Actually, that was precisely BB's analysis!kingliveson wrote:ernest wrote:Also at move 70, with FEN: 4N3/6k1/p1p5/P1P3P1/8/5r2/3K4/8 b - - 3 70
70... Kg6? (which was played by Houdini) only draws, while 70... Kf7! is the only move to win.
It is to be noted that with infinite analysis, 2 cores @3GHz, 512MB hash,
with Gaviota TB, 70... Kf7! replaces 70... Kg6? only after 2min 27s
without Gaviota TB, only after 10min 34s
Next, I will try to test that with 1 core only (to prevent multicore randomness).
infinite analysis, 2 cores @3GHz, 512MB hash, GTB
Analysis by Houdini 1.5 w32 gtb:
1...Kg6 2.Nc7 Ra3 3.Nxa6 Rxa5 4.Nb4 Rxc5 5.Kd3 Kxg5 6.Kd4 Rc1 7.Ke5 Kg4 8.Nd3 Rf1 9.Ke4 Kg5 10.Ne5 Rf6 11.Kd4 Rd6+ 12.Kc4 Kf4 13.Nd3+ Ke3 14.Nc5 Rh6 15.Kc3 Rh4 16.Nd3 Rh1 17.Nc5 Rh6 18.Kc4 Rd6 19.Kc3 Rg6 20.Kc4 Rd6 21.Kc3
-+ (-1.52) Depth: 27/45 00:00:29 129mN, tb=1193
1...Kg6 2.Nc7
-+ (-1.43 --) Depth: 28/47 00:01:09 281mN, tb=3571
1...Kg6 2.Nc7
-/+ (-1.27 --) Depth: 28/47 00:01:50 422mN, tb=4803
-+ (-1.60 !) Depth: 28/70 00:02:27 551mN, tb=6755
-+ (-1.76 !) Depth: 28/70 00:02:40 603mN, tb=7650
-+ (-2.14 !) Depth: 28/74 00:03:22 777mN, tb=9074
-+ (-3.13 !) Depth: 28/74 00:05:50 1404mN, tb=15532
1...Kf7 2.Ke2 Ra3 3.Nd6+ Ke6 4.Nb7 Rc3 5.Kd2 Rg3 6.Nd8+ Kd5 7.Nf7 Kxc5 8.Ke2 Kd5 9.Kf2 Rg4 10.Kf3 Rg1 11.Kf2 Rd1 12.g6 Ke6 13.Ng5+ Kf6 14.Ne4+ Kxg6 15.Nc5 Rd5 16.Nxa6 Rxa5 17.Nb4 c5 18.Nd5 Kf5 19.Ke2 Ra3 20.Kd2 Ke5 21.Ne3 Rb3 22.Ke2 Kd4 23.Nf5+ Ke4 24.Nd6+ Ke5 25.Nf7+ Kd4 26.Kd2 c4 27.Ng5 c3+ 28.Kc1 Rb2
-+ (-3.24) Depth: 28/74 00:10:54 2660mN, tb=25914
1...Kf7 2.Ke2 Ra3 3.Nd6+ Ke6 4.Nb7 Rc3 5.Kd2 Rg3 6.Nd8+ Kd5 7.Nf7 Kxc5 8.Ke2 Kd5 9.Kf2 Rg4 10.Kf3 Rg1 11.Kf2 Rd1 12.g6 Ke6 13.Ng5+ Kf6 14.Ne4+ Kxg6 15.Nc5 Rd5 16.Nxa6 Rxa5 17.Nb8 c5 18.Nd7 Kf7 19.Ke3 Ke6 20.Nb6 Ra6 21.Nc4 Kd5 22.Kd3 Re6 23.Kc3 Rg6 24.Ne3+ Kd6 25.Nd1 Rg1 26.Ne3 Rg3 27.Kd2 Kd7 28.Nf5 Rh3 29.Ne3 Kc6 30.Nf5 c4 31.Kc2 Kd5 32.Ne7+ Kc5 33.Nf5 Kb4 34.Nd4 Rh2+ 35.Kc1 c3
-+ (-3.25) Depth: 29/74 00:11:55 2917mN, tb=28676
