Much Honor.
For parties, you can read the readme that comes with Bouquet.
The author, I mean myself, admittedly not a professional programmer.
I'm not looking for profit, the program is for everyone free of charge.
I have a few years in this as chess aficionado and programming.
Ippolit decided to develop sources on my own, create a project and give it stability, no crime and nothing to hide.
locate a single executable Greko cafelito resembling, or size or anything, as you can say it is a HEX edit, you have no idea.
Cafelito not presented as a driver, it was just a joke to another gentleman who was asking me something else, this project was made more than a year, remove things and added some different assessment, and I must admit that I knew much less than now that is little.
As the code is crap cafelito decided to put the author in recognition, it was only a joke.
And you me riding a blog, the honor.
Code: Select all
#include "aval.h"
#include "config.h"
EVAL VAL_P = 100;
EVAL VAL_N = 350;
EVAL VAL_B = 370;
EVAL VAL_R = 550;
EVAL VAL_Q = 1100;
int VAL_Pp = 100;
int VAL_Np = 350;
int VAL_Bp = 370;
int VAL_Rp = 550;
int VAL_Qp = 1100;
EVAL LazyEval = 150;
EVAL INICIAL = ((2*VAL_Q)+(4*VAL_R)+(4*VAL_B)+(4*VAL_N)+(16*VAL_P));//9600
EVAL APERTURA = ((VAL_Q)+(4*VAL_R)+(4*VAL_B)+(4*VAL_N)+(12*VAL_P));//8000
EVAL MEDIOJUEGO = ((4*VAL_R)+(3*VAL_B)+(3*VAL_N)+(8*VAL_P));//5800
EVAL FINAL = ((4*VAL_R)+(VAL_B)+(VAL_N)+(4*VAL_P));//3400
EVAL FINALA = ((2*VAL_R)+(VAL_B)+(VAL_N)+(2*VAL_P));//2400
EVAL FINALB = ((VAL_B)+(VAL_N)+(4*VAL_P));//1200
EVAL PawnDoubled = -15;
EVAL PawnIsolated = -15;
EVAL PawnBackwards = -5;
EVAL PawnDuo = 10;
EVAL PawnTrio = 15;
EVAL PawnCenter = 20;
EVAL PawnPassed = 120;
EVAL PawnPassedSquare = 120;
//EVAL KnigthInicio = 20;
EVAL KnightCenter = 30;
EVAL KnightOutpost = 10;
//EVAL BishopPair = 50;
EVAL BishopCenter = 20;
EVAL BishopMobility = 45;
EVAL RookMobility = 30;
EVAL Rook7th = 20;
EVAL RookOpen = 10;
EVAL QueenKingTropism = 40;
EVAL QueenCenterEnd = 30;
EVAL KingCenterMid = -40;
EVAL KingCenterEnd = 40;
EVAL KingPawnShield = 100;
EVAL BISHOP_PAIR[17]={ 60, 55, 55, 50, 50, 45, 45, 40, 40,
35, 35, 30, 30, 25, 25, 20, 20 };
//EVAL ajuste_knight[9] = { -14, -10, -8, -4, -2, 0, 4, 8, 12};
//EVAL ajuste_rook[9] = { 12, 10, 7, 4, 2, 0, -3, -6, -9};
struct PawnEntry
U32 m_pawnHash;
int m_ranks[10][2];
EVAL m_score;
U64 m_passed[2];
void Read(const Position& pos);
void Readend(const Position& pos);
const int g_pawnHashSize = 16384;
PawnEntry g_pawnHash[g_pawnHashSize];
/*void SetqueenValue(int queenValue)
EVAL VAL_Q = (queenValue);
int PawnShieldWhite(const PawnEntry& pentry, FLD K)
int r = 0;
int file = Col(K) + 1;
for (int i = file - 1; i <= file + 1; ++i)
int rank = pentry.m_ranks[i][WHITE];
if (rank == 6)
else if (rank == 5)
r += 1;
else if (rank == 4)
r += 2;
r += 3;
return r;
int PawnShieldBlack(const PawnEntry& pentry, FLD K)
int r = 0;
int file = Col(K) + 1;
for (int i = file - 1; i <= file + 1; ++i)
int rank = pentry.m_ranks[i][BLACK];
if (rank == 1)
else if (rank == 2)
r += 1;
else if (rank == 3)
r += 2;
r += 3;
return r;
EVAL Evaluate(const Position& pos, EVAL alpha, EVAL beta)
EVAL totScore = pos.Material(WHITE) + pos.Material(BLACK);
//*************************************************************************** 1
if ((totScore > APERTURA)&&(totScore <= INICIAL))
//*************************************************************************** 1
EVAL matScore = pos.Material(WHITE) - pos.Material(BLACK);
EVAL posScore = 0;
if (pos.Count(BW) == 2)
matScore += BISHOP_PAIR[PW+PB];
if (pos.Count(BB) == 2)
matScore -= BISHOP_PAIR[PW+PB];
EVAL lazy = (pos.Side() == WHITE)? matScore : -matScore;
if (lazy <= alpha - LazyEval)
return alpha;
if (lazy >= beta + LazyEval)
return beta;
U64 x, y, occ = pos.BitsAll();
FLD f;
int index = pos.PawnHash() % g_pawnHashSize;
PawnEntry& pentry = g_pawnHash[index];
if (pentry.m_pawnHash != pos.PawnHash())
posScore += pentry.m_score;
x = pentry.m_passed[WHITE];
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore += PawnPassed * (7 - Row(f)) / 6;
if (pos.MatIndex(BLACK) == 0)
FLD f1 = f;
if (pos.Side() == BLACK)
f1 += 8;
if ((BB_PAWN_SQUARE[f1][WHITE] & pos.Bits(KB)) == 0)
posScore += PawnPassedSquare * (7 - Row(f1)) / 6;
x = pentry.m_passed[BLACK];
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore -= PawnPassed * Row(f) / 6;
if (pos.MatIndex(WHITE) == 0)
FLD f1 = f;
if (pos.Side() == WHITE)
f1 -= 8;
if ((BB_PAWN_SQUARE[f1][BLACK] & pos.Bits(KW)) == 0)
posScore -= PawnPassedSquare * Row(f1) / 6;
static const int outpost[64] =
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
x = pos.Bits(NW);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore += PSQ_N_I[f];
if (outpost[f])
if (BB_PAWN_ATTACKS[f][BLACK] & pos.Bits(PW))
