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Please find PGN for Hebden vs Tozer Amersham 2012 1-0

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:49 pm
by notyetagm
The game ends with 1 Rc8xBe8+! 1-0 as White has won a piece after 1 ... Re7xRe8 2 Ra8xRa7.

This is puzzle #2 in Palliser's new book on chess puzzles from recent games. ... rkout%2C_2

By the way, what event is Amersham? Any idea? It's not 4NCL.


Re: Please find PGN for Hebden vs Tozer Amersham 2012 1-0

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:31 am
by Jeremy Bernstein
1. d4 e6 2. Nf3 f5 3. g3 Nf6 4. Bg2 d5 5. O-O Bd6 6. c4 c6 7. Bf4 Bxf4 8. gxf4 O-O 9. Ne5 Nbd7 10. Nc3 Ne4 11. Rc1 Nxe5 12. fxe5 Bd7 13. e3 Nxc3 14. Rxc3 Qh4 15. f4 Be8 16. Qe1 Qe7 17. Bf3 Kh8 18. h4 Rg8 19. Rc2 g6 20. b3 Rg7 21. Kh1 Bf7 22. Rg1 Rag8 23. Rgg2 Be8 24. Rh2 h6 25. Qa5 b6 26. Qe1 Rh7 27. Rcg2 Rgg7 28. Kg1 Rg8 29. Qc3 Rgg7 30. Qe1 Rg8 31. a4 Qb7 32. Qb4 Qe7 33. Qxe7 Rxe7 34. Rc2 Rgg7 35. Rc3 a6 36. Kf1 b5 37. cxd5 cxd5 38. a5 Rc7 39. Rhc2 Ra7 40. Rc8 Rge7 41. Ke2 Kg7 42. Rb8 h5 43. Rcc8 Kf7 44. Ra8 Kf8 45. Rxe8+ 1-0 ... lip_A_A%22