1...Kf7 2.Ke2 Ra3 3.Nd6+ Ke6 4.Nb7 Rc3 5.Kd2 Rg3 6.Nd8+ Kd5 7.Nf7 Kxc5 8.Ke2 Kd5 9.Kf2 Rg4 10.Kf3 Rg1 11.Kf2 Rd1 12.g6 Ke6 13.Ng5+ Kf6 14.Ne4+ Kxg6 15.Nc5 Rd5 16.Nxa6 Rxa5 17.Nb8 c5 18.Ke3 Kf6 19.Nd7+ Ke6 20.Nb6 Ra6 21.Nc4 Kd5 22.Kd3 Re6 23.Kc3 Rg6 24.Ne3+ Kd6 25.Nd1 Rg1 26.Ne3 Rg3 27.Kd2 Kd7 28.Nf5 Rh3 29.Ne3 Kc6 30.Nf5 c4 31.Kc2 Kd5 32.Ne7+ Kc5 33.Nf5 Kb4 34.Nd4 Rh2+ 35.Kc1
-+ (-3.25) Depth: 30/74 00:14:18 3508mN, tb=34165
infinite analysis, 2 cores @3GHz, 512MB hash, no GTB
1...Kg6 2.Nc7 Ra3 3.Nxa6 Rxa5 4.Nb4 Rxc5 5.Kd3 Rc1 6.Na2 Rd1+ 7.Kc4 Ra1 8.Nb4 Rc1+ 9.Kb3 Kxg5 10.Na2 Rb1+ 11.Kc4 Kf6 12.Nc3 Rc1 13.Kd4 Ke6 14.Ne4 Rd1+ 15.Kc4 Rd5 16.Nf2 Rf5 17.Ne4 Ke5 18.Nc5 Rf4+ 19.Kd3 Kd6
-+ (-1.54) Depth: 28/45 00:00:52 230mN
1...Kg6 2.Nc7 Ra3 3.Nxa6 Rxa5 4.Nb4 Rxc5 5.Kd3 Rc1 6.Na2 Rd1+ 7.Kc4 Ra1 8.Nb4 Rc1+ 9.Kb3 Kxg5 10.Na2 Rb1+ 11.Kc4 Kf6 12.Nc3 Rc1 13.Kd4 Ke6 14.Ne4 Rd1+ 15.Kc4 Rd5 16.Nf2 Ke5 17.Nh3 Kd6 18.Nf2 Rc5+ 19.Kd4 Re5 20.Ng4 Rd5+ 21.Kc3 Rc5+ 22.Kd4 Ra5 23.Nf6 Ra4+ 24.Kd3 c5 25.Ne4+ Kc6
-+ (-1.54) Depth: 29/46 00:01:16 333mN
1...Kg6 2.Nc7 Ra3 3.Nxa6 Rxa5 4.Nb8 Rxc5 5.Kd3 Kxg5 6.Kd4 Rc1 7.Ke5 Kg4 8.Ke4 Re1+ 9.Kd4 Rd1+ 10.Kc5 Rc1+ 11.Kd6 c5 12.Kd5 Kf3 13.Nc6 Ke2 14.Ne5 Rc3 15.Ng4 Kd2 16.Ne5 Kc2 17.Nc4 Kb3 18.Na5+ Ka4 19.Nc6 c4 20.Kd4 Rc2
-+ (-1.51) Depth: 30/52 00:02:25 639mN
-+ (-1.59 !) Depth: 31/52 00:03:14 847mN
1...Kg6 2.Nc7 Ra3 3.Nxa6 Rxa5 4.Nb8 Rxc5 5.Kd3 Kxg5 6.Kd4 Rc1 7.Ke5 Kg4 8.Ke4 Re1+ 9.Kd4 Rd1+ 10.Kc5 Rc1+ 11.Kd6 c5 12.Kd5 Kf3 13.Nc6 Ke2 14.Ne5 Rc3 15.Kd6 Kd1 16.Kc6 Kd2 17.Kd6 Kc2 18.Kd5 Kb3 19.Nc6 c4 20.Na5+ Kb4 21.Nc6+ Ka4 22.Nd4 Ka5 23.Nc6+ Kb6 24.Kd4 Rg3
-+ (-1.60) Depth: 31/52 00:03:51 1018mN
-+ (-1.69 !) Depth: 32/52 00:04:30 1190mN
-+ (-1.87 !) Depth: 32/52 00:04:57 1310mN
1...Kg6 2.Nc7
-+ (-1.52 --) Depth: 32/75 00:06:58 1855mN
-+ (-2.27 !) Depth: 32/75 00:10:34 2782mN
1...Kf7 2.Nc7 Ra3 3.Nxa6 Rxa5 4.Nb8 Rxc5 5.Ke3 Ke7 6.g6 Kd6 7.Kf4 Rc2 8.Kf5 Rg2 9.Kf6 Rf2+ 10.Kg5 c5 11.Na6 c4 12.g7 Ke7 13.g8N+ Ke6 14.Nh6 c3 15.Nb4 Rb2 16.Nd3 c2 17.Ng4 Kd5 18.Kf4 Kd4 19.Nc1 Rb1 20.Ne2+ Kd3 21.Kf3 Kd2 22.Kf2 Rb8 23.Ne5 Rf8+ 24.Nf3+ Kd3 25.Nc1+ Ke4 26.Ke2 Rxf3 27.Kd2 Rf2+ 28.Kc3 Ke3 29.Nb3 Rh2 30.Nc1 Rg2 31.Nb3 Rf2 32.Kb2 Kd3 33.Nc5+ Kc4 34.Ne4 Re2 35.Nf6 Kd3
-+ (-3.25) Depth: 32/80 00:25:53 6853mN