posScore += KnightOutpost;
x = pos.Bits(NB);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore -= PSQ_N_I[FLIP[f]];
if (outpost[FLIP[f]])
if (BB_PAWN_ATTACKS[f][WHITE] & pos.Bits(PB))
posScore -= KnightOutpost;
x = pos.Bits(BW);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore += PSQ_B_I[f];
y = BishopAttacks(f, occ);
posScore += BISHOP_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
x = pos.Bits(BB);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore -= PSQ_B_I[FLIP[f]];
y = BishopAttacks(f, occ);
posScore -= BISHOP_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
x = pos.Bits(RW);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore += PSQ_R[f];
y = RookAttacks(f, occ);
posScore += ROOK_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
if (Row(f) == 1)
posScore += Rook7th;
int file = Col(f) + 1;
if (pentry.m_ranks[file][WHITE] == 0)
posScore += RookOpen;
if (pentry.m_ranks[file][WHITE && BLACK] == 0)
posScore += RookOpen ;
x = pos.Bits(RB);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore -= PSQ_R[FLIP[f]];
y = RookAttacks(f, occ);
posScore -= ROOK_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
if (Row(f) == 6)
posScore -= Rook7th;
int file = Col(f) + 1;
if (pentry.m_ranks[file][BLACK] == 0)
posScore -= RookOpen;
if (pentry.m_ranks[file][BLACK && WHITE] == 0)
posScore -= RookOpen;
x = pos.Bits(QW);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore += (PSQ_Q_MED[f]/2);
if (Row(f) == 1)
posScore += Rook7th;
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(BLACK));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(BLACK));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore += QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist];
x = pos.Bits(QB);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore -= (PSQ_Q_MED[FLIP[f]]/2);
if (Row(f) == 1)
posScore -= Rook7th;
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(WHITE));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(WHITE));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore -= QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist];
f = pos.King(WHITE);
posScore += PSQ_K_MID[f] * pos.MatIndex(BLACK) / 32;
posScore += PSQ_K_END[f] * (32 - pos.MatIndex(BLACK)) / 32;
int penalty = PawnShieldWhite(pentry, f);
posScore += KING_PAWN_SHIELD[penalty] * pos.MatIndex(BLACK) / 32;
f = pos.King(BLACK);
posScore -= PSQ_K_MID[FLIP[f]] * pos.MatIndex(WHITE) / 32;
posScore -= PSQ_K_END[FLIP[f]] * (32 - pos.MatIndex(WHITE)) / 32;
int penalty = PawnShieldBlack(pentry, f);
posScore -= KING_PAWN_SHIELD[penalty] * pos.MatIndex(WHITE) / 32;
EVAL e = matScore + posScore;
if (pos.Count(PW) == 0 && pos.MatIndex(WHITE) < 5 && e > 0)
e = 0;
if (pos.Count(PB) == 0 && pos.MatIndex(BLACK) < 5 && e < 0)
e = 0;
return (pos.Side() == WHITE)? e : -e;
//*************************************************************************** 1
else if ((totScore > MEDIOJUEGO)&&(totScore <= APERTURA))
//*************************************************************************** 1
EVAL matScore = pos.Material(WHITE) - pos.Material(BLACK);
EVAL posScore = 0;
if (pos.Count(BW) == 2)
matScore += BISHOP_PAIR[PW+PB];
if (pos.Count(BB) == 2)
matScore -= BISHOP_PAIR[PW+PB];
EVAL lazy = (pos.Side() == WHITE)? matScore : -matScore;
if (lazy <= alpha - LazyEval)
return alpha;
if (lazy >= beta + LazyEval)
return beta;
U64 x, y, occ = pos.BitsAll();
FLD f;
int index = pos.PawnHash() % g_pawnHashSize;
PawnEntry& pentry = g_pawnHash[index];
if (pentry.m_pawnHash != pos.PawnHash())
posScore += pentry.m_score;
x = pentry.m_passed[WHITE];
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore += PawnPassed * (7 - Row(f)) / 6;
if (pos.MatIndex(BLACK) == 0)
FLD f1 = f;
if (pos.Side() == BLACK)
f1 += 8;
if ((BB_PAWN_SQUARE[f1][WHITE] & pos.Bits(KB)) == 0)
posScore += PawnPassedSquare * (7 - Row(f1)) / 6;
x = pentry.m_passed[BLACK];
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore -= PawnPassed * Row(f) / 6;
if (pos.MatIndex(WHITE) == 0)
FLD f1 = f;
if (pos.Side() == WHITE)
f1 -= 8;
if ((BB_PAWN_SQUARE[f1][BLACK] & pos.Bits(KW)) == 0)
posScore -= PawnPassedSquare * Row(f1) / 6;
static const int outpost[64] =
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
x = pos.Bits(NW);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore += PSQ_N_I[f];
if (outpost[f])
if (BB_PAWN_ATTACKS[f][BLACK] & pos.Bits(PW))
posScore += KnightOutpost;
x = pos.Bits(NB);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore -= PSQ_N_I[FLIP[f]];
if (outpost[FLIP[f]])
if (BB_PAWN_ATTACKS[f][WHITE] & pos.Bits(PB))
posScore -= KnightOutpost;
x = pos.Bits(BW);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore += PSQ_B_I[f];
y = BishopAttacks(f, occ);
posScore += BISHOP_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
