when a daily tester lies to people...

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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by deeds » Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:29 am

Guys, if you make the mistake of answering some Sedat's questions like :
Sedat wrote: ...
Prove that I am wrong
let's say previous test was due to error margin
What about now? probably the Experts will explain
Better than Me
Maybe I'm missing something?
that means 700 games
Do you STILL believe that Learning engines are NOT
Capable to gain, learn (under Concurrent) etc. ?
Did I make mistake? correct Me please if I'm wrong
Tell us please the best settings for Eman 8.91 ?
Training mode ? what ?
can you prove it ?
Where is Eman's best/optimal settings ?
Here's what to expect :

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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by deeds » Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:30 am

Sedat wrote: ...
So talking more over these issues will be meaningless!
I just wanted to ask your opinion.. ) but it seems hard
To believe

Sedat wrote: ...
It seems that you have serious problem to read, check etc

Sedat wrote: ...
you return to your hostile attitude

Sedat wrote: ...
There are such idiots here, even I can't say as amateurs!
By the way, nowadays is TREND to say,
Engines are released in Training mode ))
What kind of mentality can be of that..
I'd not much surprised that if some idiot will
Come and say: my opening book is Training mode too
Last edited by deeds on Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by deeds » Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:30 am

Sedat wrote: ...
It seems that IbaiBuR member is not HONEST at all
Where he tried to fool us many times
this liar guy will
Be NOT able to read properly (as before), because he is
So stupid that I am tired to correct his mistakes...and
Very likely he will write TONS of billshit as before

Sedat wrote: ...
what you are claim...it's NONSENSE!
you are as BUGGY engine!

Sedat wrote: ...
You are really as IDIOT
I still believe that you are not as honest

Sedat wrote: ...
that means you are paranoid too
try to fool the people anymore

Sedat wrote: ...
You are not nortmal for sure
your silly mistakes
And frankly, I have never seen such IDIOT like you...
too much
Bullshit in hist testings
I 'm not going to spend more time with IDIOTS like you!

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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by deeds » Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:31 am

Sedat wrote: ...
Before making silly comments...
Otherwise I will start to think that their BRAINS are NOT valid

Sedat wrote: ...
your comments are already proved such as Bla, Bla, Bla...

Sedat wrote: ...But main diffrence than you
You have so much BIG ego
Are you normal ? or what kind of guy you are ?
Are you troll here or what.. ?
but please when you grow up..

Sedat wrote: ...
do not try to fool again all people here
Because you are not good boy...!!
with your BIG ego..came and started to write Bulshit

Sedat wrote: ...
what a pity also that, in our chess hobby there are
Some arrogant members
what kind of sick mentality can be of that?
not professional!

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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by deeds » Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:32 am

Sedat wrote: ...I have no any idea
About what you are talking
are you hacker ?
So, all of your published screenshots...
Are meaningless

Sedat wrote: ...
are far away from good humanity, understanding etc.
because such people like you
Are simply hopeless

Sedat wrote: ...
Because this guy is hopeless plus he has no
Clue what is going on
tried to fool many times all the people

Sedat wrote: ...
But later coming as BIGGEST expert etc..and mainly BLA BLA BLA ))

Sedat wrote: ...but what a pity that so
Far their comments did not make much sense!

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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by deeds » Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:43 am

Conclusion : as soon as this guy asks you a question, run away or prepare to be insulted !

For the others, we do as usual, we continue to have fun when we see results of tourneys with engines in training mode :lol: :lol: :lol:

There are only daily testers not to be ashamed to produce tourneys conditions where learning engines only have 50% of conformity with their experience data :lol: :lol: :lol:

How ironic that they think we are hopeless when we have demonstrated for months/years the nextgen performance (+100 elo, +200 elo) of learning engines and they are still showed poor results as 2-1, 1-0, etc. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sedat Canbaz
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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Mon Aug 14, 2023 1:47 pm

deeds wrote:
Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:43 am
Conclusion : as soon as this guy asks you a question, run away or prepare to be insulted !
Sorry for the delay...but I was busy in latest days )

About many of your comments,
Sad really that you are STILL trying to show
Something like that 'Sedat' is bad, wrong...
Where Deeds or other/s is/are right, good...))

And sure, all of you are great, faultless, very kind etc.
Frankly it seems on comments, but what about in reality??
And as usual, instead of comments, papers etc...I say:
We need a very good calculation tool..and I wonder
Then who will be right and who will be wrong ?)

On other hand, it is perfectly clear also that:
You missed to publish your 1st and all rest attacks...
Which were as underestimating my work, name etc.
And all these words were NOT as 'grammar' mistakes!
All this story was clear: destroying SCCT, thanks again!
And I assume that even 10 years old boy will understand...

