Top Move Stats Utility

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Top Move Stats Utility

Post by Matioupi » Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:34 am


here is the first functionnal draft of a small command line tools, syntax is :

top_moves_stats.exe --engine path_to_UCI_engine_exe --game path_to_PGN_games_file --PV number_of_top_moves_to_check --ms number_of_milliseconds_per_move

it outputs a CSV (pgn name + _analysis.csv) file with one line per player in the PGN file and following data (in columns) :

number of games
number of moves as white
number of moves as blacks
max top moves in a row : longuest top moves in a row in the game file for that player
mean top moves in a row : mean of the longuest "top move in a row" sequence for each game
number of top moves considered
engine move #1 match percentage as white
engine move #n match percentage as white
engine move #1 match percentage as black
engine move #n match percentage as black
best move#1 match in a game
best move#n match in a game
worst move#1 match in a game
worst move#n match in a game

This already helped me finding some games in my database where the opponnent suddently (of course was in difficulty) played 25 engine best moves in a row... (was not against GM...)
I hope this can be usefull.
I've been testing mainly with houdini 1.5 engine up to now...
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