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Universal Chessbot Client V1.0 (beta)

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:41 pm
by dbxuau
I'm proud to introduce to the world the first fully-functional cross-platform concept of a "Universal Chessbot Client". Albeit it is still in beta and being shaken of periodic bugs by a handful of friends, it is without a doubt the most powerful adaptable chessbot ever. Watch the following video to get a better idea. In it, you will see me using Fritz 13 with various engines and books raging every site I can think of. Enjoy =D

Re: Universal Chessbot Client V1.0 (beta)

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:23 pm
by Jeremy Bernstein
As an unassisted human who wants to play against other unassisted humans online, this is really depressing. Great work, I guess.

I guess we still have OTB, as long as participants are frisked and/or prevented from using the bathroom...


Re: Universal Chessbot Client V1.0 (beta)

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:40 pm
by dbxuau
It won't be made readily available for people to simply download and start cheating with. I've thought far beyond that and have planned to deter it to an extent.

Re: Universal Chessbot Client V1.0 (beta)

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 2:31 pm
by simonhue
Nice, how universal is it? Basically you have some pluggable framework for site support, or generic OCR/dll injection function ...?
Of course, "-1" for the cheating potential, thou I wonder who and for what reason could have a motivation to cheat (as it not for money play after all).

Re: Universal Chessbot Client V1.0 (beta)

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 6:45 pm
by alfons
Very nice; one can drink, eat and even enjoy listening to abstract music (or some complex ZWÖLFTÖNES!) while annihilation of so called großmeisters internetwise en passant can be observed. Playing with BAM-BAM* won't fetch nothing not as you know, but 'Doctor3.0?' will be unsushpishess and erfolgreich (gives an instant hardened e-goldmember).

Is it only for the windows, yet?

Weidmanns Heil!

*EDIT: perhaps worth a try... I'd be very insterested how much 'ELO' could be fetched (tilde 2000?) in bullett with this thing.