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Bizarro World

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 4:17 pm
by kingliveson
Is Houdart the biggest jerk in computer chess?! Lord have mercy. If I were caught in a lie and known to be a plagiarist as he has, I would rarely show my face on the forums out of shame.

Reading his comments on Rybka forum, and the whole thing is like Htrae. I am just disgusted at the computer chess community. Either this person really lacks something or it must be some type of joke on all of us. I can't think of a situation where someone is caught red-handed, and yet continues to speak pompously. This is strange.

* ... 23488;pg=2
Hyatt wrote:Robolito and friends are rooted in C, at least my copy of ippolit and ivanhoe are. Fruit was C++. Early versions of Rybka (pre-rybka1.0beta) were plain ANSI C as they came from Crafty which is in pure C, not C++. Houdini came from robolito/ivanhoe/ippolit/ which would make Houdini a C engine also.
Houdart wrote:Houdini makes extensive use of C++ templates.
Why do you continue to spread all this nonsense about Houdini? Instead you could be working on Crafty to close the 300-400 Elo point gap with the top engines...
Of course it has already been proven without any reasonable doubt that Houdini chess is RobboLito modified.

* Rybka forum has a knack for moving, deleting, and hiding threads, so the link is not guaranteed to be there.

Re: Bizarro World

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 12:41 pm
by Uly
kingliveson wrote:* Rybka forum has a knack for moving, deleting, and hiding threads, so the link is not guaranteed to be there.
I don't think that has happened for several months, so it's a very rare occurrence.

Also, when something is moved, the id of the post remains the same, instead of linking to some page in some thread, you may want to link to the post itself (right-click the post's page icon and click "copy link location").

Re: Bizarro World

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:03 am
by Uly