169,50
06: Mephisto Berlin {Brettcomputer}               15,0/21 0 1 0 1 0 · = 1 1 = 1 1   1 1 = 0 1     1   =         1 1 1              170,75
07: Challenger 24mhz {Brettcomputer}              15,0/23 0 1 = 0 0 = · 0 1 1   1 = 1 1 1 =   =   1   0 1 =     1   1 1            160,25
08: Mephisto MM5 {Brettcomputer}                  15,0/23 0   = = 1 0 1 · = 0   =   0 1 1 1 1   =     1     1 = 1 0 1 1   1        149,25
09: Novag citrine {Brettcomputer}                 13,5/21   0   0   0 0 = ·   1 1 1   1     = 1   1     =   = 0 1 1 = 1 1 1        116,00
10: Mephisto Schachakademie 24mhz {Brettcomputer} 12,0/21   0     0 = 0 1   ·   =   0 =   1 1 1     = 1 0 = 1 1 = 0 1     1        110,50
11: Igor 24mhz {Brettcomputer}                    12,0/23 0 0 0   0 0     0   · 1 1 1   0 = 1   0 0 1   = 1 1 1 =     1 =   1      102,50
12: Mephisto academy {Brettcomputer}              12,0/23   0   0   0 0 = 0 = 0 ·   0 1   0   1 1 = 1 = 1   0 1   1 1     1   1     96,25
13: Mephisto Mega IV {Brettcomputer}              12,0/22       0 1   =   0   0   ·   = 0   1 1 1 = 0   0   0 1 1   0 1 1 1 1 =     96,00
14: NigelShort 10mhz {Brettcomputer}              11,5/20 0 0 0   0 0 0 1   1 0 1   · 1 1 =   1     1 1     0   1       1 1        109,25
15: Ruby {Brettcomputer}                          11,0/23 0   = = = 0 0 0 0 =   0 = 0 · 1   =   = 1           1 1 = 0 1 1     1     94,75
16: Designer2100 {Brettcomputer}                  10,5/23     = 1 = = 0 0     1   1 0 0 ·   0 0 0 1 = 0 = 1   = =   0 1   1        107,00
17: Emerald Classic Plus {Brettcomputer}          10,5/22 0 0     = 1 = 0   0 = 1   =     · 0     0 = 0 1   = 0   1 1 1   =   1     91,50
18: Designer2000 Display 5mhz {Brettcomputer}     10,0/22   ? 1 0   0   0 = 0 0   0   = 1 1 ·   = = 1   0 0   1 = = = =     1       92,50
19: Mephisto MM2 {Brettcomputer}                  10,0/23 0 0 = = 0   =   0 0   0 0 0   1     · 1   = 1 1 0   = 0 1 1 =   1         88,75
20: Corona D+ {Brettcomputer}                     10,0/21 0 0 0 = 0     =     1 0 0   = 1   = 0 · 0   0     1 1 1 1 1     1         86,25
21: Supermondial B {Brettcomputer}                9,5/25  0 0 0   1 0 0   0   1 = =   0 0 1 =   1 · 0 = 0 0 1     1   = 0 1 0       90,50
22: Simultano {Brettcomputer}                     9,5/19      =   1         = 0 0 1 0   = = 0 =   1 · 0       = 0   1 1   =   1     85,25
23: Excel68000 {Brettcomputer}                    9,0/21  0 0 0 0 = = 1 0   0   =   0   1 1   0 1 = 1 · 1   1     0       0         98,25
24: Maestro D++ 6 mhz {Brettcomputer}             8,5/17      0 0     0   = 1 = 0 1     = 0 1 0   1   0 ·       1           1 1     73,50
25: PsionST EMU unlimited {Brettcomputer}         8,0/14  1 0     0   =     = 0         0   1 1   1       ·   1   1 1     0         81,00
26: Milano {Brettcomputer}                        8,0/21  0 0 0         0 = 0 0 1 1 1     =     0 0   0     ·   1 = = = 0 1 =       68,25
27: Kishon Chesster {Brettcomputer}               7,5/23  0 0 0 0 0     = 1 0 0 0 0   0 = 1 0 = 0   =     0   ·   1   1     = 1     61,00
28: Krypton Regency {Brettcomputer}               6,5/22  0 0 = =   0 0 0 0 = =   0 0 0 =   = 1 0   1   0   0   · =         1       65,50
29: Kasparov Blitz {Brettcomputer}                6,0/23  0   0 0 0 0   1 0 1   0     =   0 = 0 0 0   1   0 = 0 = ·   1 0 0         58,75
30: Tiger Grenadier {Brettcomputer}               5,5/23  0 0 0 0   0 0 0 = 0   0 1   1 1 0 = 0 0   0     0 =       · 0 0 1         53,25
31: CXG Sphinx40 {Brettcomputer}                  5,0/19    0         0 0 0   0   0   0 0 0 = =   = 0       = 0   0 1 ·   1   1     29,75
32: Glasgow Emu unlimited {Brettcomputer}         4,5/12    0   0 0       0   =   0 0 0           1         1     1 1   ·           35,00
33: Mephi IIIb 8mhz {Brettcomputer}               4,0/24    0 0 0 0     0 0 0   0 0 0   0 =   0 0 0 = 1   1 0     1 0 0   · 0 0     33,00
34: Constellation Expert {Brettcomputer}          4,0/10                      0   0         0     1     0   = = 0         1 · 1     22,75
35: Schneider Titan {Brettcomputer}               1,5/11        0               0 =   0   0         0   0     0       0   1 0 ·     10,00
36: Shredder Java {Brettcomputer}                 0,0/0                                                                         ·    0,00

364 Partien von 630 gespielt
Name des Turniers: Schachcomputer
Ort/ Land: SCW, Deutschland
Spielstufe: Turnier 40/120 20/60
Here a few highlights from the tournament:
[Event "Oldie Turnier"]
[Site "SCW"]
[Date "2010.05.05"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Schneider Titan 16 mhz"]
[Black "CXG Sphinx 40"]
[ECO "A03"]
[Result "0-1"]

1. f4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. b3 e6 {"} 4. e3 {"} Nc6 5. Bb5 Bd7
6. O-O Bd6 7. Nc3 O-O 8. Bb2 a6 9. Bxc6 Bxc6 10. Ne5 Qe8
11. Ne2 Ne4 12. d3 Nf6 13. Qd2 Bb5 14. c4 dxc4 15. bxc4 Ba4
16. Rf3 Nd7 17. Nxd7 Qxd7 18. Rh3 Be7 19. Rb1 Rfd8 20. Bd4
c5 21. Bc3 Bc6 22. Nc1 b5 23. Ba5 Rdb8 24. Qd1 bxc4
25. Rxb8+ Rxb8 26. Qh5 h6 27. Qe2 Rb1 28. Qd2 cxd3 29. Bc3
f6 30. Rg3 c4 31. f5 Ba3 32. Kf2 Bxc1 33. Qe1 d2 34. Bxd2

in the following game e.g. the sphinx could have won:

[Event "Oldie Turnier"]
[Site "SCW"]
[Date "2010.05.22"]
[Round "1"]
[White "CXG Sphinx 40"]
[Black "Kasparov Simultano"]
[ECO "D34"]
[Result "0-1"]
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 c5 4. cxd5 exd5 5. Nf3 Nc6 6. g3
Nf6 7. Bg2 Be7 8. O-O O-O 9. dxc5 Bxc5 10. Bg5 d4 11. Bxf6
Qxf6 12. Nd5 {"} Qd8 13. Nd2 Re8 14. Rc1 Bd6 {"} 15. Ne4
Be6 16. Nxd6 Qxd6 17. e4 f5 18. Qh5 Rac8 19. b3 Rf8 20. Nf4
Bd7 21. Rfe1 Qb4 22. exf5 Bxf5 23. Re2 Qd6 24. Bd5+ Kh8
25. Be6 Bxe6 26. Nxe6 Rfe8 27. Rce1 Qb4 28. Qg5 Re7 29. Qf5
Rce8 30. h3 h6 31. Re4 Qa5 32. Qxa5 Nxa5 33. f3 Nc6 34. Nc5
Ne5 35. Kf1 b6 36. f4 Nc6 37. Rxe7 Rxe7 38. Re6 Rxe6
39. Nxe6 Kg8 40. Nc7 Kf7 41. Ke2 Kf6 42. Ne8+ Kf7 43. Nc7
Ke7 44. Kd3 Kd6 45. Ne8+ Kd5 46. Nc7+ Kc5 47. Ke4 Kb4
48. Kd5 Ne7+ 49. Kxd4 Ka3 50. Ke5 Ng6+ 51. Kf5 Nf8 52. Ne8
Kxa2 53. Nxg7 Kxb3 54. Kf6 a5 55. Nf5 a4 56. Kf7 a3
57. Nd4+ Kb2 58. Kxf8 a2 59. Nf5 a1=Q 60. Kg7 Kb3+ 61. Kf7

move 28. Ng5 would have won.

