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Who Really Has Advantage?

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:01 pm
by kingliveson
r1r3k1/1pp1qp1p/4p1pP/1nPpP1P1/pPb2P2/P3PB2/1B1Q1K2/R6R w - -

Critter 1.4 says Black
Stockfish 2.2.2 says White
Komodo 4 says White
IvanHoe 999946h says Black

Re: Who Really Has Advantage?

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:59 pm
by Kappatoo
My opinion: Dead equal. No way for either side to make progress.

Re: Who Really Has Advantage?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 1:17 am
by kingliveson
A 30k montecarlo game result has been generated using IvanHoe, based on moves suggested by engines mentioned above. The data is attached and if someone wants to produce a beautiful output as one provided here (picture seen below), feel free.

Code: Select all

position fen r1r3k1/1pp1qp1p/4p1pP/1nPpP1P1/pPb2P2/P3PB2/1B1Q1K2/R6R w - -
go montecarlo cpus 2 depth 12 moves h1c1 f2g3 a1c1 f3e2