x = pos.Bits(BB);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore -= PSQ_B_I[FLIP[f]];
y = BishopAttacks(f, occ);
posScore -= BISHOP_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
x = pos.Bits(RW);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore += PSQ_R[f];
y = RookAttacks(f, occ);
posScore += ROOK_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
if (Row(f) == 1)
posScore += Rook7th;
int file = Col(f) + 1;
if (pentry.m_ranks[file][WHITE] == 0)
posScore += RookOpen;
if (pentry.m_ranks[file][WHITE && BLACK] == 0)
posScore += RookOpen ;
x = pos.Bits(RB);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore -= PSQ_R[FLIP[f]];
y = RookAttacks(f, occ);
posScore -= ROOK_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
if (Row(f) == 6)
posScore -= Rook7th;
int file = Col(f) + 1;
if (pentry.m_ranks[file][BLACK] == 0)
posScore -= RookOpen;
if (pentry.m_ranks[file][BLACK && WHITE] == 0)
posScore -= RookOpen;
x = pos.Bits(QW);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore += PSQ_Q_MED[f];
if (Row(f) == 1)
posScore += Rook7th;
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(BLACK));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(BLACK));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore += QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist];
x = pos.Bits(QB);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore -= PSQ_Q_MED[FLIP[f]];
if (Row(f) == 1)
posScore -= Rook7th;
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(WHITE));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(WHITE));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore -= QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist];
f = pos.King(WHITE);
posScore += PSQ_K_MID[f] * pos.MatIndex(BLACK) / 32;
posScore += PSQ_K_END[f] * (32 - pos.MatIndex(BLACK)) / 32;
int penalty = PawnShieldWhite(pentry, f);
posScore += KING_PAWN_SHIELD[penalty] * pos.MatIndex(BLACK) / 32;
f = pos.King(BLACK);
posScore -= PSQ_K_MID[FLIP[f]] * pos.MatIndex(WHITE) / 32;
posScore -= PSQ_K_END[FLIP[f]] * (32 - pos.MatIndex(WHITE)) / 32;
int penalty = PawnShieldBlack(pentry, f);
posScore -= KING_PAWN_SHIELD[penalty] * pos.MatIndex(WHITE) / 32;
EVAL e = matScore + posScore;
if (pos.Count(PW) == 0 && pos.MatIndex(WHITE) < 5 && e > 0)
e = 0;
if (pos.Count(PB) == 0 && pos.MatIndex(BLACK) < 5 && e < 0)
e = 0;
return (pos.Side() == WHITE)? e : -e;
//*************************************************************************** 1
if ((totScore > FINAL)&&(totScore <= MEDIOJUEGO))
//*************************************************************************** 1
EVAL matScore = pos.Material(WHITE) - pos.Material(BLACK);
EVAL posScore = 0;
if (pos.Count(BW) == 2)
matScore += BISHOP_PAIR[PW+PB];
if (pos.Count(BB) == 2)
matScore -= BISHOP_PAIR[PW+PB];
EVAL lazy = (pos.Side() == WHITE)? matScore : -matScore;
if (lazy <= alpha - LazyEval)
return alpha;
if (lazy >= beta + LazyEval)
return beta;
U64 x, y, occ = pos.BitsAll();
FLD f;
int index = pos.PawnHash() % g_pawnHashSize;
PawnEntry& pentry = g_pawnHash[index];
if (pentry.m_pawnHash != pos.PawnHash())
posScore += pentry.m_score;
x = pentry.m_passed[WHITE];
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore += PawnPassed * (7 - Row(f)) / 6;
if (pos.MatIndex(BLACK) == 0)
FLD f1 = f;
if (pos.Side() == BLACK)
f1 += 8;
if ((BB_PAWN_SQUARE[f1][WHITE] & pos.Bits(KB)) == 0)
posScore += PawnPassedSquare * (7 - Row(f1)) / 6;
x = pentry.m_passed[BLACK];
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore -= PawnPassed * Row(f) / 6;
if (pos.MatIndex(WHITE) == 0)
FLD f1 = f;
if (pos.Side() == WHITE)
f1 -= 8;
if ((BB_PAWN_SQUARE[f1][BLACK] & pos.Bits(KW)) == 0)
posScore -= PawnPassedSquare * Row(f1) / 6;
static const int outpost[64] =
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
x = pos.Bits(NW);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore += PSQ_N[f];
if (outpost[f])
if (BB_PAWN_ATTACKS[f][BLACK] & pos.Bits(PW))
posScore += KnightOutpost;
x = pos.Bits(NB);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore -= PSQ_N[FLIP[f]];
if (outpost[FLIP[f]])
if (BB_PAWN_ATTACKS[f][WHITE] & pos.Bits(PB))
posScore -= KnightOutpost;
x = pos.Bits(BW);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore += PSQ_B[f];
y = BishopAttacks(f, occ);
posScore += BISHOP_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
x = pos.Bits(BB);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore -= PSQ_B[FLIP[f]];
y = BishopAttacks(f, occ);
posScore -= BISHOP_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
x = pos.Bits(RW);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore += PSQ_R[f];
y = RookAttacks(f, occ);
posScore += ROOK_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
if (Row(f) == 1)
posScore += Rook7th;