Many games show this pattern. A very interesting machine
made by David Levy with the program of Mark Taylor, on the base of Cyrus68K.

here more:
[Event "Oldie Turnier"]
[Site "SCW"]
[Date "2010.05.24"]
[Round "1"]
[White "CXG Sphinx 40"]
[Black "Tiger Grenadier"]
[ECO "A40"]
[Result "1-0"]

1. d4 Nc6 2. d5 {"} Ne5 {"} 3. Nc3 c6 4. dxc6 bxc6 5. Nf3
Nxf3+ 6. exf3 e6 7. Bd3 Be7 8. Rb1 Nf6 9. Qd2 O-O 10. Qf4
Bc5 11. O-O d5 12. Qg3 g6 13. Bg5 Nh5 14. Qh4 Qd6 15. Na4
Re8 16. Nxc5 Qxc5 17. Qa4 e5 18. Rfe1 Bd7 19. Be3 d4
20. Bd2 Nf4 21. b4 Qd5 22. Bxf4 exf4 23. Rxe8+ Bxe8 24. Qa6
Qd7 25. Re1 Rb8 26. a3 f5 27. Bc4+ Kh8 28. Qa5 Qg7 29. Qc5
Ra8 30. Qd6 d3 31. cxd3 Bd7 32. d4 Re8 33. Rxe8+ Bxe8
34. Qxf4 h5 35. Qe5 Qxe5 36. dxe5 g5 37. Kf1 f4 38. g3 Kg7
39. Ke2 Bg6 40. h3 Bf5 41. gxf4 gxf4 42. h4 Bh3 43. Kd3
Bf1+ 44. Kd4 Bg2 45. Ke4 Bh1 46. Kxf4 Kf8 47. Bd3 Kf7
48. Be4 Bg2 49. a4 Ke7 50. Bxc6 Bh3 51. Kg5 Bf1 52. f4 Be2
53. f5 Bd1 54. f6+ Kf7 55. f4 Bb3 56. f5 Bc4 57. Bd7 Kg8
58. e6 1-0

[Event "Oldie Turnier"]
[Site "SCW"]
[Date "2010.05.24"]
[Round "1"]
[White "CXG Sphinx 40"]
[Black "Fid.Designer Dis.2000 5mhz"]
[ECO "D62"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]

1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 Be7 5. e3 O-O 6. Nf3
Nbd7 7. Qc2 c5 8. cxd5 Nxd5 9. Bxe7 Nb4 {"} 10. Qxh7+ Kxh7
11. Bxd8 Nc2+ 12. Kd1 Nxa1 13. Be7 cxd4 14. Bd3+ Kg8
15. exd4 Re8 16. Bd6 g5 17. Nxg5 Nb6 18. Kd2 f6 19. Nge4
Kf7 20. Bc5 Rh8 21. Nd6+ Kg7 22. h3 Bd7 23. Rxa1 Bc6
24. Bb5 Nd5 25. Bxc6 bxc6 26. b3 Nxc3 27. Kxc3 Rh6 28. Rh1
Rah8 29. Ne4 a6 30. a3 Kg6 31. Be7 f5 32. Nc5 Kf7 33. Bd6
a5 34. f3 R6h7 35. Be5 Rg8 36. g3 Re8 37. Kc4 Kg6 38. h4
Kh6 39. h5 Rhe7 40. Bf4+ Kh7 41. g4 fxg4 42. fxg4 Rf7
43. Bd2 e5 44. dxe5 Rxe5 45. Rg1 Rf2 46. Bc3 Rf4+ 47. Bd4
Rd5 48. Ne6 Re4 49. g5 Kg8 50. h6 Rxe6 51. g6 Rxd4+
52. Kxd4 Re8 53. b4 axb4 54. axb4 Rf8 55. h7+ Kg7 56. Ke5
Rd8 57. Rg4 Rd7 58. Ke6 Rd8 59. Rh4 Rh8 60. Kf5 Rf8+
61. Kg5 Rb8 62. Rg4 Rb5+ 63. Kh4 Rb6 64. Rd4 Rb8 65. Rd6
Rxb4+ 66. Kg5 Rb5+ 67. Kg4 Rb4+ 68. Kg3 Rb3+ 69. Kg2 Rb2+
70. Kf3 Rb3+ 71. Ke4 Rb4+ 72. Ke5 Rb5+ 73. Ke6 Rb8 74. Kd7
c5 75. Kc7 Rf8 76. Kc6 c4 77. Kd5 Rc8 78. Ke4 c3 79. Rd7+
Kxg6 80. Rc7 Rh8 81. Rxc3 Rxh7 82. Kd5 1/2-1/2

[Event "Oldie Turnier"]
[Site "SCW"]
[Date "2010.05.24"]
[Round "1"]
[White "CXG Sphinx 40"]
[Black "Mephisto IIIb 8mhz"]
[ECO "C18"]
[Result "1-0"]

1. d4 e6 2. e4 d5 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e5 Ne7 5. a3 Bxc3+ 6. bxc3
c5 7. Qg4 O-O 8. Nf3 Nbc6 9. Bd3 f5 10. exf6 {"} Rxf6 {"}
11. Bg5 Rf8 12. Qh4 h6 13. dxc5 hxg5 14. Nxg5 Re8 15. Qh7+
Kf8 16. Qh5 Ne5 17. O-O b6 18. Rfe1 Bd7 19. Rxe5 Ng6
20. Bxg6 Qf6 21. Nh7+ Ke7 1-0

A very good game against the Mephisto Milano :

[Event "Oldie Turnier"]
[Site "SCW"]
[Date "2010.05.24"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Mephisto Milano"]
[Black "CXG Sphinx 40"]
[ECO "A56"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 c5 4. e3 cxd4 {"} 5. exd4 {"}
Bb4+ 6. Bd2 Bxd2+ 7. Nbxd2 Qb6 8. Qb3 Qd6 9. c5 Qf4 10. g3
Qc7 11. Bb5 Nc6 12. O-O O-O 13. Rfe1 Re8 14. Rac1 d5
15. cxd6 Qxd6 16. Nc4 Qd5 17. Bxc6 Qxc6 18. Nce5 Qd6
19. Rc4 Nd5 20. Rec1 f6 21. Qb5 Rd8 22. Nd3 b6 23. Nd2 a6
24. Qb3 Qd7 25. R4c2 Qe8 26. Nb4 Bb7 27. Nxd5 Bxd5 28. Qxb6
Bxa2 29. b3 Rdb8 30. Qc6 Qxc6 31. Rxc6 Bxb3 32. Nxb3 Rxb3
33. Rxe6 Rb7 34. Rcc6 Rba7 35. Re3 a5 36. d5 a4 37. Ra3 Kf7
38. f4 Ke8 39. Kg2 Ra5 40. Rc7 R8a7 41. Rxa7 Rxa7 42. Kf3
Kd7 43. Ke4 Ra8 44. f5 Kd6 45. Kd4 Ra5 46. Ke4 g6 47. fxg6
hxg6 48. g4 f5+ 49. gxf5 gxf5+ 50. Kxf5 Rxd5+ 51. Kg4 Ra5
52. h4 Kc5 53. h5 Kb4 54. Ra1 Ra7 55. Kg5 a3 56. Kg6 a2
57. h6 Kb3 58. h7 Rxh7 59. Kxh7 Kb2 60. Rxa2+ Kxa2 1/2-1/2


[Event "Oldie Turnier"]
[Site "SCW"]
[Date "2010.05.24"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Mephisto MMII 7,4 mhz"]
[Black "CXG Sphinx 40"]
[ECO "B25"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. g3 g6 4. Bg2 Bg7 5. d3 d6 6. f4 e5
7. fxe5 {"} Bxe5 {"} 8. Nge2 Bg4 9. O-O Nd4 10. Qd2 Nf6
11. a4 O-O 12. Nf4 Bd7 13. Qd1 Qa5 14. Qd2 Rfe8 15. Ra2 Bc6
16. Nfd5 Nxd5 17. exd5 Bd7 18. Qf2 Nf5 19. Ne2 Re7 20. c3
Rae8 21. Be4 Bg7 22. Bf4 Qa6 23. b3 b5 24. Qg2 b4 25. Bg5
f6 26. Bf4 bxc3 27. Nxc3 Nd4 28. Nb5 Bxb5 29. axb5 Qb6
30. Ra6 Qxb5 31. Qa2 Ne2+ 32. Kg2 Nxf4+ 33. Rxf4 f5 34. Ra5
Qb7 35. Bf3 Rb8 36. Ra3 Bd4 37. h3 Qb4 38. Bd1 Rbb7 39. Ra4
Qc3 40. Rf3 h6 41. Rc4 Qe1 42. Rf1 Qe3 43. Qc2 f4 44. gxf4
Rf7 45. Bg4 Rxf4 46. Rxf4 Qxf4 47. Ra4 Qe5 48. Be6+ Kh7
49. Qd1 Qg5+ 50. Kh2 Be5+ 51. Kh1 Qe3 52. Ra2 Qf4 53. Qb1
Qf3+ 54. Rg2 Re7 55. Kg1 Qe3+ 56. Kf1 Bg3 57. Ra2 Bh4
58. Kg2 Rb7 59. Qd1 Qe5 60. Kh1 Qf6 61. Rg2 Rb8 62. Ra2 Ra8
63. Bd7 a5 64. Bc6 Rf8 65. Rxa5 Qf5 66. Ra7+ Kg8 67. Kg2 c4
68. Ra8 Qxd3 69. Qxd3 cxd3 70. Rxf8+ Kxf8 71. b4 d2 72. Ba4
Bf6 73. Kf2 Bc3 74. b5 Ke7 75. b6 Kd8 76. Ke2 Kc8 77. Bc6
Kb8 78. b7 g5 79. Kd1 h5 80. Bd7 Kxb7 81. Kc2 Kb6 82. Bc8
Ba5 83. Be6 Kc5 84. Kd1 Bc3 85. Kc2 Kc4 86. Kd1 Kd3
87. Bf5+ Ke3 88. Bd7 Ke4 89. Be6 Ke5 90. Kc2 Bb4 91. Kd1
Ke4 92. Ke2 h4 93. Kd1 Ba5 94. Ke2 Ke5 95. Kd1 Bc3 96. Kc2
Ke4 97. Bg4 Ba5 98. Be6 Kd4 99. Kd1 Ke5 100. Ke2 g4
101. Bxg4 Kxd5 102. Bf5 Ke5 103. Bg6 d5 104. Bf7 d4
105. Bb3 Kf4 106. Bc2 Kg3 107. Bf5 Bb4 108. Bg4 Kg2
109. Bf5 Ba5 110. Be6 d3+ 111. Kd1 Bc3 112. Bd7 Kf3
113. Bc8 Ke3 114. Bf5 Kf4 115. Bxd3 Ba5 116. Ke2 Kg3
117. Bf5 Kg2 118. Be6 Bb4 119. Bf5 Bc3 1/2-1/2

Verfasst am: 31 Mai 2010 13:26 Titel:


egal welche Partie, es ist immer dasselbe mit der Sphinx. Sie hat sich einen Stellungsvorteil erarbeitet, ist aber leider nicht immer in der Lage das nach Hause zu fahren. Gegen den Emerald Classic Plus klappt das gar nicht.

Gegen den Supermondial B mit Morsch-Programm reicht es immerhin für ein Remis.