What I can say more,
I did not start as 'FIRSTLY' all this bad story...!
After all, I am human (in reality) not as ROBOT !)
And I have FEELINGS... so what did you expect ??
To be in silence?..SORRY...sure I am not going to
Publish all of yours attacks, comments, links etc. but
No doubt that you FIRSTLY started to call Me as LIAR...
And NOT only in OpenChess, plus in Outskirts forum too!
It's true also that your bad words are already removed by
Outskirts mods..but, it's clear about who started as firstly:
http://outskirts.altervista.org/forum/v ... 8&start=10

Btw, sure after all,
I can't force you to be in GOOD friendship..but if nothing else
Let's PEACE to be as WINNER...Let's GOOD to be as WINNER!!
Sure to be archived PEACE..it's required understanding for sure!
And I hope that you have...If not... again it will be sad indeed..
But I can live with that...

Actually if all this story was in a friendly way..such as firstly
You said as 'Hello-Thanks-Congrats etc. in other words,
Were as so hard to use some of these kind words (in parallel too) ?
In other words, do you think that
Only with accusing, blaming Me etc. you'll gain something?
If so..believe Me...you are completely in W-R-O-N-G way !!

Meanwhile, would not be MUCH boring too ?
If we will talk again over these old issues?
Such as, you told Me firstly as liar, idiot etc...
And let's move on!! let's talk about new better ideas!
Let's talk about your new Deeds opening book etc.
Otherwise, if we will start blaming each other..e.g
This story will be never ending process and mostly of our
Valuable time will be just waste of time...e.g such as
I shared as StockfishMZ.exp (instead of Eman exp etc.)
Btw, even if I'd shared as Eman exp, then I wonder too,
What would be changed? listen, I gain nothing, zero..
Really sometimes I have difficulties to understand you!
If still not so clear, I realized to share simply
As it is..used/shared as default, no more no less!
But calling Me for all these actions: as liar...and
Via opening fake threads, attacks etc. like this thread..
Will be interesting for some members, but be sure in that:
It''!s as very bad choice, way..but do not forget..in same time:
The life is like a boomerang, whatever you throw out,
There will always return to your address...!!

One thing more, (in your latest new recent thread)
How to take an incompetent book's maker for a jerk ?
I see also that you are STILL attacking... sad again.. actually
I stated many times that and I offered a help to you...
(Btw, 'f4' openings are not as main reason...just saying...)
But you refused unfortunately...sure I do not force you
Regarding to how to create a better, stronger Deeds book..
But I think that it is worth to give a try...because via special
Tuning...there is strill BIG chances to create better books
Even via current used database...and I and I thankful to
You plus all entries as well......but this is also true that
As 1st try (about Depth4_Deeds), we can not expect much...
Actually you may create by yourself a newer stronger book,
Or the creation method will be even better choice..e.g to be
Done by other well-experienced, competent in book making...

But remember also that, (about I'm incompetent author or not...)
I'd give so many many examples, but due to no free time, just one:
A few months ago (in B/N CS XIII), my created 3753-55 book is one
https://sites.google.com/site/computers ... t-bn-cs-13
Of Top LEADING books and why 3753-55 is managed to be performed as
One of highest, best ranks??..if not clear: this Top book is based
On very strong books openings, where these lines proved in BN X too!
Btw, my creation method is used same for Depth4_Deeds and 3753-55
Exc. the main difference between both mentioned books is that:
They are not based and tuned to use same openings...that's all!

And let's assume that all of you are 100% right,
And in same time, I am totally wrong...but then it's
Coming a very simple question, if my tours,
Testings (SCCT's data) are not correct etc. ?!
If so...Is there any such proving evidence...?
Meanwhile..what about other (NON-SCCT) results?
Can you share such valid and quality rating/s ?)
I asked before...but so far I could not see...
Forget everything..as usual, after my tour ideas..
Many chess friends are starting to gain...and
If I caused to this ..again how happy I'm...!)

Meanwhile, what about your Book vs Exp tests?
You claim such as 50-100 Elo difference...??
Are you sure? but let's say under serious and
Optimal conditions? you may know or not..
Many of us are not interested in testings
Via weak, handicapped openings...because via
Such lines are easy to see much Elo differences..
If still no so clear:
Let's run under serious tour cond, such as via strong
Openings..Blitz TC or even Papid would be better...
And then let's see there will be 100 Elo diff. or not...