int file = Col(f) + 1;
if (pentry.m_ranks[file][WHITE] == 0)
posScore += RookOpen;
if (pentry.m_ranks[file][WHITE && BLACK] == 0)
posScore += RookOpen ;
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(BLACK));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(BLACK));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore += QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist];
x = pos.Bits(RB);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore -= PSQ_R[FLIP[f]];
y = RookAttacks(f, occ);
posScore -= ROOK_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
if (Row(f) == 6)
posScore -= Rook7th;
int file = Col(f) + 1;
if (pentry.m_ranks[file][BLACK] == 0)
posScore -= RookOpen;
if (pentry.m_ranks[file][BLACK && WHITE] == 0)
posScore -= RookOpen;
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(WHITE));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(WHITE));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore -= QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist];
x = pos.Bits(QW);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore += PSQ_Q_MED[f];
if (Row(f) == 1)
posScore += Rook7th;
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(BLACK));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(BLACK));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore += QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist*2];
x = pos.Bits(QB);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore -= PSQ_Q_MED[FLIP[f]];
if (Row(f) == 1)
posScore -= Rook7th;
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(WHITE));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(WHITE));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore -= QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist*2];
f = pos.King(WHITE);
posScore += PSQ_K_MID[f] * pos.MatIndex(BLACK) / 32;
posScore += PSQ_K_END[f] * (32 - pos.MatIndex(BLACK)) / 32;
int penalty = PawnShieldWhite(pentry, f);
posScore += KING_PAWN_SHIELD[penalty] * pos.MatIndex(BLACK) / 32;
f = pos.King(BLACK);
posScore -= PSQ_K_MID[FLIP[f]] * pos.MatIndex(WHITE) / 32;
posScore -= PSQ_K_END[FLIP[f]] * (32 - pos.MatIndex(WHITE)) / 32;
int penalty = PawnShieldBlack(pentry, f);
posScore -= KING_PAWN_SHIELD[penalty] * pos.MatIndex(WHITE) / 32;
EVAL e = matScore + posScore;
if (pos.Count(PW) == 0 && pos.MatIndex(WHITE) < 5 && e > 0)
e = 0;
if (pos.Count(PB) == 0 && pos.MatIndex(BLACK) < 5 && e < 0)
e = 0;
return (pos.Side() == WHITE)? e : -e;
//*************************************************************************** 1
else if ((totScore > FINALA)&&(totScore <= FINAL))
//*************************************************************************** 2
EVAL matScore = pos.Material(WHITE) - pos.Material(BLACK);
EVAL posScore = 0;
if (pos.Count(BW) == 2)
matScore += BISHOP_PAIR[PW+PB];
if (pos.Count(BB) == 2)
matScore -= BISHOP_PAIR[PW+PB];
EVAL lazy = (pos.Side() == WHITE)? matScore : -matScore;
if (lazy <= alpha - LazyEval)
return alpha;
if (lazy >= beta + LazyEval)
return beta;
U64 x, y, occ = pos.BitsAll();
FLD f;
int index = pos.PawnHash() % g_pawnHashSize;
PawnEntry& pentry = g_pawnHash[index];
if (pentry.m_pawnHash != pos.PawnHash())
posScore += pentry.m_score;
x = pentry.m_passed[WHITE];
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore += PawnPassed * (7 - Row(f)) / 6;
if (pos.MatIndex(BLACK) == 0)
FLD f1 = f;
if (pos.Side() == BLACK)
f1 += 8;
if ((BB_PAWN_SQUARE[f1][WHITE] & pos.Bits(KB)) == 0)
posScore += PawnPassedSquare * (7 - Row(f1)) / 6;
x = pentry.m_passed[BLACK];
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore -= PawnPassed * Row(f) / 6;
if (pos.MatIndex(WHITE) == 0)
FLD f1 = f;
if (pos.Side() == WHITE)
f1 -= 8;
if ((BB_PAWN_SQUARE[f1][BLACK] & pos.Bits(KW)) == 0)
posScore -= PawnPassedSquare * Row(f1) / 6;
static const int outpost[64] =
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
x = pos.Bits(NW);
while (x)
// if (pos.Count(x) >= 1)
// posScore += ajuste_knight[pos.Count(PW)];
f = PopLSB(x);
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(BLACK));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(BLACK));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore += QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist];
posScore += PSQ_N[f];
if (outpost[f])
if (BB_PAWN_ATTACKS[f][BLACK] & pos.Bits(PW))
posScore += KnightOutpost;
x = pos.Bits(NB);
while (x)
// if (pos.Count(x) >= 1)
// posScore -= ajuste_knight[pos.Count(PB)];
f = PopLSB(x);
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(WHITE));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(WHITE));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore -= QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist];
posScore -= PSQ_N[FLIP[f]];
if (outpost[FLIP[f]])
