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News about CCC death are perhaps premature...

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:07 am
by Fernando
I doubt very much -and I do not want it to happens- that CCC is in the path to extinction due to the last mistakes and situations that pushed Jeremy to go. Many mistakes have been committed, many moderator has done a lousy job -me included-, many times flame wars has been miserable, many moments has seen the domination of some bullies, but even with all that the site has endured and it will -exception made the sponsor decides to kill it- endure due to a simple reason: it has the living inertia of old things and satisfy a lot of need for a lot of people. It is like Coke: it is a an awful beverage and you see, it stay. Do not undervalue the force of age and duration.
In any case, i will come here and see what's up. I do not marry with anybody, neither sites or persons.
My best to all


Re: News about CCC death are perhaps premature...

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:11 am
by Jeremy Bernstein
Nice to see you here, Fern. I don't expect CCC to die anytime soon, either, but I'm not participating there anymore. The commercial influence is simply too high: there's a need for a non-commercial, independent, user-run alternative...

Re: News about CCC death are perhaps premature...

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:19 am
by LucenaTheLucid
Lets see how this all goes.

Re: News about CCC death are perhaps premature...

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:21 am
by Swaminathan
Jeremy Bernstein wrote:Nice to see you here, Fern. I don't expect CCC to die anytime soon, either, but I'm not participating there anymore. The commercial influence is simply too high: there's a need for a non-commercial, independent, user-run alternative...
Totally agreed. It's just a great idea to set up an independent forum.

It's nice to see many people registering in here. I hope they will book-mark this forum and visit and post here actively.

Re: News about CCC death are perhaps premature...

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:35 am
by Mincho Georgiev
Nice to see you in here, fellows!

Re: News about CCC death are perhaps premature...

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:22 am
by Cubeman
I have just come over from the Talkchess forum and interested in this new site.Hopefully this new one will be more informative with open disscussion.I can live with half truths been said and know what to believe as the truth and what is bullshit and don't need it to be censored for me.I am a grown up for goodness sake.I shall not post any more over at TalkChess and for me it has died, the last year it was on life support and the paramedics were too interested in having power and did not want it to truly live but just hang on.RIP CCC.

Re: News about CCC death are perhaps premature...

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:02 pm
by Hood
Hello on the new Forum, long and exciting life. :-)

(CCC will not die totally. It could be half died as Hiarcs forum.)

Re: News about CCC death are perhaps premature...

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:27 pm
by wayne lowrance
Howdy, wishing all the best here. It is nice to know one can post results of all chess engines.

Re: News about CCC death are perhaps premature...

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:13 pm
by benstoker
The censors at CCC will probably view this forum as merely focussed on allowing discussions of the ippo* clones. Those in favor of this new forum should promote the broader based goals. You don't want it to be just the "Engine Origins" sub-forum moved to another site.

Re: News about CCC death are perhaps premature...

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:56 pm
by menniepals
I am glad another forum is born. Some competition is needed. Mr. Banks has turned to be a dictator. I thought there was a referendum among its members whether he is worth the trust of everybody. I think he won only by one vote. The vote of no confidence derived during that activity should have been enough to warrant a resignation from him. But he is Mr. Banks.