[Event "Oldie Turnier"]
[Site "SCW"]
[Date "2010.05.24"]
[Round "1"]
[White "CXG Sphinx 40"]
[Black "Novag Emerald Classic Plus"]
[ECO "B15"]
[Result "0-1"]

1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 dxe4 {"} 4. Nxe4 Nf6 5. Nxf6+ exf6
6. Bc4 Be7 {"} 7. Nf3 O-O 8. O-O Bd6 9. Re1 Re8 10. Rxe8+
Qxe8 11. Qd3 Be6 12. Bd2 Qd7 13. Re1 Bxc4 14. Qxc4 Na6
15. Qb3 b6 16. a4 Re8 17. Rxe8+ Qxe8 18. Qc4 Nc7 19. Bb4
Bxb4 20. Qxb4 Qe4 21. Qd6 Ne6 22. Qb8+ Nf8 23. Qxa7 Qxc2
24. h3 Qxb2 25. Qc7 Qc2 26. Qxb6 Qxa4 27. Qb1 Qc4 28. Qb8
g6 29. Qf4 Kg7 30. Qd6 Ne6 31. Qd7 h5 32. Kh2 Nf4 33. Qd6
g5 34. Ng1 Qc2 35. Qc5 Qe4 36. Nf3 Qe2 37. Qxc6 Qxf2
38. Ng1 g4 39. Qe4 h4 40. hxg4 Qg3+ 41. Kh1 Nd3 42. Nh3
Qxh3+ 43. gxh3 Nf2+ 44. Kg2 Nxe4 45. d5 Kf8 46. Kf3 Ng5+
47. Ke3 Nxh3 48. Ke4 Ng5+ 49. Kf4 Ke7 50. Ke3 h3 51. Kf2
Kd6 52. Kg3 Kxd5 53. Kh2 Ke4 54. Kh1 Kf3 55. Kh2 Kf2
56. Kh1 f5 57. gxf5 Kg3 58. Kg1 h2+ 59. Kf1 0-1

[Event "Oldie Turnier"]
[Site "SCW"]
[Date "2010.05.24"]
[Round "1"]
[White "CXG Sphinx 40"]
[Black "Mephisto Supermondial B"]
[ECO "A43"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]

1. d4 c5 2. d5 e6 3. Nc3 {"} Nf6 4. Nf3 Nxd5 {"} 5. Nxd5
exd5 6. Qxd5 Nc6 7. Ng5 Qe7 8. Bd2 d6 9. e4 Nd4 10. O-O-O
Be6 11. Nxe6 fxe6 12. Qh5+ g6 13. Qg4 Bg7 14. c3 Nc6
15. Bg5 Qf7 16. Bc4 Kd7 17. f4 Na5 18. Bb5+ Kc7 19. Rhf1 h6
20. Bh4 a6 21. Be2 Nc6 22. Bc4 Rae8 23. Rd2 Na5 24. Bd3 h5
25. Qd1 Bh6 26. g3 Rhf8 27. Be2 e5 28. Qa4 Nc6 29. Bg5 Bxg5
30. fxg5 Qe6 31. Rfd1 Rd8 32. Re1 Qh3 33. Qb3 h4 34. g4 Qe3
35. Rf1 Qxe4 36. Rf6 h3 37. Bf3 Qe1+ 38. Bd1 Qe4 39. Bf3
Qe1+ 40. Bd1 Qe4 41. Bf3 {Sphinx40 reklamiert Remis durch
3malige Zugwiederholung.} 1/2-1/2

The Constellation Expert is playing very different than the Sphinx, but considering
the age of this Kittinger machine, it is very succesful.

[Event "Oldie Turnier"]
[Site "SCW"]
[Date "2010.06.06"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Novag Constellation Expert"]
[Black "Mephisto Supermondial B"]
[ECO "B14"]
[Result "1-0"]

1. e4 c6 2. c4 d5 3. exd5 cxd5 4. d4 Nf6 5. Nc3 Nc6 6. Bg5
e6 7. Nf3 {"} Be7 {"} 8. Be2 dxc4 9. Bxc4 Bd7 10. O-O O-O
11. Rc1 Na5 12. Bd3 Bc6 13. Ne5 Rc8 14. Be3 Re8 15. Bb1 h6
16. Qd3 Bd6 17. Rfe1 Bb4 18. a3 Be7 19. Nxc6 Nxc6 20. Red1
Qd7 21. d5 exd5 22. Nxd5 Qxd5 23. Qxd5 Nxd5 24. Rxd5 Bf6
25. Rc2 Bd4 26. Bd2 Bf6 27. h3 Rcd8 28. Ba2 Ne7 29. Rb5 Rd7
30. Be3 a6 31. Rbc5 b6 32. Rh5 Rc8 33. Re2 Rd1+ 34. Kh2 Ng6
35. Bxb6 Ra1 36. Bd5 Nf4 37. Bb7 Rf8 38. Bc5 Rd8 39. Rhe5
Bxe5 40. Rxe5 Nd3 41. Bb6 Rb8 42. Re7 Re1 43. Rd7 Nxb2
44. Ba7 Rbe8 45. Bd4 Nc4 46. Bd5 Ne5 47. Bxe5 R8xe5
48. Bxf7+ Kf8 49. Bc4 g5 50. Rf7+ Ke8 51. Rh7 a5 52. a4 Rc5
53. Bb5+ Kf8 54. Rxh6 Rd1 55. Ra6 Rd2 56. Rxa5 Rxf2 57. Ra6
Rcc2 58. Bc6 Kg7 59. Kg3 Rf4 60. a5 Rf6 61. Ra7+ Rf7
62. Rxf7+ Kxf7 63. Bd5+ Kf6 64. a6 Rc3+ 65. Kg4 Ra3 66. Bb7
Kg6 67. Bc8 Ra4+ 68. Kg3 Kh5 69. Kf3 Kh4 70. Bb7 Ra2
71. Ke4 g4 72. hxg4 Kxg4 73. Kd5 Kf4 74. Kd6 Kf5 75. Kc7
Ke6 76. Kb8 Kd7 77. a7 Kd6 78. a8=Q Rxa8+ 79. Bxa8 Ke5
80. g3 Kf5 81. Bf3 Kf6 82. Kc7 Kg5 83. Kd6 Kf5 84. g4+ Kf6
85. Be2 Kf7 86. Ke5 Kg6 87. Bd3+ Kg7 88. g5 Kf7 89. g6+ Ke8
90. Kf6 Kd7 91. g7 1-0

[Event "Oldie Turnier"]
[Site "SCW"]
[Date "2010.06.06"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Novag Constellation Expert"]
[Black "Mephisto Milano"]
[ECO "C42"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nxe5 d6 4. Nf3 Nxe4 5. d4 d5 6. Bd3
Bd6 7. c4 {"} Bb4+ {"} 8. Nbd2 Nxd2 9. Bxd2 Bxd2+ 10. Qxd2
O-O 11. O-O dxc4 12. Bxc4 Nc6 13. d5 Ne7 14. Rfe1 Qd6
15. Re2 Re8 16. Rae1 Bg4 17. Qg5 Bxf3 18. Rxe7 Rxe7
19. Qxe7 Bg4 20. Qxd6 cxd6 21. f3 Bd7 22. Re7 Rd8 23. Kf2
g5 24. g4 Kf8 25. Re3 Rc8 26. Bd3 Rc5 27. Bxh7 Rxd5 28. Re2
Bb5 29. Rc2 Rd1 30. h3 d5 31. Rc5 Rd2+ 32. Kg3 Be2 33. b3
Kg7 34. Rc2 Rxc2 35. Bxc2 d4 36. Kf2 Bb5 37. Ke1 Kf6
38. Be4 Bc6 39. Kd2 Ke5 40. Bxc6 bxc6 41. b4 Kf4 42. Kd3
Kxf3 43. Kxd4 Kg3 44. Kc5 Kxh3 45. Kxc6 Kxg4 46. b5 Kh3
47. a4 f5 48. a5 f4 49. b6 axb6 50. axb6 f3 51. b7 f2
52. b8=Q f1=Q 53. Qe5 g4 54. Qh5+ Kg3 55. Kd7 Qd1+ 56. Ke6
Qb3+ 57. Kd7 Qe3 58. Qf5 Qd2+ 59. Ke7 Qf2 60. Qe4 Qa7+
61. Kf6 Qb6+ 62. Kg5 Qd8+ 63. Kf5 Qc8+ 64. Kg5 Qc1+ 65. Kf5
Qc5+ 66. Kg6 Qd6+ 67. Kg5 Qd2+ 68. Kf5 Qa5+ 69. Kg6 Qc3
70. Kg5 Qg7+ 71. Kh5 Qf7+ 72. Kg5 Qg8+ 73. Kh5 Qh8+ 74. Kg6
Qh3 75. Qe2 Kf4 76. Qc4+ Kf3 77. Qd3+ Kf2 78. Qd4+ Kf1
79. Qd1+ Kg2 80. Qe2+ Kg1 81. Qe1+ Kh2 82. Qf2+ Qg2
83. Qh4+ Kg1 84. Qe1+ Qf1 85. Qg3+ Kh1 86. Qh4+ Qh3 87. Kg5
Qxh4+ 88. Kxh4 Kg2 89. Kxg4 1/2-1/2

It makes much fun to watch these machines play !

Finding the Sphinx40 was a very tough job, its rare here in germany.

if you want to read more - take a look in my forum: ... orial.html


Re: bobby fischer memorial tournament

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 2:02 am
by LiquidNitrogen
It's hard to believe I was in Iceland exactly 4 years ago to meet Bobby and deliver Anatoly Karpov's signed contract for him to look at. I personally put it in the hands of Fridrik Olafsson on June 10, 2006.