if (BB_PAWN_ATTACKS[f][WHITE] & pos.Bits(PB))
posScore -= KnightOutpost;
x = pos.Bits(BW);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(BLACK));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(BLACK));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore += QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist];
posScore += PSQ_B[f];
y = BishopAttacks(f, occ);
posScore += BISHOP_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
x = pos.Bits(BB);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(WHITE));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(WHITE));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore -= QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist];
posScore -= PSQ_B[FLIP[f]];
y = BishopAttacks(f, occ);
posScore -= BISHOP_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
x = pos.Bits(RW);
while (x)
// if (pos.Count(x) >= 1)
// posScore += ajuste_rook[pos.Count(PW)];
f = PopLSB(x);
y = RookAttacks(f, occ);
posScore += ROOK_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
if (Row(f) == 1)
posScore += Rook7th;
int file = Col(f) + 1;
if (pentry.m_ranks[file][WHITE] == 0)
posScore += RookOpen;
if (pentry.m_ranks[file][WHITE && BLACK] == 0)
posScore += RookOpen;
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(BLACK));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(BLACK));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore += QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist];
x = pos.Bits(RB);
while (x)
// if (pos.Count(x) >= 1)
// posScore -= ajuste_rook[pos.Count(PB)];
f = PopLSB(x);
y = RookAttacks(f, occ);
posScore -= ROOK_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
if (Row(f) == 6)
posScore -= Rook7th;
int file = Col(f) + 1;
if (pentry.m_ranks[file][BLACK] == 0)
posScore -= RookOpen;
if (pentry.m_ranks[file][WHITE && BLACK] == 0)
posScore -= RookOpen;
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(WHITE));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(WHITE));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore -= QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist];
x = pos.Bits(QW);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore += PSQ_Q_END[f];
if (Row(f) == 1)
posScore += Rook7th;
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(BLACK));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(BLACK));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore += QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist];
x = pos.Bits(QB);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore -= PSQ_Q_END[f];
if (Row(f) == 1)
posScore -= Rook7th;
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(WHITE));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(WHITE));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore -= QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist];
f = pos.King(WHITE);
posScore += PSQ_K_MID[f] * pos.MatIndex(BLACK) / 32;
posScore += PSQ_K_END[f] * (32 - pos.MatIndex(BLACK)) / 32;
int penalty = PawnShieldWhite(pentry, f);
posScore += KING_PAWN_SHIELD[penalty] * pos.MatIndex(BLACK) / 32;
f = pos.King(BLACK);
posScore -= PSQ_K_MID[FLIP[f]] * pos.MatIndex(WHITE) / 32;
posScore -= PSQ_K_END[FLIP[f]] * (32 - pos.MatIndex(WHITE)) / 32;
int penalty = PawnShieldBlack(pentry, f);
posScore -= KING_PAWN_SHIELD[penalty] * pos.MatIndex(WHITE) / 32;
EVAL e = matScore + posScore;
if (pos.Count(PW) == 0 && pos.MatIndex(WHITE) < 5 && e > 0)
e = 0;
if (pos.Count(PB) == 0 && pos.MatIndex(BLACK) < 5 && e < 0)
e = 0;
return (pos.Side() == WHITE)? e : -e;
else if ((totScore > FINALB)&&(totScore <= FINALA))
//*************************************************************************** 2
EVAL matScore = pos.Material(WHITE) - pos.Material(BLACK);
EVAL posScore = 0;
if (pos.Count(BW) == 2)
matScore += BISHOP_PAIR[PW+PB];
if (pos.Count(BB) == 2)
matScore -= BISHOP_PAIR[PW+PB];
EVAL lazy = (pos.Side() == WHITE)? matScore : -matScore;
if (lazy <= alpha - LazyEval)
return alpha;
if (lazy >= beta + LazyEval)
return beta;
U64 x, y, occ = pos.BitsAll();
FLD f;
int index = pos.PawnHash() % g_pawnHashSize;
PawnEntry& pentry = g_pawnHash[index];
if (pentry.m_pawnHash != pos.PawnHash())
posScore += pentry.m_score;
x = pentry.m_passed[WHITE];
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore += PawnPassed * (7 - Row(f)) / 5;
if (pos.MatIndex(BLACK) == 0)
FLD f1 = f;
if (pos.Side() == BLACK)
f1 += 8;
if ((BB_PAWN_SQUARE[f1][WHITE] & pos.Bits(KB)) == 0)
posScore += PawnPassedSquare * (7 - Row(f1)) / 5;
x = pentry.m_passed[BLACK];
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore -= PawnPassed * Row(f) / 5;
if (pos.MatIndex(WHITE) == 0)
FLD f1 = f;
if (pos.Side() == WHITE)
f1 -= 8;
if ((BB_PAWN_SQUARE[f1][BLACK] & pos.Bits(KW)) == 0)
