"An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

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Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Post by thorstenczub » Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:30 pm

Harvey Williamson wrote:You are a bitter and twisted sad little man. I feel sorry for you. We have always been happy to supply free licences to respected people we even used to send them to you. What do you think the CSVN TD would do if someone was found to be using a cracked version in one of their tournaments? They would boot it out and ban the person who entered it. I have not banned Cock from Playchess I just asked him not to use the engine again. The CSS masters was held there.
where am i bitter ?
i am 1,75 meters. how tall are you ?

so if you supplied free licences , why did he use a cracked version ?
sounds like a contradiction to me.

as i said before, beeing a sysop for chessbase AND claiming good faith or good will is a contradiction in itself. i have no idea what "css masters" is. but they would IMO fit
very good to your character because they also behave totalitarian and are known to
censor and bann people because the people have different opinion.

you are the putins and the ahmenidschads in the world.

you need the finger on the red button to feel like god and then you talk about friendship
and values. real friendship is when you don't need to behave despotic.

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Harvey Williamson
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Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Post by Harvey Williamson » Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:37 pm

thorstenczub wrote:
Harvey Williamson wrote:You are a bitter and twisted sad little man. I feel sorry for you. We have always been happy to supply free licences to respected people we even used to send them to you. What do you think the CSVN TD would do if someone was found to be using a cracked version in one of their tournaments? They would boot it out and ban the person who entered it. I have not banned Cock from Playchess I just asked him not to use the engine again. The CSS masters was held there.
where am i bitter ?
i am 1,75 meters. how tall are you ?

so if you supplied free licences , why did he use a cracked version ?
sounds like a contradiction to me.

as i said before, beeing a sysop for chessbase AND claiming good faith or good will is a contradiction in itself. i have no idea what "css masters" is. but they would IMO fit
very good to your character because they also behave totalitarian and are known to
censor and bann people because the people have different opinion.

you are the putins and the ahmenidschads in the world.

you need the finger on the red button to feel like god and then you talk about friendship
and values. real friendship is when you don't need to behave despotic.
Why don't you just read the post that Jeremy posted a link to it is all explained there. Alternatively keep making it up to fit your agenda.

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Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Post by thorstenczub » Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:56 pm

sorry Harvey.
but my opinion about your behaviour :
threatening Cock de Gorter in Hiarcs forum with being "named" if he doesnt apologise etc, then naming him with all the dirty washing, on a forum where you cannot be censored, where anyone opposing will be censored, where C de G cant reply because of the one-sided forum control is also a mean, snide, and sorry again, but unmanly way to behave. Similar to Conkie, first the threats (blackmail) if he doesnt get his own way on some trivial matter, then the material all over the forum trying to put C de G in worse light possible. Gossipy bitching, trying to call in the other gossips to come in on their safe territory. Stinks.

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Harvey Williamson
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Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Post by Harvey Williamson » Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:59 pm

thorstenczub wrote:sorry Harvey.
but my opinion about your behaviour :
threatening Cock de Gorter in Hiarcs forum with being "named" if he doesnt apologise etc, then naming him with all the dirty washing, on a forum where you cannot be censored, where anyone opposing will be censored, where C de G cant reply because of the one-sided forum control is also a mean, snide, and sorry again, but unmanly way to behave. Similar to Conkie, first the threats (blackmail) if he doesnt get his own way on some trivial matter, then the material all over the forum trying to put C de G in worse light possible. Gossipy bitching, trying to call in the other gossips to come in on their safe territory. Stinks.
Any member of the CSVN board that replies will not be moderated in any way.

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Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Post by BB+ » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:27 pm

Is this a fair condensed representation of the present situation?

* Harvey Williamson was banned by the CSVN-board after the recent event in Leiden. [No specific reason for this was ever mentioned as far I can tell, though some comments and/or retaliation concerning use of cracked/pirated/copied engines appears relevant].
* After a post by HW, the ban was subsequently lifted by the CSVN board, and there was seemingly an amicable settlement.
* There is now a further request that the CSVN admit that the ban was wrong (that is, not justified), and HW (along with various quoted individuals) view this as inseparable from the aforesaid agreement.

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Harvey Williamson
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Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Post by Harvey Williamson » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:37 pm

BB+ wrote:Is this a fair condensed representation of the present situation?

