Computers in the German chess press

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Computers in the German chess press

Post by BB+ » Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:41 pm

I recently passed through Germany, and obtained the June versions of Schach, Rochade, and Schach Magazin 64.

The former is notable as the fourth part of Arno Nickel's series on computer chess appears. There were also a number of other computer-chess related bits, particularly with Aronian's Nxc3 against Kramnik. Here is a (likely incomplete) listing:

Page 11, Gustafsson on White's move 20 of Anand-Gelfand, notes that Houdini fordert gleichlautend 20. Ra2 O-O 21. e5, die Stellungseinschätzung ändert das nicht.
Page 16-18, many comments from Aronian and Kramnik about computers and Nxc3 (Black's 11th of their Game 3). Also a bit on page 31 from Kramnik on computers in general.
Page 29, Black's 33rd move in Game 6, a comment about the Computer being able to find Ne7.
Page 32-40, Nickel's fourth part. Has Anand/Kamsky from 1994, Kasparov/Anand from the next year, Kramnik/Leko from 2004, and then concludes (after a few more pages) with Kaufmans Repertoire, noting that it has been computer-checked.
Page 43, Baramidze-Woloktin, on Black's 16th, Der Computer will 16...Bd2 sehen...,
Page 49, Pähtz, annotating her win over Ragger, on Black's 16th notes: 16...h5!? -- die erste Wahl von Houdini - ...
Page 62, in the book review section, the editors point the reader to the above Kaufmans Repertoire, while "Tarrasch reloaded" gives a line that has a Computerzug (Aagaard/Ntirlis, 13...Qb6).
Page 64, interview with Ohme, she mentions (#3) that modernen Schach has a lot of Engines and Computern. There's a pic of her and a friend both using laptops in one of the other magazines.
Page 70-71, Fernschach, surprisingly no explicit mention, though a 30 Zügen sideline is given at one point.

Schach Magazin 64
Page 18, Move 21 of Game 3 of Kramnik-Aronian: Und Computer lassen sich hier nicht sinnvoll einsetzen, denn dann hat man eine Million Varianten und ein großes Chaos im Kopf.
Page 48-49, has briefs about the Brain-Computer-Interface, and the Robot Wars (blitz chess played by robots)

Page 10, Moves 9 and 13 of Petr/Solodownitschenko: mentions Computerunterstützung (and has the aforementioned Ohme and Lubbe picture of them using laptops)
Page 11, Move 24 of same: im Endspiel wurde sogar von Houdini in einem Moment +12 angezeigt! [the game was drawn]
Page 13, Move 36 of Kurmann/Istraescu: Noch war alles offen, der Computer plädiert für 36.. Bxd4 ...
Page 18, Move 3 of Aguera Naredo vs Teske, mentioned Houdini und Co. [the opening is an Alekhine's Defence]
Page 19, Move 56 of Motuz/Gonda, 56...Bc3 führt laut Rybka zum Remis: [...]
Page 47, has a picture of I. Rajlich and her win in the First Saturday Budapest tournament for April (scoring 7/9)

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