posScore -= PawnPassedSquare * Row(f1) / 5;
static const int outpost[64] =
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
x = pos.Bits(NW);
while (x)
// if (pos.Count(x) >= 1)
// posScore += ajuste_knight[pos.Count(PW)];
f = PopLSB(x);
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(BLACK));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(BLACK));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore += QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist];
posScore += PSQ_N[f];
if (outpost[f])
if (BB_PAWN_ATTACKS[f][BLACK] & pos.Bits(PW))
posScore += KnightOutpost;
x = pos.Bits(NB);
while (x)
// if (pos.Count(x) >= 1)
// posScore -= ajuste_knight[pos.Count(PB)];
f = PopLSB(x);
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(WHITE));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(WHITE));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore -= QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist];
posScore -= PSQ_N[FLIP[f]];
if (outpost[FLIP[f]])
if (BB_PAWN_ATTACKS[f][WHITE] & pos.Bits(PB))
posScore -= KnightOutpost;
x = pos.Bits(BW);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(BLACK));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(BLACK));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore += QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist];
posScore += PSQ_B[f];
y = BishopAttacks(f, occ);
posScore += BISHOP_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
x = pos.Bits(BB);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(WHITE));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(WHITE));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore -= QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist];
posScore -= PSQ_B[FLIP[f]];
y = BishopAttacks(f, occ);
posScore -= BISHOP_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
x = pos.Bits(RW);
while (x)
// if (pos.Count(x) >= 1)
// posScore += ajuste_rook[pos.Count(PW)];
f = PopLSB(x);
y = RookAttacks(f, occ);
posScore += ROOK_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
if (Row(f) == 1)
posScore += Rook7th;
int file = Col(f) + 1;
if (pentry.m_ranks[file][WHITE] == 0)
posScore += RookOpen;
if (pentry.m_ranks[file][WHITE && BLACK] == 0)
posScore += RookOpen;
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(BLACK));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(BLACK));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore += QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist];
x = pos.Bits(RB);
while (x)
// if (pos.Count(x) >= 1)
// posScore -= ajuste_rook[pos.Count(PB)];
f = PopLSB(x);
y = RookAttacks(f, occ);
posScore -= ROOK_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
if (Row(f) == 6)
posScore -= Rook7th;
int file = Col(f) + 1;
if (pentry.m_ranks[file][BLACK] == 0)
posScore -= RookOpen;
if (pentry.m_ranks[file][WHITE && BLACK] == 0)
posScore -= RookOpen;
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(WHITE));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(WHITE));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore -= QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist];
x = pos.Bits(QW);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore += PSQ_Q_END[f];
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(BLACK));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(BLACK));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore += QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist*2];
x = pos.Bits(QB);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore -= PSQ_Q_END[f];
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(WHITE));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(WHITE));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore -= QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist*2];
f = pos.King(WHITE);
posScore += PSQ_K_MID[f] * pos.MatIndex(BLACK) / 32;
posScore += PSQ_K_END[f] * (32 - pos.MatIndex(BLACK)) / 32;
f = pos.King(BLACK);
posScore -= PSQ_K_MID[FLIP[f]] * pos.MatIndex(WHITE) / 32;
posScore -= PSQ_K_END[FLIP[f]] * (32 - pos.MatIndex(WHITE)) / 32;
EVAL e = matScore + posScore;
if (pos.Count(PW) == 0 && pos.MatIndex(WHITE) < 5 && e > 0)
e = 0;
if (pos.Count(PB) == 0 && pos.MatIndex(BLACK) < 5 && e < 0)
e = 0;
return (pos.Side() == WHITE)? e : -e;
else if (totScore <= FINALB)
//*************************************************************************** 2
EVAL matScore = pos.Material(WHITE) - pos.Material(BLACK);
EVAL posScore = 0;
EVAL lazy = (pos.Side() == WHITE)? matScore : -matScore;
if (lazy <= alpha - LazyEval)
return alpha;
if (lazy >= beta + LazyEval)
return beta;
U64 x, y, occ = pos.BitsAll();
FLD f;
int index = pos.PawnHash() % g_pawnHashSize;
PawnEntry& pentry = g_pawnHash[index];
if (pentry.m_pawnHash != pos.PawnHash())
