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FFE accuses its own players of cheating -- Chessbase

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:19 am
by notyetagm

Re: FFE accuses its own players of cheating -- Chessbase

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 2:29 pm
by Sean Evans
Do we know how the cheating was allegedly done?

Re: FFE accuses its own players of cheating -- Chessbase

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 2:33 pm
by kingliveson
You know you've blown it when it's your own who accuses and reprimands you.

Re: FFE accuses its own players of cheating -- Chessbase

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:16 pm
by notyetagm
And Feller was the star of the French Olympiad team.

Now we allegedly know why.

Magic hat, anyone?

Re: FFE accuses its own players of cheating -- Chessbase

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:14 am
by BB+
The statement says that "disciplinary action was initiated" based on soupçon (suspicion) of the various offences. I think this phrase means that a formal investigation will occur ("investigation" being a type of "action"). In any event, it is certainly newsworthy that the FFE would publicise this.

Re: FFE accuses its own players of cheating -- Chessbase

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:33 am
by BB+ ... tests.html
We just received an email from GM Sébastien Feller himself, who made an official statement, stating that he totally contests the accusations, and that they were caused by totally different reasons such as the fact that he supported Ilyumzhinov in the FIDE election, and that he talked about accounting irregularities of the French Chess Federation. Feller says he hired a lawyer to counter-attack the French Federation. Read the official statement by Sébastien Feller below:

Here is my official answer to the French Federation :

Official Statement from Sebastien Feller :

Je conteste totalement les accusations de tricherie de la Fédération Française d' Echecs.
Cette procédure disciplinaire est en réalité liée au fait que j'ai soutenu lors des Olympiades, l' actuel président de la FIDE en opposition avec l 'acutelle direction de la Fédération Française des Echecs. Le président de la FIDE est d' ailleurs diffamé sur le blog de Jean-Claude Moingt, lequel prétend qu 'il a bénéficié de procurations fictives. De plus, j' ai fait état lors de conversations privées, lesquelles ont été répétées, d' irrégularités comptables de la Fédération Française (des précisions seront données ultérieurement), lesquelles ont déclenché la colère du président. J'ai demandé à mon avocat, Me Charles Morel, d' engager une action en justice en dommages et intérêts contre la Fédération Française pour avoir de façon injustifiée cité mon nom dans un communiqué, repris sur tous les sites français et étrangers, ainsi que dans la presse internationale.

Best regards,
Sébastien Feller

Re: FFE accuses its own players of cheating -- Chessbase

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:07 am
by BB+
Perhaps one of the more famous game-playing cheating incidents and/or investigations was the Shapiro-Reese bridge dispute in Buenos Aires in 1965 (see here also). There is much background, and both the principals (Reese and Truscott) have books ("Story of an Accusation", and "The Great Bridge Scandal" -- I forget which is not available in which country, due to libel laws). It is said that you will believe whomever you read first. :)

On reason I bring this up is because (quoting Wikipedia, emphasis already there): "An important factor in the Buenos Aires procedure was that the pair had not been given an adequate opportunity to defend themselves. The British team captain had agreed with the accusation before discussing the matter with the players. The British Bridge League subsequently convened their own enquiry into the matter in a manner which did allow the players to defend themselves."

Re: FFE accuses its own players of cheating -- Chessbase

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 10:13 pm
by BB+
From the Francophone chess magazine, some details of the cheating: ... -2525.html
Interview de Léo Battesti

Quel est exactement le système de triche qui a été utilisé ? Les auteurs de cette triche ont-il reconnu les faits ?

Vous comprenez qu'il me soit difficile de m'exprimer sur des faits qui font l'objet d'une instruction. Ce que je peux vous dire c'est que les derniers à souhaiter qu'une telle procédure soit engagée, c'est nous mêmes, dirigeants fédéraux. A moins d'être masochistes... C'est, en effet, vraiment pénible et très douloureux. Et je profite de l'occasion pour féliciter Jean-Claude Moingt , notre Président, et Joanna Pomian, Vice-Présidente, pour leur courage. Tous deux sont témoins dans ce lourd dossier. Ils ont fait passer l'intérêt sportif avant leur propre confort. lls auraient pu jouer la politique de l'autruche plutôt que d'assumer leurs responsabilités. Ils ont parfaitement eu raison d'agir ainsi. C'est dans ce type de situation que l'on juge les dirigeants. Dans un monde où le cynisme tient souvent lieu de politique, cela fait chaud au cœur de voir de tels comportements.
Je tiens à préciser que tous deux étant appelés à témoigner, le bureau m'a désigné comme porte-parole fédéral pour cette affaire.
Read more at the link.