Re: bobby fischer memorial tournament

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:04 pm
by thorstenczub
more games... with the Constellation Expert.
Motor                                         Punkte ChSpMiMeStMeChMeNoMeIgMeMeNiRuDeEmMeDeCoSuSiExMaPsMiKiKrKaTiCoCXGlMeScSh    S-B
01: Chessmachine512 The King2.54 {Brettcomputer}  19,0/20 ·   1 1 1 1 1 1     1     1 1   1 1   1 1   1   0 1 1 1 1 1              212,50
02: Sparc {Brettcomputer}                         18,5/22   · = 0   0 0   1 1 1 1   1     1 1 ? 1 1   1   1 1 1 1   1   1 1 1      169,00
03: MilanoPro {Brettcomputer}                     17,0/24 0 = · 1 0 1 = =     1     1 = =   = 0 1 1 = 1 1   1 1 = 1 1       1      171,75
04: Mephisto College {Brettcomputer}              16,5/24 0 1 0 · 0 0 1 = 1     1 1   = 0   = 1 =     1 1     1 = 1 1     1 1 1    154,50
05: Star Diamond {Brettcomputer}                  16,0/23 0   1 1 · 1 1 0   1 1   0 1 = = = 1   1 0 0 =   1   1   1       1 1      171,50
06: Mephisto Berlin {Brettcomputer}               15,0/21 0 1 0 1 0 · = 1 1 = 1 1   1 1 = 0   1   1   =         1 1 1              171,75
07: Challenger 24mhz {Brettcomputer}              15,0/23 0 1 = 0 0 = · 0 1 1   1 = 1 1 1 = =     1   0 1 =     1   1   1          161,50
08: Mephisto MM5 {Brettcomputer}                  15,0/23 0   = = 1 0 1 · = 0   =   0 1 1 1   1 =     1     1 = 1 0 1   1   1      149,25
09: Novag citrine {Brettcomputer}                 13,5/21   0   0   0 0 = ·   1 1 1   1     1 =   1     =   = 0 1 1 =   1 1 1      117,00
10: Mephisto Schachakademie 24mhz {Brettcomputer} 13,0/22   0     0 = 0 1   ·   =   0 =   1 1 1     = 1 0 = 1 1 = 0 1 1     1      116,00
11: Igor 24mhz {Brettcomputer}                    12,0/23 0 0 0   0 0     0   · 1 1 1   0 =   1 0 0 1   = 1 1 1 =     1 1 =        103,50
12: Mephisto academy {Brettcomputer}              12,0/23   0   0   0 0 = 0 = 0 ·   0 1   0 1   1 = 1 = 1   0 1   1 1       1 1     97,75
13: Mephisto Mega IV {Brettcomputer}              12,0/22       0 1   =   0   0   ·   = 0   1 1 1 = 0   0   0 1 1   0 1 1 1 1 =     97,50
14: NigelShort 10mhz {Brettcomputer}              11,5/20 0 0 0   0 0 0 1   1 0 1   · 1 1 = 1       1 1     0   1         1 1      110,75
15: Ruby {Brettcomputer}                          11,0/23 0   = = = 0 0 0 0 =   0 = 0 · 1     = = 1           1 1 = 0   1 1   1     95,50
16: Designer2100 {Brettcomputer}                  10,5/23     = 1 = = 0 0     1   1 0 0 ·   0 0 0 1 = 0 = 1   = =   0   1   1      107,00
17: Emerald Classic Plus {Brettcomputer}          10,5/22 0 0     = 1 = 0   0 = 1   =     ·   0   0 = 0 1   = 0   1 1   1   = 1     92,00
18: Mephisto MM2 {Brettcomputer}                  10,5/24 0 0 = = 0   =   0 0   0 0 0   1   ·   1   = 1 1 0   = 0 1 1 = =   1       91,75
19: Designer2000 Display 5mhz {Brettcomputer}     10,0/22   ? 1 0   0   0 = 0 0   0   = 1 1   · = = 1   0 0   1 = = = 1 =           93,75
20: Corona D+ {Brettcomputer}                     10,0/21 0 0 0 = 0     =     1 0 0   = 1   0 = · 0   0     1 1 1 1 1       1       86,75
21: Supermondial B {Brettcomputer}                9,5/25  0 0 0   1 0 0   0   1 = =   0 0 1   = 1 · 0 = 0 0 1     1   0 = 0 1       91,00
22: Simultano {Brettcomputer}                     9,5/19      =   1         = 0 0 1 0   = = = 0   1 · 0       = 0   1   1   = 1     86,00
23: Excel68000 {Brettcomputer}                    9,0/21  0 0 0 0 = = 1 0   0   =   0   1 1 0   1 = 1 · 1   1     0         0       98,25
24: Maestro D++ 6 mhz {Brettcomputer}             8,5/17      0 0     0   = 1 = 0 1     = 0 0 1   1   0 ·       1     1       1     75,50
25: PsionST EMU unlimited {Brettcomputer}         8,0/14  1 0     0   =     = 0         0   1 1   1       ·   1   1 1       0       82,50
26: Milano {Brettcomputer}                        8,0/21  0 0 0         0 = 0 0 1 1 1     =     0 0   0     ·   1 = = = = 0 1       69,00
27: Kishon Chesster {Brettcomputer}               7,5/23  0 0 0 0 0     = 1 0 0 0 0   0 = 1 = 0 0   =     0   ·   1   = 1     1     62,25
28: Krypton Regency {Brettcomputer}               6,5/22  0 0 = =   0 0 0 0 = =   0 0 0 =   1 = 0   1   0   0   · =   1             67,75
29: Kasparov Blitz {Brettcomputer}                6,5/24  0   0 0 0 0   1 0 1   0     =   0 0 = 0 0   1   0 = 0 = ·   = 1 0 0       62,25
30: Tiger Grenadier {Brettcomputer}               5,5/23  0 0 0 0   0 0 0 = 0   0 1   1 1 0 0 = 0   0     0 =       ·   0 0 1       53,25
31: Constellation Expert {Brettcomputer}          5,0/13                    0 0   0         = 0   1     0   = = 0 =   ·     1 1     31,25
32: CXG Sphinx40 {Brettcomputer}                  5,0/19    0         0 0 0   0   0   0 0 0 = =   = 0       = 0   0 1   ·   1 1     30,00
33: Glasgow Emu unlimited {Brettcomputer}         4,5/12    0   0 0       0   =   0 0 0           1         1     1 1     ·         35,50
34: Mephi IIIb 8mhz {Brettcomputer}               4,0/24    0 0 0 0     0 0 0   0 0 0   0 = 0   0 0 = 1   1 0     1 0 0 0   · 0     33,50
35: Schneider Titan {Brettcomputer}               1,5/11        0               0 =   0   0         0   0     0       0 0   1 ·     10,00
36: Shredder Java {Brettcomputer}                 0,0/0                                                                         ·    0,00

367 Partien von 630 gespielt
Name des Turniers: Schachcomputer
Ort/ Land: SCW, Deutschland
Spielstufe: Turnier 40/120 20/60
Now the Expert has to play against the Fidelity Designer 2100.

here the games so:

[Event "Oldie Turnier"]
[Site "SCW"]
[Date "2010.06.13"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Novag Constellation Expert"]
[Black "Meph.Schachschule 24 mhz"]
[ECO "D26"]
[Result "0-1"]

1. d4 d5 2. c4 dxc4 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. e3 e6 5. Bxc4 Nbd7 6. Nc3
Bb4 7. O-O c6 8. Qb3 Qb6 9. Bd2 Ba5 10. Qc2 O-O 11. Rac1
Qd8 12. Ne4 Nxe4 13. Bxa5 Qxa5 14. Qxe4 h6 15. Rfd1 Nf6
16. Qc2 b6 17. Ne5 Bb7 18. Bb3 Rac8 19. Nc4 Qb4 20. f3 Qe7
21. Qe2 c5 22. Qd2 cxd4 23. Qxd4 Rfd8 24. Qe5 Ba6 25. Rxd8+
Rxd8 26. Kh1 Kh8 27. h3 Bb7 28. a3 Ba6 29. Qc3 Rc8 30. Qe1
Rc5 31. Nd2 Rxc1 32. Qxc1 Kg8 33. Qe1 Qc5 34. Ba4 Qe5
35. b4 Qb2 36. Bc6 Bd3 37. g3 Qxa3 38. Ne4 Nxe4 39. fxe4
Qa2 40. e5 Bf5 41. Bg2 Qb2 42. g4 Bg6 43. h4 Qxe5 44. Kg1
Be4 45. Bh3 a5 46. bxa5 bxa5 47. Bf1 a4 48. Bc4 Bf3 49. Kf2
Bb7 50. Qb4 Qh2+ 51. Ke1 Qxh4+ 52. Kd2 Qf2+ 53. Kd3 Bc6
54. Qb8+ Kh7 55. Qa7 Qf3 56. Kc3 Kg6 57. Qc5 Qh1 58. Kb2
Qe4 59. Qh5+ Kh7 60. Qc5 Be8 61. Kc3 Kg8 62. g5 h5 63. Kb2
Qc6 64. Qe7 h4 65. Bf1 g6 66. Bh3 Qb5+ 67. Kc1 Qc4+ 68. Kd2
Qd5+ 69. Ke1 Bc6 70. Qc7 a3 71. Bf1 Qxg5 72. Qb8+ Kg7
73. Qa7 Qg3+ 74. Kd1 Bf3+ 75. Be2 h3 76. Bxf3 Qxf3+ 77. Kd2
{resign!} 0-1

[Event "Oldie Turnier"]
[Site "SCW"]
[Date "2010.06.13"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Kasparov Blitz"]
[Black "Novag Constellation Expert"]
[ECO "E92"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]

1. Nf3 Nf6 2. d4 g6 3. c4 Bg7 4. Nc3 O-O 5. e4 d6 6. Be2 e5
7. dxe5 dxe5 8. O-O {"} Nc6 9. Bg5 Qxd1 10. Rfxd1 h6
11. Bxf6 Bxf6 12. Nd5 Bd8 13. c5 f5 14. Bc4 Kh8 15. exf5
Bxf5 16. Ne3 e4 17. Nd2 Bg5 18. Nxf5 gxf5 19. Bd5 Rad8
20. Nc4 Rf6 21. g3 Rg6 22. Bf7 Rg7 23. Rxd8+ Nxd8 24. Be8
Ne6 25. Rd1 Nxc5 26. Rd5 Nd3 27. Rxf5 Re7 28. Bg6 Kg7
29. Bh5 Bf6 30. b3 Bd4 31. Kf1 Rd7 32. a4 c6 33. Kg2 Kh7
34. a5 Kg7 35. Kf1 Bc5 36. Kg2 Re7 37. h3 Rd7 38. Kf1 Rd5
39. Ne3 Rxf5 40. Nxf5+ Kf6 41. Ne3 Kg5 42. Bg4 Bxe3
43. fxe3 Nc5 44. Bd1 Kf6 45. Ke2 Ke5 46. Kd2 Nd3 47. Bg4
Nb4 48. Kc3 Nd5+ 49. Kd2 Ne7 50. Bd7 Kd6 51. Be8 Kc5 52. g4
Kb4 53. Bf7 Nc8 54. h4 Kxa5 55. g5 hxg5 56. hxg5 Ne7 57. g6
Nf5 58. Kc3 Kb6 59. Be6 Ng7 60. Bc4 Kc5 61. b4+ Kd6 62. Kd4
Ke7 63. Ke5 Kf8 64. Kxe4 Ne8 65. Kd4 Kg7 66. b5 Kxg6
67. bxc6 bxc6 68. Bd3+ Kf6 69. Be4 c5+ 70. Kxc5 Ke5 71. Bd3
Nf6 72. Kb5 a5 73. Kxa5 1/2-1/2