posScore += pentry.m_score;
x = pentry.m_passed[WHITE];
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore += PawnPassed * (7 - Row(f)) / 4;
if (pos.MatIndex(BLACK) == 0)
FLD f1 = f;
if (pos.Side() == BLACK)
f1 += 8;
if ((BB_PAWN_SQUARE[f1][WHITE] & pos.Bits(KB)) == 0)
posScore += PawnPassedSquare * (7 - Row(f1)) / 4;
x = pentry.m_passed[BLACK];
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore -= PawnPassed * Row(f) / 4;
if (pos.MatIndex(WHITE) == 0)
FLD f1 = f;
if (pos.Side() == WHITE)
f1 -= 8;
if ((BB_PAWN_SQUARE[f1][BLACK] & pos.Bits(KW)) == 0)
posScore -= PawnPassedSquare * Row(f1) / 4;
static const int outpost[64] =
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
x = pos.Bits(NW);
while (x)
// if (pos.Count(x) >= 1)
// posScore += ajuste_knight[pos.Count(PW)];
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore += PSQ_N[f];
if (outpost[f])
if (BB_PAWN_ATTACKS[f][BLACK] & pos.Bits(PW))
posScore += KnightOutpost;
x = pos.Bits(NB);
while (x)
// if (pos.Count(x) >= 1)
// posScore -= ajuste_knight[pos.Count(PB)];
f = PopLSB(x);
posScore -= PSQ_N[FLIP[f]];
if (outpost[FLIP[f]])
if (BB_PAWN_ATTACKS[f][WHITE] & pos.Bits(PB))
posScore -= KnightOutpost;
x = pos.Bits(BW);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
// posScore += PSQ_B[f];
y = BishopAttacks(f, occ);
posScore += BISHOP_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
x = pos.Bits(BB);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
// posScore -= PSQ_B[FLIP[f]];
y = BishopAttacks(f, occ);
posScore -= BISHOP_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
x = pos.Bits(RW);
while (x)
// if (pos.Count(x) >= 1)
// posScore += ajuste_rook[pos.Count(PW)];
f = PopLSB(x);
y = RookAttacks(f, occ);
posScore += ROOK_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(BLACK));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(BLACK));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore += QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist];
x = pos.Bits(RB);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
y = RookAttacks(f, occ);
posScore -= ROOK_MOBILITY[CountBits(y)];
int drow = Row(f) - Row(pos.King(WHITE));
int dcol = Col(f) - Col(pos.King(WHITE));
if (drow < 0) drow = -drow;
if (dcol < 0) dcol = -dcol;
int dist = drow + dcol;
posScore -= QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[dist];
f = pos.King(WHITE);
posScore += PSQ_K_END[f] * (32 - pos.MatIndex(BLACK)) / 32;
f = pos.King(BLACK);
posScore -= PSQ_K_END[FLIP[f]] * (32 - pos.MatIndex(WHITE)) / 32;
EVAL e = matScore + posScore;
if (pos.Count(PW) == 0 && pos.MatIndex(WHITE) < 5 && e > 0)
e = 0;
if (pos.Count(PB) == 0 && pos.MatIndex(BLACK) < 5 && e < 0)
e = 0;
return (pos.Side() == WHITE)? e : -e;
} //FIN de evaluate
const int center[64] =
-3, -2, -1, 0, 0, -1, -2, -3,
-2, -1, 0, 1, 1, 0, -1, -2,
-1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, -1,
0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 0,
0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 0,
-1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, -1,
-2, -1, 0, 1, 1, 0, -1, -2,
-3, -2, -1, 0, 0, -1, -2, -3
const int inicio_p[64] =
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 6, 5, 4,
3, 3, 5, 6, 6, 5, 3, 3,
2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 4, 2, 2,
1, 1, 3, 4, 4, 3, 1, 1,
1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
const int center_p[64] =
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
const int end_p[64] =
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4,
3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3,
2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2,
1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
const int inicio_knigth[64] =
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,
0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 0,
0, 2, 2, 4, 4, 2, 2, 0,
0, 1, 1, 4, 4, 1, 1, 0,
0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 3, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
const int inicio_bishop[64] =
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,
0, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 0,
0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
0, 3, 0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
const int center_k[64] =
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1
const int center_r[64] =
-10, -5, 0, 5, 5, 0, -5, -10,
-10, -5, 0, 5, 5, 0, -5, -10,
-10, -5, 0, 5, 5, 0, -5, -10,
-10, -5, 0, 5, 5, 0, -5, -10,
-10, -5, 0, 5, 5, 0, -5, -10,
-10, -5, 0, 5, 5, 0, -5, -10,
-10, -5, 0, 5, 5, 0, -5, -10,
-10, -5, 0, 5, 5, 0, -5, -10
void InitEval()
for (int f = 0; f < 64; ++f)
PSQ_P[f] = PawnCenter * center_p[f] / 2;
PSQ_P_I[f] = PawnCenter * inicio_p[f] / 2;