Re: FFE accuses its own players of cheating -- Chessbase

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 2:31 am
by kingliveson
BB+ wrote:From the Francophone chess magazine, some details of the cheating: ... -2525.html

Read more at the link.
The article gave a hint but no details:

Interview with Léo Battesti

What exactly is the cheat system that has been used? The authors of this cheat acknowledged the facts?

You understand me is difficult to speak on facts subject of a statement. What I can tell you is that the last wish that such a procedure is initiated, we, Federal leaders. A less than be masochistic... Indeed, it is really painful and very painful. And I take this opportunity to congratulate Jean-Claude Moingt, our President, and Joanna Pomian, Vice President, for their courage. Both are witnesses this heavy folder. They did pass the sporting interests before their own comfort. LLS could play politics of ostrich instead of their responsibilities. They were perfectly correct to do so. It is in this type of situation judged leaders. In a world where cynicism is often place policy, it is heartwarming to heart to see such behaviour.
I want to clarify that both being called to testify, the bureau appointed me as federal spokesman for this case.

That pushed the FFE to reveal this matter in broad daylight?

Precisely this desire to defend sporting values. We put forward the socio-educational virtues of failures, we would have been in total contradiction loosely 97A us to preserve our own peace. Finally I can tell you the evidence and the facts before the knowledge of the members of the bureau, we are unfortunately based on such prosecution.

A Khanty-Mansysk, as everywhere now, arbitrators are very attentive to cheating, has t - it so no way to prevent it?

It is difficult to cope with technological developments. Nothing simpler, for live webcast from relaying indications. Even one-time assistance in complex situations, and it is almost guaranteed gain. As an organizer of international events I've often was alerted by certain behaviours. But often, on behalf of the presumption of innocence, and without evidence of self-defence, without evidence, it is difficult to intervene.
However it must act, both via the arbitral body than by technical means to limit the current drift. We will propose at the next Steering Committee of the FFE, January 29, the technical means for the Organization of the next championship in AIX: delay of at least 15 minutes in the internet retransmission of parties, ban laptops etc... It is true, however, that as soon as there are financial issues, the risk of cheating are increasingly high. In my opinion, and it commits only me, lack of appropriate technical means, we can fear the worst for the future of the parties to classical rhythms with allocation of price. We are not in widespread drift type professional cycling, but must be on our guard and act.

And now, what are planned, national and international procedures for the remainder of the events?

The Committee on discipline of the FFE was seized. Training is ongoing. FIDE has obviously been informed. At no time we have hesitated to initiate appropriate actions. Is in do not interact, were negotiated in such circumstances. And this line of conduct will prevail in all our future options.

Your opinion, the consequences on the image of chess generally and France team in particular?

Paradoxically I think federal image will be even more positive. I also threw an eye on French or international forums and Internet population boasting the political courage of the FFE. I think that the moment where it acts to defend sporting interests of chess, it has no fear to have.
What would have been highly prejudicial is silence. Our consciences to both that the interests of chess.
What I also want to say is that the other members of France team are absolutely not involved. They are, in my view, victims of this situation. But we are very proud of them, their natural talent and their probity. Cheating is, fortunately, marginal. 99% of our players are athletes. We can therefore be reasonably optimistic.

Think you of Sébastien Feller denials?

Pathetic! And insulting to our President and his Federation. I think that this young player is ill advised because instead of taking his responsibilities, he seeks to diversion dirty the honor of a great gentleman of French chess.

23 And 24 January 2010

By Gérard Demuydt. 24/01/2011

Re: FFE accuses its own players of cheating -- Chessbase

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:24 pm
by Hood

has FFE selected its team ?
and FFE denials SF the right of a defence ?

I think FFE should stop the accusing publication untill the end of proving process.

It is not good to play too good.

Rgds Hood