Re: bobby fischer memorial tournament

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:51 pm
by thorstenczub
step by step the constellation Expert climbs into the list...
Motor                                         Punkte ChSpMiMeStMeChMeNoMeIgMeMeDeNiRuMeEmDeCoSuSiExMaPsMiKiKrKaCoTiCXGlMeScSh    S-B
01: Chessmachine512 The King2.54 {Brettcomputer}  19,0/20 ·   1 1 1 1 1 1     1       1 1 1 1   1 1   1   0 1 1 1 1   1            212,50
02: Sparc {Brettcomputer}                         18,5/22   · = 0   0 0   1 1 1   1   1   1 1 ? 1 1   1   1 1 1 1     1 1 1 1      169,00
03: MilanoPro {Brettcomputer}                     17,0/24 0 = · 1 0 1 = =     1     = 1 = =   0 1 1 = 1 1   1 1 = 1   1     1      172,25
04: Mephisto College {Brettcomputer}              16,5/24 0 1 0 · 0 0 1 = 1     1 1 0   = =   1 =     1 1     1 = 1   1   1 1 1    154,50
05: Star Diamond {Brettcomputer}                  16,0/23 0   1 1 · 1 1 0   1 1 0   = 1 = 1 =   1 0 0 =   1   1   1       1 1      172,00
06: Mephisto Berlin {Brettcomputer}               15,0/21 0 1 0 1 0 · = 1 1 = 1   1 = 1 1   0 1   1   =         1 1   1            172,25
07: Challenger 24mhz {Brettcomputer}              15,0/23 0 1 = 0 0 = · 0 1 1   = 1 1 1 1 = =     1   0 1 =     1     1 1          162,50
08: Mephisto MM5 {Brettcomputer}                  15,0/23 0   = = 1 0 1 · = 0     = 1 0 1   1 1 =     1     1 = 1 0   1 1   1      150,25
09: Novag citrine {Brettcomputer}                 13,5/21   0   0   0 0 = ·   1 1 1     1 1   =   1     =   = 0 1 1   = 1 1 1      117,00
10: Mephisto Schachakademie 24mhz {Brettcomputer} 13,0/22   0     0 = 0 1   ·     =   0 = 1 1 1     = 1 0 = 1 1 = 0 1 1     1      117,00
11: Igor 24mhz {Brettcomputer}                    12,0/23 0 0 0   0 0     0   · 1 1 0 1     = 1 0 0 1   = 1 1 1 =   1   1 =        104,50
12: Mephisto Mega IV {Brettcomputer}              12,0/22       0 1   =   0   0 ·   0   = 1   1 1 = 0   0   0 1 1   1 0 1 1 1 =     98,50
13: Mephisto academy {Brettcomputer}              12,0/23   0   0   0 0 = 0 = 0   ·   0 1 1 0   1 = 1 = 1   0 1   1   1     1 1     97,75
14: Designer2100 {Brettcomputer}                  11,5/24     = 1 = = 0 0     1 1   · 0 0 0   0 0 1 = 0 = 1   = =   1 0 1   1      113,00
15: NigelShort 10mhz {Brettcomputer}              11,5/20 0 0 0   0 0 0 1   1 0   1 1 · 1 1 =       1 1     0   1         1 1      111,75
16: Ruby {Brettcomputer}                          11,0/23 0   = = = 0 0 0 0 =   = 0 1 0 ·     = = 1           1 1 =   0 1 1   1     96,50
17: Mephisto MM2 {Brettcomputer}                  10,5/24 0 0 = = 0   =   0 0   0 0 1 0   ·     1   = 1 1 0   = 0 1 = 1 =   1       93,25
18: Emerald Classic Plus {Brettcomputer}          10,5/22 0 0     = 1 = 0   0 =   1   =     · 0   0 = 0 1   = 0   1   1 1   = 1     92,00
19: Designer2000 Display 5mhz {Brettcomputer}     10,0/22   ? 1 0   0   0 = 0 0 0   1   =   1 · = = 1   0 0   1 = = 1 = =           95,75
20: Corona D+ {Brettcomputer}                     10,0/21 0 0 0 = 0     =     1 0 0 1   = 0   = · 0   0     1 1 1 1   1     1       87,75
21: Supermondial B {Brettcomputer}                9,5/25  0 0 0   1 0 0   0   1 = = 0   0   1 = 1 · 0 = 0 0 1     1 0   = 0 1       91,00
22: Simultano {Brettcomputer}                     9,5/20      =   1         = 0 1 0 = 0   = = 0   1 · 0       = 0   0 1 1   = 1     86,50
23: Excel68000 {Brettcomputer}                    9,0/21  0 0 0 0 = = 1 0   0     = 1 0   0 1   1 = 1 · 1   1     0         0       99,25
24: Maestro D++ 6 mhz {Brettcomputer}             8,5/17      0 0     0   = 1 = 1 0 =     0 0 1   1   0 ·       1   1         1     77,00
25: PsionST EMU unlimited {Brettcomputer}         8,0/14  1 0     0   =     = 0     0     1   1   1       ·   1   1   1     0       82,50
26: Milano {Brettcomputer}                        8,0/21  0 0 0         0 = 0 0 1 1   1     =   0 0   0     ·   1 = = = = 0 1       69,50
27: Kishon Chesster {Brettcomputer}               7,5/23  0 0 0 0 0     = 1 0 0 0 0 =   0 = 1 0 0   =     0   ·   1 =   1     1     63,25
28: Krypton Regency {Brettcomputer}               6,5/22  0 0 = =   0 0 0 0 = = 0   = 0 0 1   = 0   1   0   0   · = 1               69,25
29: Kasparov Blitz {Brettcomputer}                6,5/24  0   0 0 0 0   1 0 1     0     = 0 0 = 0 0   1   0 = 0 = · =   1 0 0       62,75
30: Constellation Expert {Brettcomputer}          6,0/15                    0 0 0   0     =   0   1 1   0   = = 0 = ·       1 1     40,75
31: Tiger Grenadier {Brettcomputer}               5,5/23  0 0 0 0   0 0 0 = 0   1 0 1   1 0 0 = 0   0     0 =         · 0 0 1       54,25
32: CXG Sphinx40 {Brettcomputer}                  5,0/19    0         0 0 0   0 0   0   0 = 0 =   = 0       = 0   0   1 ·   1 1     30,00
33: Glasgow Emu unlimited {Brettcomputer}         4,5/12    0   0 0       0   = 0     0 0         1         1     1   1   ·         35,50
34: Mephi IIIb 8mhz {Brettcomputer}               4,0/24    0 0 0 0     0 0 0   0 0 0 0   0 =   0 0 = 1   1 0     1 0 0 0   · 0     33,50
35: Schneider Titan {Brettcomputer}               1,5/11        0               = 0     0   0       0   0     0     0   0   1 ·     10,00
36: Shredder Java {Brettcomputer}                 0,0/0                                                                         ·    0,00

369 Partien von 630 gespielt
Name des Turniers: Schachcomputer
Ort/ Land: SCW, Deutschland
Spielstufe: Turnier 40/120 20/60
[Event "Oldie Turnier"]
[Site "SCW"]
[Date "2010.06.13"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Novag Constellation Expert"]
[Black "Kasparov Simultano"]
[ECO "C66"]
[Result "1-0"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6 4. O-O d6 5. d4 Bd7 6. Nc3
a6 {"} 7. Bxc6 Bxc6 8. Qe1 Qe7 9. Bg5 O-O-O 10. Nd5 Bxd5
11. exd5 Re8 12. c4 e4 13. Nd2 h6 14. Be3 Ng4 15. b4 g6
16. c5 Qh4 17. Bf4 Qf6 18. Be3 Qf5 19. b5 axb5 20. Rb1 dxc5
21. dxc5 Qe5 22. g3 Qxd5 23. Rxb5 Qxa2 24. Bd4 Qa4 25. Qe2
Qxd4 26. Qxg4+ Qd7 27. Qxd7+ Kxd7 28. Nb3 e3 29. Rb1 e2
30. Re1 Bg7 31. Nc1 Kc6 32. Rb3 Bd4 33. Nxe2 Bxc5 34. Kf1
b6 35. Reb1 Ra8 36. Rf3 f5 37. Nf4 Rhg8 38. Rc3 Ra5 39. Ne6
Re8 40. Nd4+ Kd5 41. Nb3 Ra3 42. Rc2 Bd6 43. Rd1+ Ke6
44. Nd4+ Ke7 45. Nb5 Ra5 46. Nxd6 cxd6 47. Rc6 Rd8 48. Rxb6
Ra2 49. Kg2 Ke6 50. Re1+ Kd5 51. Rb7 Raa8 52. Rg7 Rg8
53. Rd7 Kc6 54. Rde7 Ra2 55. Rc1+ Kd5 56. Rd1+ Kc5 57. Rc7+
Kb6 58. Rd7 d5 59. R1xd5 Kc6 60. R5d6+ Kc5 61. Re6 Kc4
62. Rdd6 Rb8 63. Rxg6 Rbb2 64. Rxh6 Rxf2+ 65. Kg1 Rg2+
66. Kh1 f4 67. gxf4 Rgf2 68. Rd1 Rxf4 69. Rc6+ Kb5 70. Rc8
Kb6 71. Rb1+ Ka7 72. Rc7+ Ka6 73. Rc6+ Ka7 74. Rg6 Rff2
75. Rg7+ Ka6 76. Rh7 Rfe2 77. Rh6+ Ka7 78. Rg1 Re7 79. h4
Rae2 80. h5 Kb7 81. Rf6 Rh7 82. h6 Re5 83. Kg2 Rh5 84. Rh1
Rxh1 85. Kxh1 Kc7 86. Kg2 Kd7 87. Kg3 Ke7 88. Ra6 Kf8
89. Kg4 Rb7 90. Ra8+ Kf7 91. h7 Rb4+ 92. Kf5 Rh4 93. h8=Q
Rxh8 94. Rxh8 Ke7 95. Rh6 Kd7 96. Ke5 Kc7 97. Kd5 Kb7
98. Rc6 Ka7 99. Kc5 Kb7 100. Kd6 {mate in 4} 1-0

the next opponent for the constellation expert will be the tough Fidelity
Excel 68000 machine.