PSQ_N[f] = KnightCenter * center[f] / 3;
PSQ_N_I[f] = KnightCenter * inicio_knigth[f] / 3;
PSQ_B[f] = BishopCenter * center[f] / 3;
PSQ_B_I[f] = BishopCenter * inicio_bishop[f] / 3;
PSQ_R[f] = center_r[f];
PSQ_K_MID[f] = KingCenterMid * center_k[f] / 4;
PSQ_K_END[f] = KingCenterEnd * center[f] / 3;
PSQ_P_END[f] = PawnCenter * end_p[f];
PSQ_Q_END[f] = QueenCenterEnd * center[f] / 4;
PSQ_Q_MED[f] = QueenCenterEnd * center[f] / 6;
for (int m = 0; m < 14; ++m)
double x = (m - 6.5) / 6.5;
double y = -0.5 * x * x + x + 0.5;
BISHOP_MOBILITY[m] = EVAL(BishopMobility * y);
for (int m = 0; m < 15; ++m)
double x = (m - 7.0) / 7.0;
double y = -0.5 * x * x + x + 0.5;
ROOK_MOBILITY[m] = EVAL(RookMobility * y);
for (int d = 0; d < 15; ++d)
QUEEN_KING_TROPISM[d] = QueenKingTropism * (14 - d) / 14;
const double f[10] =
{ 0, -0.056, -0.111, -0.222, -0.389, -0.611, -0.778, -0.889, -0.944, -1.000 };
for (int p = 0; p < 10; ++p)
KING_PAWN_SHIELD[p] = EVAL(KingPawnShield * f[p]);
void PawnEntry::Read(const Position& pos)
U64 x;
FLD f;
int file, rank;
m_pawnHash = pos.PawnHash();
m_score = 0;
m_passed[WHITE] = m_passed[BLACK] = 0;
for (file = 0; file < 10; ++file)
m_ranks[file][WHITE] = 0;
m_ranks[file][BLACK] = 7;
x = pos.Bits(PW);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
file = Col(f) + 1;
rank = Row(f);
if (rank > m_ranks[file][WHITE])
m_ranks[file][WHITE] = rank;
x = pos.Bits(PB);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
file = Col(f) + 1;
rank = Row(f);
if (rank < m_ranks[file][BLACK])
m_ranks[file][BLACK] = rank;
x = pos.Bits(PW);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
file = Col(f) + 1;
rank = Row(f);
m_score += PSQ_P_I[f];
if (m_ranks[file][BLACK] == 7)
if (m_ranks[file - 1][BLACK] >= rank && m_ranks[file + 1][BLACK] >= rank)
m_passed[WHITE] |= BB_SINGLE[f];
if (rank != m_ranks[file][WHITE])
m_score += PawnDoubled;
if (m_ranks[file - 1][WHITE] == 0 && m_ranks[file + 1][WHITE] == 0)
m_score += PawnIsolated;
else if (m_ranks[file - 1][WHITE] < rank && m_ranks[file + 1][WHITE] < rank)
m_score += PawnBackwards;
x = pos.Bits(PB);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
file = Col(f) + 1;
rank = Row(f);
m_score -= PSQ_P_I[FLIP[f]];
if (m_ranks[file][WHITE] == 0)
if (m_ranks[file - 1][WHITE] <= rank && m_ranks[file + 1][WHITE] <= rank)
m_passed[BLACK] |= BB_SINGLE[f];
if (rank != m_ranks[file][BLACK])
m_score -= PawnDoubled;
if (m_ranks[file - 1][BLACK] == 7 && m_ranks[file + 1][BLACK] == 7)
m_score -= PawnIsolated;
else if (m_ranks[file - 1][BLACK] > rank && m_ranks[file + 1][BLACK] > rank)
m_score -= PawnBackwards;
void PawnEntry::Readend(const Position& pos)
U64 x;
FLD f;
int file, rank;
m_pawnHash = pos.PawnHash();
m_score = 0;
m_passed[WHITE] = m_passed[BLACK] = 0;
for (file = 0; file < 10; ++file)
m_ranks[file][WHITE] = 0;
m_ranks[file][BLACK] = 7;
x = pos.Bits(PW);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
file = Col(f) + 1;
rank = Row(f);
if (rank > m_ranks[file][WHITE])
m_ranks[file][WHITE] = rank;
x = pos.Bits(PB);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
file = Col(f) + 1;
rank = Row(f);
if (rank < m_ranks[file][BLACK])
m_ranks[file][BLACK] = rank;
x = pos.Bits(PW);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
file = Col(f) + 1;
rank = Row(f);
m_score += PSQ_P_END[f];
if (m_ranks[file][BLACK] == 7)
if (m_ranks[file - 1][BLACK] >= rank && m_ranks[file + 1][BLACK] >= rank)
m_passed[WHITE] |= BB_SINGLE[f];
if (rank != m_ranks[file][WHITE])
m_score += PawnDoubled;
if (m_ranks[file - 1][WHITE] == 0 && m_ranks[file + 1][WHITE] == 0)
m_score += PawnIsolated;
// if ((m_ranks[file - 1][WHITE] != 0) | (m_ranks[file + 1][WHITE] != 0))
// m_score += PawnDuo;
// if ((m_ranks[file - 1][WHITE] != 0) && (m_ranks[file + 1][WHITE] != 0))
// m_score += PawnTrio;
else if (m_ranks[file - 1][WHITE] < rank && m_ranks[file + 1][WHITE] < rank)
m_score += PawnBackwards;
x = pos.Bits(PB);
while (x)
f = PopLSB(x);
file = Col(f) + 1;
rank = Row(f);
m_score -= PSQ_P_END[FLIP[f]];
if (m_ranks[file][WHITE] == 0)
if (m_ranks[file - 1][WHITE] <= rank && m_ranks[file + 1][WHITE] <= rank)
m_passed[BLACK] |= BB_SINGLE[f];
if (rank != m_ranks[file][BLACK])
m_score -= PawnDoubled;
if (m_ranks[file - 1][BLACK] == 7 && m_ranks[file + 1][BLACK] == 7)
m_score -= PawnIsolated;
// if ((m_ranks[file - 1][BLACK] != 7) | (m_ranks[file + 1][BLACK] != 7))
// m_score -= PawnDuo;
// if ((m_ranks[file - 1][BLACK] != 7) && (m_ranks[file + 1][BLACK] != 7))
// m_score -= PawnTrio;
else if (m_ranks[file - 1][BLACK] > rank && m_ranks[file + 1][BLACK] > rank)
m_score -= PawnBackwards;
{ 0, 0, VAL_P, VAL_P, VAL_N = ((VAL_N+VAL_Np)-VAL_N),VAL_N = ((VAL_N+VAL_Np)-VAL_N), VAL_B, VAL_B, VAL_R, VAL_R, VAL_Q, VAL_Q, 0, 0 };
but worth it more power.
Learn what a HEX edit before speaking.