By the way, another new, but just a great idea is born,
If you believe that Depth4 exp is stronger about 100 Elo
Than latest SF dev. etc then to validate your test results etc.
Since in your eyes, SCCT is not valid in testings etc. then
You can share your Depth Exp to trusted third party testers...
Such as CEGT, CCRL, FCP, FGRL, SPCC, SSDF etc. you may know,
These TDs are as one of most best, experienced in Ratings!
And meanwhile...if I am not wrong...
Many of above TDs are NOT so interested in private engines!
But I think it is worth to giving a try....what you will loose ?

Thanks for reading too !)

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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by IbaiBuR » Mon Aug 14, 2023 3:10 pm

I think it is time to stop attacks between both parts too (experience team vs book testing team), try o improve and enjoy!

Each one has its side of expertise, its testings and its data. Some may not like / disagree with testings of the other... I mean... thats just fine.

Arguing agressively is so tiring and doesnt contribute positively to the forum in my opinion. Just let everyone continue by its side... but dont ping others or mention others because it may lead to an argument...

On my side, I am interested more in one of the parts, (experience file testings, training, advises) but I also respect the other part.

Anyways, Sedat knows I dont agree with some of the things, but it is just fine now, I hope it is fine from your part too...

Regarding DeeDs, continue with all of your tests showing how good engines with learning feature can be and what can they accomplish... people still dont realise how strong this technology is but they will surely know...

Regards and thanks for reading,


Sedat Canbaz
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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Mon Aug 14, 2023 4:20 pm

Hello Ibai,
IbaiBuR wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2023 3:10 pm
I think it is time to stop attacks between both parts too (experience team vs book testing team), try o improve and enjoy!
Agreed...just I'd like to add, since many many years:
I'm interested...and I tested many Books, plus some Exp!
So I can not imagine, if NOT to test both of them..!!
IbaiBuR wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2023 3:10 pm
Each one has its side of expertise, its testings and its data. Some may not like / disagree with testings of the other... I mean... thats just fine.
Yes...that's true.... but I suggest all in friendly way...
Otherwise, you may notice what happened here...
IbaiBuR wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2023 3:10 pm
Arguing agressively is so tiring and doesnt contribute positively to the forum in my opinion. Just let everyone continue by its side... but dont ping others or mention others because it may lead to an argument...
Same words are going as above...exception,
The 1st attacks do not belong to Me...
IbaiBuR wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2023 3:10 pm
On my side, I am interested more in one of the parts, (experience file testings, training, advises) but I also respect the other part.
Sure..I respect..you have full right ..and nothing wrong with that..
IbaiBuR wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2023 3:10 pm
Anyways, Sedat knows I dont agree with some of the things, but it is just fine now, I hope it is fine from your part too...
As I stated above..I respect some of your point of view...etc.
But I expected before, to say some positive words about SCCT too )
But it is ok...I can't satisfy each member here ..but no BIG problem,
Where I can live with that too )
IbaiBuR wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2023 3:10 pm
Regarding DeeDs, continue with all of your tests showing how good engines with learning feature can be and what can they accomplish... people still dont realise how strong this technology is but they will surely know...
Sounds good...but it would be nice also to see a newer Deeds opening book,
Since current thread is opened mainly about Depth4_Deeds book etc...!)
In other words, I wish to see e.g a newer Deeds book to be in higher ranks!

On other hand,
I agree that Eng learning is playing as BIG role (especially vs NON-learning)
But frankly I am interested under serious tour conditions...at least
It will be great, If Depth4 exp will use to play/test via strong openings...
And all these newer tests to be played by trusted 3rd party testers...!
IbaiBuR wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2023 3:10 pm
Regards and thanks for reading,

Greetings )

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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by deeds » Mon Aug 14, 2023 9:33 pm

IbaiBuR wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2023 3:10 pm
I think it is time to stop attacks between both parts too (experience team vs book testing team), try o improve and enjoy!
The same causes often produce the same effects :

:arrow: As long as Sedat lies to people about learning engines he will deserve this name and shame :!:

:arrow: As long as Sedat reassigns the filenames of experience files or opening books he will deserve this name and shame :!:

IbaiBuR wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2023 3:10 pm
...people still dont realise how strong this technology is...
Because Sedat-like daily testers lie to them with their stupid settings and stupid tourney's conditions with learning engines :!:

As far as I'm concerned, I've put the links to the proofs of what I'm saying. I create topics with screenshots, settings and files at each step of the process.

For example, if one of my experience files started a game with 1.f4, we should find its score and depth in the games but that's not the case :!: So why would someone rename his own "1.f4" book creation to blablabla "deeds" :?: She must really be bothered :!:

If you love liars and saboters, i am ready to break contact with you all, to change forums, to no longer share my tools, to remove my available tools, I don't care.

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