Re: bobby fischer memorial tournament

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:37 am
by BB+
If this is the Bobby Fischer Memorial, why don't you force everyone to play 1. e4? :P

Re: bobby fischer memorial tournament

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:50 pm
by Taner Altinsoy
Haha indeed! Btw I cannot imagine what Fischer would do with the aid of computers.

Re: bobby fischer memorial tournament

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:29 pm
by thorstenczub
Constellation Expert had to fight the Novag Ruby... and... won !

Surprise surprise !

The Mephisto College had no serious problem to beat the hell out of CXG Sphinx 40.
Motor                                         Punkte ChSpMeMiStChMeMeNoMeIgMeMeDeNiRuMeEmExDeCoSuSiMaPsMiKiCoKrKaTiCXGlMeScSh    S-B
01: Chessmachine512 The King2.54 {Brettcomputer}  19,0/20 ·   1 1 1 1 1 1     1       1 1 1 1 1   1 1     0 1 1   1 1 1            215,50
02: Sparc {Brettcomputer}                         18,5/22   · 0 =   0 0   1 1 1   1   1   1 1 1 ? 1 1     1 1 1   1   1 1 1 1      170,00
03: Mephisto College {Brettcomputer}              17,5/25 0 1 · 0 0 1 0 = 1     1 1 0   = =   1 1 =     1     1   = 1 1 1 1 1 1    161,50
04: MilanoPro {Brettcomputer}                     17,0/24 0 = 1 · 0 = 1 =     1     = 1 = =   1 0 1 1 = 1   1 1   = 1 1     1      174,75
05: Star Diamond {Brettcomputer}                  16,0/23 0   1 1 · 1 1 0   1 1 0   = 1 = 1 = =   1 0 0   1   1     1     1 1      174,50
06: Challenger 24mhz {Brettcomputer}              16,0/24 0 1 0 = 0 · = 0 1 1   = 1 1 1 1 = = 0     1   1 =     1 1   1 1          169,50
07: Mephisto Berlin {Brettcomputer}               15,0/21 0 1 1 0 0 = · 1 1 = 1   1 = 1 1   0 = 1   1             1 1 1            174,25
08: Mephisto MM5 {Brettcomputer}                  15,0/23 0   = = 1 1 0 · = 0     = 1 0 1   1 1 1 =         1 =   1 0 1 1   1      152,75
09: Novag citrine {Brettcomputer}                 13,5/21   0 0     0 0 = ·   1 1 1     1 1     =   1   =   = 0   1 1 = 1 1 1      117,00
10: Mephisto Schachakademie 24mhz {Brettcomputer} 13,0/22   0     0 0 = 1   ·     =   0 = 1 1 1 1     = 0 = 1 1 1 = 0 1     1      119,00
11: Igor 24mhz {Brettcomputer}                    12,0/23 0 0   0 0   0   0   · 1 1 0 1     =   1 0 0 1 = 1 1 1 1 =     1 =        105,50
12: Mephisto Mega IV {Brettcomputer}              12,0/22     0   1 =     0   0 ·   0   = 1     1 1 = 0 0   0 1 1 1   0 1 1 1 =    100,00
13: Mephisto academy {Brettcomputer}              12,0/23   0 0     0 0 = 0 = 0   ·   0 1 1 0 =   1 = 1 1   0 1     1 1     1 1     98,25
14: Designer2100 {Brettcomputer}                  11,5/24     1 = = 0 = 0     1 1   · 0 0 0   0 0 0 1 = = 1   = 1 =   0 1   1      115,00
15: NigelShort 10mhz {Brettcomputer}              11,5/20 0 0   0 0 0 0 1   1 0   1 1 · 1 1 = 1       1     0     1       1 1      112,75
16: Ruby {Brettcomputer}                          11,0/24 0   = = = 0 0 0 0 =   = 0 1 0 ·       = = 1         1 0 1 = 0 1 1   1     97,00
17: Mephisto MM2 {Brettcomputer}                  10,5/24 0 0 = = 0 =     0 0   0 0 1 0   ·   1   1   = 1 0   = = 0 1 1 =   1       95,75
18: Emerald Classic Plus {Brettcomputer}          10,5/22 0 0     = = 1 0   0 =   1   =     · 0 0   0 = 1   = 0     1 1 1   = 1     92,50
19: Excel68000 {Brettcomputer}                    10,0/22 0 0 0 0 = 1 = 0   0     = 1 0   0 1 ·   1 = 1 1   1   1   0       0      107,25
20: Designer2000 Display 5mhz {Brettcomputer}     10,0/22   ? 0 1     0 0 = 0 0 0   1   =   1   · = = 1 0 0   1 1 = = = =           96,75
21: Corona D+ {Brettcomputer}                     10,0/21 0 0 = 0 0     =     1 0 0 1   = 0   0 = · 0       1 1   1 1 1     1       88,25
22: Supermondial B {Brettcomputer}                9,5/25  0 0   0 1 0 0   0   1 = = 0   0   1 = = 1 · 0 0 0 1   0   1   = 0 1       91,50
23: Simultano {Brettcomputer}                     9,5/20        = 1         = 0 1 0 = 0   = = 0 0   1 ·       = 0 0   1 1   = 1     86,50
24: Maestro D++ 6 mhz {Brettcomputer}             8,5/17      0 0   0     = 1 = 1 0 =     0 0 0 1   1   ·       1 1           1     78,00
25: PsionST EMU unlimited {Brettcomputer}         8,0/14  1 0     0 =       = 0     0     1     1   1     ·   1     1 1     0       83,00
26: Milano {Brettcomputer}                        8,0/21  0 0   0       0 = 0 0 1 1   1     = 0   0 0       ·   = 1 = = = 0 1       70,00
27: Kishon Chesster {Brettcomputer}               7,5/23  0 0 0 0 0     = 1 0 0 0 0 =   0 = 1   0 0   =   0   · =   1   1     1     63,75
28: Constellation Expert {Brettcomputer}          7,0/18            0       0 0 0   0   1 =   0 0   1 1 0   = = · 0 =       1 1     51,75
29: Krypton Regency {Brettcomputer}               6,5/22  0 0 = =   0 0 0 0 = = 0   = 0 0 1     = 0   1 0   0   1 · =               70,75
30: Kasparov Blitz {Brettcomputer}                6,5/24  0   0 0 0   0 1 0 1     0     = 0 0 1 = 0 0     0 = 0 = = ·   1 0 0       64,25
31: Tiger Grenadier {Brettcomputer}               5,5/23  0 0 0 0   0 0 0 = 0   1 0 1   1 0 0   = 0   0   0 =         · 0 0 1       54,25
32: CXG Sphinx40 {Brettcomputer}                  5,0/20    0 0     0   0 0   0 0   0   0 = 0   =   = 0     = 0     0 1 ·   1 1     30,00
33: Glasgow Emu unlimited {Brettcomputer}         4,5/12    0 0   0       0   = 0     0 0           1       1       1 1   ·         35,50
34: Mephi IIIb 8mhz {Brettcomputer}               4,0/24    0 0 0 0     0 0 0   0 0 0 0   0 = 1   0 0 =   1 0   0   1 0 0   · 0     34,50
35: Schneider Titan {Brettcomputer}               1,5/11      0                 = 0     0   0         0 0     0 0       0   1 ·     10,00
36: Shredder Java {Brettcomputer}                 0,0/0                                                                         ·    0,00

373 Partien von 630 gespielt
Name des Turniers: Schachcomputer
Ort/ Land: SCW, Deutschland
Spielstufe: Turnier 40/120 20/60
Here some games:

[Event "Oldie Turnier"]
[Site "SCW"]
[Date "2010.06.13"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Fidelity Excel 68000"]
[Black "Novag Constellation Expert"]
[ECO "A77"]
[Result "1-0"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 e6 4. Nc3 exd5 5. cxd5 d6 6. e4 g6
7. Nf3 Bg7 8. Be2 O-O 9. O-O Re8 10. Nd2 Nbd7 11. a4 b6
12. h4 h5 13. Qc2 Bb7 14. Nc4 Ne5 15. Nxe5 dxe5 16. Bg5 Qc7
17. Rad1 a6 18. d6 Qc6 19. Bc4 Rad8 20. Bxf6 Bxf6 21. Qb3
Qd7 22. Qxb6 Bc6 23. Bxa6 Rb8 24. Qxc5 Rxb2 25. Nd5 Bxh4
26. Nb6 Rxb6 27. Qxb6 Bxa4 28. Ra1 Bc6 29. Bc4 Rc8 30. Ra7
Qxd6 31. Rxf7 Kh8 32. Qa7 Qd7 33. Rxd7 Bxd7 34. Qxd7 Rf8 1-0

[Event "Oldie Turnier"]
[Site "SCW"]
[Date "2010.06.13"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Novag Constellation Expert"]
[Black "Mephisto Challenger 24 mhz"]
[ECO "D46"]
[Result "0-1"]

