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ChessVibes Weekly Endgame Study (174)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:58 pm
by kingliveson
Weekly Endgame Study (174)

K7/6N1/3P4/4p3/1r3k2/8/4P3/8 w - - 0 1

Can you solve it without computer assistance?

Re: ChessVibes Weekly Endgame Study (174)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:10 pm
by Peter C
Can you solve it without computer assistance?

Independent Computer Chess
Discussion Forum


Re: ChessVibes Weekly Endgame Study (174)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:17 pm
by kingliveson
But the question is can you solve it without peeking?

Re: ChessVibes Weekly Endgame Study (174)

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 5:43 am
by BB+
Can you solve it without building the NPPrp tablebase? :ugeek:

Re: ChessVibes Weekly Endgame Study (174)

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 6:11 pm
by kingliveson
BB+ wrote:Can you solve it without building the NPPrp tablebase? :ugeek:
First couple moves are easy. 1. d7 a4 2. b7 and then continues...

Re: ChessVibes Weekly Endgame Study (174)

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 6:34 pm
by kingliveson

1. d7
1. Ne6+? Ke3 2. d7 Ra4+ 3. Kb7 Rb4+ 4. Kc7 Rc4+ 5. Kd6 Rc1 6. Nc5 Rd1+ 7. Nd3 Kxe2
1... Ra4+
1... Rd4 2. Ne6+
2. Kb7 Rb4+ 3. Kc6
3. Kc7? Rc4+ 4. Kd6 Rd4+
3... Rb8
3... Rc4+ 4. Kb5! Rd4 5. Ne6+
4. Kc7 Ra8! 5. Kb7 Rh8!
5... Rd8 6. Ne6+ 5... Rf8 6. Ne6+ 5... Rg8 6. Ne8
6. e4!
6. Ne8? Rh7 7. Kc6 Rxd7 8. Kxd7 Ke3
6... Kf3
6... Ke3 main 7. Kc7 Ra8! 8. Nf5+! Kxe4 9. Nd6+ Kf3 10. Nc8 6... Kxe4 7. Ne8 Rh7 8. Nf6+ 6... Kg5 7. Ne8 Rh7 8. Kc6 Rxd7 9. Kxd7 Kf4 10. Nd6
7. Kc6!
7. Kc7? Ra8 8. Nf5! Ra7+! 9. Kc6 Rxd7 10. Kxd7 Kxe4
7... Rd8
7... Ra8 8. Nf5 Kxe4 9. Nd6+
8. Ne6! Rxd7 9. Ng5+ Kf4 10. Kxd7 Kxg5 11. Ke6! Kf4 12. Kd5 1-0