Engine Originality vs. Engine Strength

General discussion about computer chess...

What do you think is more important?

Engine Originality.
Engine Strength.
They are equally important.
Total votes: 33

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Real Name: Thorsten Czub
Location: United States of Europe, germany, NRW, Lünen

Re: Engine Originality vs. Engine Strength

Post by thorstenczub » Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:57 pm

Charles wrote:Utopia? -- marxists have utopia that does not exist.

so thomas morus,
was a marxist ?
US was doing very well under Reagan - and continued to do well up to now - still doing better than almost all countries in the world INCLUDING Germany.
US has one of the largest middle class in the world --

you are doing well ?
beside ipad, iphone or imac your country is not producing anything anymore.
and even these things are imported from development countries .

so you do well without producing anything ?
sorry i don't see that you do good.
Milton Friedman discussed the best countries for capitalism -- Honk Kong was one, US is one, there are others I dont remember.
so usa and uk are your utopian free market societies ?

then explain to me why the poor workers feed the royals ?!
what do the royals give back to the uk society ? is queen elisabeth doing some cooking
for the people sleeping under bridges ?
is prince charles cleaning the streets ? what do they give back to the society that feeds them ?
nothing. they do not give ANYTHING back.

now USA...
your country produces weapons and bic_macs.

you sell these products to dictators.
you sell weapons to all dictators in the world.
and the dictators slaughter their people with these american weapons.
this is your free market.

you sell weapons to hussein, OBL, mubarak, gadaffi, ...

your people even sold lots of stuff to the german nazis before WW2.
thats how american society works.
sell weapons to asshole dictators. and if the dictator is not our friend, not following our
interersts, we invade his country and kill him.
but before you kill him, he slaughters his own people with your weapons.
and that helps USA to exploit the oil, the diamonds, the uranium and whatever goods from those countries you before feeded with
weapons and dictator-support.

vietnam, korea, jugoslavia, afghanistan, irak, ... there is almost no country in the world your army is not helping to set free.
freedom all over the world.

Posts: 71
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:41 pm
Real Name: Charles

Re: Engine Originality vs. Engine Strength

Post by Charles » Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:59 am

see my reply in the other post .,.,,.


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