1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Nc3 e6 5. e3 Nbd7 6. Bd3
Bd6 7. e4 dxe4 8. Nxe4 {"} Nxe4 9. Bxe4 Nf6 10. Qd3 c5
11. d5 exd5 12. Bxd5 Nxd5 13. cxd5 O-O 14. O-O b6 15. Re1
Qc7 16. Bd2 Bb7 17. Qe4 Rfd8 18. Rad1 f6 19. Kh1 Qf7
20. Bc3 Bc7 21. Qg4 Rxd5 22. Rc1 Rh5 23. h4 Bxf3 24. gxf3
f5 25. Qh3 Bd8 26. Kg2 Bxh4 27. f4 Qg6+ 28. Kf1 Bxf2
29. Qg2 Qxg2+ 30. Kxg2 Bxe1 31. Rxe1 Kf7 32. Rd1 g6 33. b4
Re8 34. Rd2 Re4 35. Be5 Rxb4 36. Rd7+ Ke6 37. Rxa7 g5 0-1

[Event "Oldie Turnier"]
[Site "SCW"]
[Date "2010.06.13"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Novag Ruby"]
[Black "Novag Constellation Expert"]
[ECO "B99"]
[Result "0-1"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Bg5
e6 7. f4 Be7 8. Qf3 Qc7 9. O-O-O Nbd7 10. g4 b5 11. Bxf6
Nxf6 12. g5 Nd7 13. f5 Nc5 14. f6 gxf6 15. gxf6 Bf8 16. Rg1
Bb7 17. a3 Nd7 18. Kb1 Qc5 19. Be2 Qe5 20. h4 Qxf6 21. Qh1
Rc8 22. h5 Ne5 23. Nb3 Qh6 24. Na5 Ba8 25. Qh3 Be7 26. Ka2
Rb8 27. Qh2 b4 28. axb4 Rxb4 29. Qg2 Bxe4 30. Nxe4 Ra4+
31. Kb3 Rxa5 32. Nxd6+ Bxd6 33. Qa8+ Ke7 34. Qb7+ Nd7
35. Rxd6 Qe3+ 36. Rd3 Rb8 37. Qxb8 Qxd3+ 38. Bxd3 Nxb8
39. h6 Rh5 40. Bxh7 Nd7 41. Bd3 Rxh6 42. Kc3 a5 43. Ra1 Rh5
44. Kd4 f6 45. Be2 Rc5 46. c3 f5 47. b3 e5+ 48. Kd3 e4+
49. Kd4 Kd6 50. Rh1 Re5 51. Rh6+ Re6 52. Rh5 Nc5 53. Bc4
Rf6 54. Rh8 a4 55. b4 Ne6+ 56. Ke3 Nc7 57. Kd4 a3 58. Rg8
Rh6 59. Rg2 Rh4 60. Ra2 e3+ 61. Kd3 Re4 62. Bb3 Ke5 63. Rg2
Kf4 64. Ra2 Nb5 65. Re2 Re8 66. Bc4 Rd8+ 67. Kc2 Nd6
68. Bd5 Ne4 69. c4 Kf3 70. Re1 Kf2 71. Rh1 Ng3 72. Rh2+ Kf1
73. Bf3 a2 74. Kb2 e2 75. Bxe2+ Kg1 76. Rh5 Rd2+ 77. Ka1
Nxe2 78. Rh3 Kg2 79. Ra3 0-1

[Event "Oldie Turnier"]
[Site "SCW"]
[Date "2010.06.13"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Mephisto College (MC lV) "]
[Black "CXG Sphinx 40"]
[ECO "E98"]
[Result "1-0"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. Nf3 O-O 6. Be2 e5
7. O-O Nc6 8. d5 Ne7 9. Ne1 Nd7 10. Nd3 f5 {"} 11. Bd2 fxe4
12. Nxe4 {"} Nf6 13. Nxf6+ Bxf6 14. Bf3 Re8 15. Re1 Bg7
16. Rc1 Bf6 17. c5 Bg7 18. Qb3 Bf6 19. Qc4 Bg7 20. Bg5 Bf5
21. Be4 Bxe4 22. Rxe4 h6 23. Bh4 a5 24. f4 Qb8 25. fxe5 Nf5
26. cxd6 cxd6 27. e6 Nxh4 28. Rxh4 b5 29. Qc6 Rc8 30. Qxc8+
Qxc8 31. Rxc8+ Rxc8 32. b4 g5 33. Re4 Rc4 34. Re2 Kf8
35. bxa5 Ke7 36. a6 Ra4 37. Rc2 Rxa6 38. Nb4 Ra4 39. Nc6+
Ke8 40. Kf2 Rc4 41. Re2 Rc5 42. Rd2 Be5 43. Nxe5 dxe5 1-0

Re: bobby fischer memorial tournament

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:22 pm
by thorstenczub
the CXG Sphinx40 had no chance against the Novag Constellation Expert.

[Event "Oldie Turnier"]
[Site "SCW"]
[Date "2010.06.13"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Novag Constellation Expert"]
[Black "CXG Sphinx 40"]
[ECO "C70"]
[Result "1-0"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 f5 5. d4 exd4 6. e5
Bc5 7. O-O Nge7 8. Bb3 d5 9. Bg5 {"} h6 {"} 10. Bxe7 Kxe7
11. c3 dxc3 12. Nxc3 d4 13. Nd5+ Ke8 14. Re1 Ba7 15. Nh4 h5
16. Qf3 Nb4 17. Nf6+ gxf6 18. exf6+ Kd7 19. Qxf5+ Kd6
20. Qe5+ Kc6 21. Rac1+ {Matt in 3} Nc2 22. Rxc2+ Bc5
23. Qxc5+ Kd7 24. Qxd4# 1-0

now expert climbs higher and higher.
Motor                                         Punkte ChSpMeMiStChMeMeNoMeIgMeMeDeNiRuMeEmExDeCoSuSiMaPsMiCoKiKrKaTiCXGlMeScSh    S-B
01: Chessmachine512 The King2.54 {Brettcomputer}  19,0/20 ·   1 1 1 1 1 1     1       1 1 1 1 1   1 1     0 1   1 1 1 1            215,50
02: Sparc {Brettcomputer}                         18,5/22   · 0 =   0 0   1 1 1   1   1   1 1 1 ? 1 1     1 1   1 1   1 1 1 1      170,00
03: Mephisto College {Brettcomputer}              17,5/25 0 1 · 0 0 1 0 = 1     1 1 0   = =   1 1 =     1       1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1    161,50
04: MilanoPro {Brettcomputer}                     17,0/24 0 = 1 · 0 = 1 =     1     = 1 = =   1 0 1 1 = 1   1   1 = 1 1     1      174,75
05: Star Diamond {Brettcomputer}                  16,0/23 0   1 1 · 1 1 0   1 1 0   = 1 = 1 = =   1 0 0   1     1   1     1 1      174,50
06: Challenger 24mhz {Brettcomputer}              16,0/24 0 1 0 = 0 · = 0 1 1   = 1 1 1 1 = = 0     1   1 =   1   1   1 1          170,50
07: Mephisto Berlin {Brettcomputer}               15,0/21 0 1 1 0 0 = · 1 1 = 1   1 = 1 1   0 = 1   1             1 1 1            174,25
08: Mephisto MM5 {Brettcomputer}                  15,0/23 0   = = 1 1 0 · = 0     = 1 0 1   1 1 1 =         1   = 1 0 1 1   1      152,75
09: Novag citrine {Brettcomputer}                 13,5/21   0 0     0 0 = ·   1 1 1     1 1     =   1   =   =   0 1 1 = 1 1 1      117,00
10: Mephisto Schachakademie 24mhz {Brettcomputer} 13,0/22   0     0 0 = 1   ·     =   0 = 1 1 1 1     = 0 = 1 1 1 = 0 1     1      120,00
11: Igor 24mhz {Brettcomputer}                    12,0/23 0 0   0 0   0   0   · 1 1 0 1     =   1 0 0 1 = 1 1 1 1 =     1 =        106,50
12: Mephisto Mega IV {Brettcomputer}              12,0/22     0   1 =     0   0 ·   0   = 1     1 1 = 0 0   0 1 1 1   0 1 1 1 =    101,00
13: Mephisto academy {Brettcomputer}              12,0/23   0 0     0 0 = 0 = 0   ·   0 1 1 0 =   1 = 1 1   0   1   1 1     1 1     98,25
14: Designer2100 {Brettcomputer}                  11,5/24     1 = = 0 = 0     1 1   · 0 0 0   0 0 0 1 = = 1   1 = =   0 1   1      116,00
15: NigelShort 10mhz {Brettcomputer}              11,5/20 0 0   0 0 0 0 1   1 0   1 1 · 1 1 = 1       1     0     1       1 1      112,75
16: Ruby {Brettcomputer}                          11,0/24 0   = = = 0 0 0 0 =   = 0 1 0 ·       = = 1         0 1 1 = 0 1 1   1     97,00
17: Mephisto MM2 {Brettcomputer}                  10,5/24 0 0 = = 0 =     0 0   0 0 1 0   ·   1   1   = 1 0   = = 0 1 1 =   1       96,25
18: Emerald Classic Plus {Brettcomputer}          10,5/22 0 0     = = 1 0   0 =   1   =     · 0 0   0 = 1   =   0   1 1 1   = 1     92,50
19: Excel68000 {Brettcomputer}                    10,0/22 0 0 0 0 = 1 = 0   0     = 1 0   0 1 ·   1 = 1 1   1 1     0       0      108,25
20: Designer2000 Display 5mhz {Brettcomputer}     10,0/22   ? 0 1     0 0 = 0 0 0   1   =   1   · = = 1 0 0   1 1 = = = =           97,75
21: Corona D+ {Brettcomputer}                     10,0/21 0 0 = 0 0     =     1 0 0 1   = 0   0 = · 0       1   1 1 1 1     1       88,25
22: Supermondial B {Brettcomputer}                9,5/25  0 0   0 1 0 0   0   1 = = 0   0   1 = = 1 · 0 0 0 1 0     1   = 0 1       91,50
23: Simultano {Brettcomputer}                     9,5/20        = 1         = 0 1 0 = 0   = = 0 0   1 ·       0 = 0   1 1   = 1     86,50
24: Maestro D++ 6 mhz {Brettcomputer}             8,5/17      0 0   0     = 1 = 1 0 =     0 0 0 1   1   ·     1   1           1     79,00
25: PsionST EMU unlimited {Brettcomputer}         8,0/14  1 0     0 =       = 0     0     1     1   1     ·     1   1 1     0       83,00
26: Milano {Brettcomputer}                        8,0/21  0 0   0       0 = 0 0 1 1   1     = 0   0 0       · =   1 = = = 0 1       70,50
27: Constellation Expert {Brettcomputer}          8,0/19            0       0 0 0   0   1 =   0 0   1 1 0   = · = 0 =   1   1 1     56,75
28: Kishon Chesster {Brettcomputer}               7,5/23  0 0 0 0 0     = 1 0 0 0 0 =   0 = 1   0 0   =   0   = ·   1   1     1     64,25
29: Krypton Regency {Brettcomputer}               6,5/22  0 0 = =   0 0 0 0 = = 0   = 0 0 1     = 0   1 0   0 1   · =               71,75
30: Kasparov Blitz {Brettcomputer}                6,5/24  0   0 0 0   0 1 0 1     0     = 0 0 1 = 0 0     0 = = 0 = ·   1 0 0       64,75
31: Tiger Grenadier {Brettcomputer}               5,5/23  0 0 0 0   0 0 0 = 0   1 0 1   1 0 0   = 0   0   0 =         · 0 0 1       54,25
32: CXG Sphinx40 {Brettcomputer}                  5,0/21    0 0     0   0 0   0 0   0   0 = 0   =   = 0     = 0 0   0 1 ·   1 1     30,00
33: Glasgow Emu unlimited {Brettcomputer}         4,5/12    0 0   0       0   = 0     0 0           1       1       1 1   ·         35,50
34: Mephi IIIb 8mhz {Brettcomputer}               4,0/24    0 0 0 0     0 0 0   0 0 0 0   0 = 1   0 0 =   1 0 0     1 0 0   · 0     34,50
35: Schneider Titan {Brettcomputer}               1,5/11      0                 = 0     0   0         0 0     0 0       0   1 ·     10,00
36: Shredder Java {Brettcomputer}                 0,0/0                                                                         ·    0,00

