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Post-A-Log chess recorder!! Help Please.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 5:59 pm
by Nakann
I am trying to find a site that still sells those "Post-A-Logs" because I still use them even with my computer storing games. I play on a CC team and use this product all the time, the trouble is I can't find them anymore. I am really wanting to find out where there are any being sold, if you know a place could you let me know? I would appreciate it a ton I really would. It's weird though, I knew the man that invented them Joe Viggiano and I would go to his house and buy the inserts and then I stopped playing for a few years and when I went back full time playing chess I tried to get some more inserts etc, and found out Joe had died. Well this was sad news because he was a really nice man. Well I then tried to contact his son George who the last address I had was in Florida so I wrote him a snail mail because I couldn't find an email or Facebook or any other way of getting in touch with him, well the snail mail came back un-answered because it said the address is not for that person. So now I have no idea how to get in touch with him. The even stranger thing is I can't find this product anywhere on the internet and that has blown my mind really, lol. So if you know anyplace or anyone that uses this product or knows someone else that does it would be awesome. My email is: And my Facebook contact name is: Nalan Barry Lokey. Sorry to go on a bit, but thanks and have a great day, Barry :D :D

Re: Post-A-Log chess recorder!! Help Please.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 7:41 pm
by Jeremy Bernstein

Re: Post-A-Log chess recorder!! Help Please.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 8:38 pm
by Nakann
Thanks Jeremy Bernstein so much for your link, I do appreciate it my friend. I have tried them before and can't get a response from anyone for whatever the reason, but I am going to follow the link you gave me and try again, maybe better luck this time, lol I hope. Please do me a favor and have an awesome day, Barry, (Nakann) :D