* Harvey Williamson was banned by the CSVN-board after the recent event in Leiden. [No specific reason for this was ever mentioned as far I can tell, though some comments and/or retaliation concerning use of cracked/pirated/copied engines appears relevant].
* After a post by HW, the ban was subsequently lifted by the CSVN board, and there was seemingly an amicable settlement.
* There is now a further request that the CSVN admit that the ban was wrong (that is, not justified), and HW (along with various quoted individuals) view this as inseparable from the aforesaid agreement.
I will not debate it here any more. Not because of you but because Thorsten will just Spam the thread. My post is clear if you want to change what is clearly written then feel free. I am out of here. I will add that the official reason for the ban was because Cock's wife was upset that I told him he should not be using a cracked Junior. As I said in the post if you had read it properly I do not see what Dinner with friends has to do with the CSVN board. Unless the fact that i broke the speed limit on the way home from work today is also a reason for them to ban me.
Last edited by Harvey Williamson on Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Post by thorstenczub » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:43 pm

this is a public forum and its not up to you (although i can see your attitude concerning moderation behaviour) to decide who spams or not.

its obviously clear that you would censor such a thread in your forum.

thats why we all don't post in your forum (or in CCC or in Rybka forum) anymore. and to be more detailed: why we don't buy junior or hiarcs. it would support people like you.

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Harvey Williamson
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Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Post by Harvey Williamson » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:47 pm

thorstenczub wrote:this is a public forum and its not up to you (although i can see your attitude concerning moderation behaviour) to decide who spams or not.

its obviously clear that you would censor such a thread in your forum.

thats why we all don't post in your forum (or in CCC or in Rybka forum) anymore. and to be more detailed: why we don't buy junior or hiarcs. it would support people like you.

Jeremy posts on Hiarcs and Rybka. His posts in this thread are quite considered and rational.

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Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Post by BB+ » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:52 pm

Ok, well, sorry I asked. From your description the ban seems almost a non sequitur with regards to the cracked software issue, and the given quotation from the last line of the banning email does not elucidate the situation with any stated reason for the ban.
My post is clear if you want to change what is clearly written then feel free.
Am I to conclude that the ban was essentially a bully move from a Cock-controlled CSVN board in retaliation (for embarrassing him)? I reiterate, I read this and ask: "Why was Harvey banned in the first place?", and the answer is not all that clear to me.

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Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Post by thorstenczub » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:59 pm

harvey was banned because he insulted cock and his wife.
cocks idea to use the software was to ALLOW junior to participate BEFORE he got the free licence of official junior. but the tournament began. so he was in zugzwang without junior software.
so instead of deciding NOT to allow junior to participate, to throw junior out of tournament,
he used this software as an ersatz-engine for the official junior. as i understand it was 1 day before the tournament. harvey was banned (IMO complety understandable regarding his behaviour in the restaurant) and he threatened cock to publish everything if the ban is not lifted.
same blackmail behaviour peter skinner or conkie is using.
in germany it is a crime to blackmail other people. i am not sure how the law in USA or UK is.
but it germany blackmailing other people is a crime that can be punished.
§ 253

(1) Wer einen Menschen rechtswidrig mit Gewalt oder durch Drohung mit einem empfindlichen Übel zu einer Handlung, Duldung oder Unterlassung nötigt und dadurch dem Vermögen des Genötigten oder eines anderen Nachteil zufügt, um sich oder einen Dritten zu Unrecht zu bereichern, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu fünf Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft.

(2) Rechtswidrig ist die Tat, wenn die Anwendung der Gewalt oder die Androhung des Übels zu dem angestrebten Zweck als verwerflich anzusehen ist.

(3) Der Versuch ist strafbar.

(4) In besonders schweren Fällen ist die Strafe Freiheitsstrafe nicht unter einem Jahr. Ein besonders schwerer Fall liegt in der Regel vor, wenn der Täter gewerbsmäßig oder als Mitglied einer Bande handelt, die sich zur fortgesetzten Begehung einer Erpressung verbunden hat.
German law says that alone the EFFORT to blackmail somebody can be punished.
punishment is -5 years or money-payment.

so far about "good faith" !
Last edited by thorstenczub on Thu Dec 30, 2010 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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