374 Partien von 630 gespielt
Name des Turniers: Schachcomputer
Ort/ Land: SCW, Deutschland
Spielstufe: Turnier 40/120 20/60
Also Mephisto college aka Monte Carlo IV is doing a very good job.

I am still not sure what to do with Shredder Java. My idea was to put this mobile phone
running java-shredder on a fast CPU... but the problem is shredder-java only has
1' time control. we need 3' ! also java-shredder has no permanent brain.

My Motorola mobile makes 500 or 550 mhz. but of course the java engine is not that strong like a normal c oder machine code engine.
I begged stefan meyer kahlen to update the java-engine allowing 3' computation time. but
he is busy.

maybe i have to throw the program out of the tournament again. but which machine to put in ?

Re: bobby fischer memorial tournament

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:12 pm
by thorstenczub
so far the tournament has 425 games played.
the next machine we will play some more games is the CXG dominator with frans morsch program.

Motor                                         Punkte ChMeSpChMiChMeStMeNiNoDeMeMeMeDeIgExEmRuDeSuMeCoSiMaPsMiCoKiKrKaCXTiGlMeScCX    S-B
01: Chessmachine512 The King2.54 {Brettcomputer}  24,5/26 · 1   1 1 1 1 1 1 1   1   1   1 1 1 1 1 = 1 1 1 1   0 1   1 1 1   1          295,25
02: Mephisto College {Brettcomputer}              18,5/26 0 · 1   0 1 0 0 =   1 1   1 1 0   1   = 1   = =   1       1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1    181,75
03: Sparc {Brettcomputer}                         18,5/23   0 · 0 = 0 0     1 1   1 1     1 1 1   ? 1 1 1     1 1   1 1   1 1 1 1   ?  179,75
04: Chess Explorer Pro 32mhz {Brettcomputer}      17,5/22 0   1 · =   1 1 1   1 0   0 1 = 1   =       1 1 1 1     1   1 1 1       1    192,25
05: MilanoPro {Brettcomputer}                     17,5/25 0 1 = = · = 1 0 = 1           = 1 1   = 0 1 = 1 = 1   1   1 = 1   1   1      191,50
06: Challenger 24mhz {Brettcomputer}              17,0/25 0 0 1   = · = 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 = 1   0 = 1   1 =     1 =   1   1   1 1          192,25
07: Mephisto Berlin {Brettcomputer}               16,0/23 0 1 1 0 0 = · 0 1 1 1 1 = 1   = 1 = 0 1 1 1                 1 1   1          196,50
08: Star Diamond {Brettcomputer}                  16,0/24 0 1   0 1 1 1 · 0 1     1   0 = 1 = = =   0 1 1 0   1     1   1     1 1      183,00
09: Mephisto MM5 {Brettcomputer}                  15,5/25 0 =   0 = 1 0 1 · 0 = = 0 =   1   1 1 1 1     =       1   = 1 0 1 1   1      165,50
10: NigelShort 10mhz {Brettcomputer}              14,5/23 0   0   0 0 0 0 1 · 1 1 1 1   1 0 1 = 1     1   1     0     1   1   1 1      150,50
11: Novag citrine {Brettcomputer}                 14,5/24   0 0 0   0 0   = 0 · 1   1 1   1     1 = 1 1     =   =   0 1 1 1 = 1 1      135,00
12: Designer2265 Master {Brettcomputer}           13,0/21 0 0   1   0 0   = 0 0 · 1 1 =   1   1 1   0 1   1     1     1     1     1    133,00
13: Mephisto Schachakademie 24mhz {Brettcomputer} 13,0/23     0     0 = 0 1 0   0 · =       1 1 = 1   1   = 0 = 1 1 1 = 0   1   1      123,50
14: Mephisto academy {Brettcomputer}              13,0/26 0 0 0 1   0 0   = 0 0 0 = ·     0 = 0 1   = 1 1 1 1   0   1   1   1   1 1    117,00
15: Mephisto Mega IV {Brettcomputer}              12,5/24   0   0   =   1     0 =     · 0 0     = 1 = 1 1 0 0   0 1 1 1   1 0 1 1 =    111,00
16: Designer2100 {Brettcomputer}                  12,0/26 0 1   = = 0 = = 0 0         1 · 1 0   0 0 1 0 0 = = 1   1 = =   1 0   1      129,00
17: Igor 24mhz {Brettcomputer}                    12,0/25 0   0 0 0   0 0   1 0 0   1 1 0 ·   =   1 0   0 1 = 1 1 1 1 =   1   =        113,25
18: Excel68000 {Brettcomputer}                    11,0/23 0 0 0   0 1 = = 0 0     0 =   1   · 1     = 0 1 1 1   1 1     0 1     0      117,75
19: Emerald Classic Plus {Brettcomputer}          11,0/24 0   0 =   = 1 = 0 =   0 0 1     = 0 ·   0 0     = 1   =   0   1 1 1   = 1    106,25
20: Ruby {Brettcomputer}                          11,0/25 0 =     = 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 = 0 = 1       · = 1   =         0 1 1 = 1 0 1   1    101,75
21: Designer2000 Display 5mhz {Brettcomputer}     10,5/23 = 0 ?   1   0   0   =   0   0 1 0   1 = · =   = 1 0 0   1 1 = = = =          113,00
22: Supermondial B {Brettcomputer}                10,5/26 0   0   0 0 0 1     0 1   = = 0 1 = 1 0 = ·   1 0 0 0 1 0     1 =   0 1      107,00
23: Mephisto MM2 {Brettcomputer}                  10,5/26 0 = 0 0 = =   0   0 0 0 0 0 0 1   1         · 1 = 1 0   = = 0 1 = 1   1       99,50
24: Corona D+ {Brettcomputer}                     10,0/22 0 = 0 0 0     0 =         0 0 1 1 0   = = 0 0 ·       1   1 1 1   1   1       89,75
25: Simultano {Brettcomputer}                     9,5/23  0     0 =     1   0   0 = 0 1 = 0 0 =   0 1 =   ·       0 = 0   1 1   = 1     89,75
26: Maestro D++ 6 mhz {Brettcomputer}             8,5/18    0   0 0 0         =   1 0 1 = = 0 0   1 1 0     ·     1   1           1     81,75
27: PsionST EMU unlimited {Brettcomputer}         8,0/14  1   0     =   0         =     0 0       1 1 1       ·     1   1   1   0       90,50
28: Milano {Brettcomputer}                        8,0/22  0   0   0       0 1 = 0 0 1 1   0 0 =     0   0       · =   1 = = = 0 1       76,25
29: Constellation Expert {Brettcomputer}          8,0/21        0   0             0   0 0 0 0   1 0 1 =   1 0   = · = 0 = 1   0 1 1     58,75
30: Kishon Chesster {Brettcomputer}               7,5/23  0 0 0   0     0 =   1   0 0 0 = 0   1 0 0   = 0 =   0   = ·   1 1       1     67,25
31: Krypton Regency {Brettcomputer}               6,5/25  0 = 0 0 = 0 0   0 0 0 0 =   0 = =     0 =   1 0 1 0   0 1   · = 0             73,00
32: Kasparov Blitz {Brettcomputer}                6,5/25  0 0   0 0   0 0 1   0   1 0       1 0 = = 0 0 0     0 = = 0 = · 1   0 0       67,50
33: CXG Sphinx40 {Brettcomputer}                  6,0/25    0 0 0   0     0 0 0       0 0 0 0 0 0 = = =   0     = 0 0 1 0 · 1   1 1     37,25
34: Tiger Grenadier {Brettcomputer}               5,5/24  0 0 0   0 0 0   0   = 0 0 0 1 1     0 1 =   0 0 0   0 =         0 · 0 1       56,00
35: Glasgow Emu unlimited {Brettcomputer}         5,5/13    0 0         0   0 0       0   =     0   1           1 1     1   1 ·         44,50
36: Mephi IIIb 8mhz {Brettcomputer}               4,0/24    0 0   0     0 0 0 0   0 0 0 0   1 =     0 0 0 =   1 0 0     1 0 0   · 0     35,75
37: Schneider Titan {Brettcomputer}               1,5/13    0   0               0   0 =       0 0         0 0     0 0     0     1 ·     10,25
38: CXG Dominator {Brettcomputer}                 0,0/0       ?                                                                     ·    0,00

425 Partien von 703 gespielt
Name des Turniers: Schachcomputer
Ort/ Land: ORION8-LATITUDE, Deutschland
Spielstufe: Turnier 40/120 20/60