ChessBase: A Gross Miscarriage of Justice in Computer Chess

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Re: ChessBase: A Gross Miscarriage of Justice in Computer Ch

Post by mwyoung » Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:36 pm

hyatt wrote:
mwyoung wrote:
Jeremy Bernstein wrote:
Uly wrote:
MoldyJacket wrote:if the general public is not allowed to view these posts then they are of no value to me
Not that I'm trying to defend concealed subforums or anything but if the general public won't register in the forums to read such threads, then they don't care enough.
Today's just our day to disagree, I guess. This is like saying: That the Chinese don't acquire forbidden literature in large numbers demonstrates their lack of interest in that body of work. If you can't see the information, you don't know that there's a reason to join the club to gain access to it. These issues are _the_ issues of the computer chess community at the moment, _not_ which engine has a temporary 30 Elo advantage +- 15 Elo. That Rybkaforum hides them makes commercial sense, but is unfortunate. That Talkchess hides them doesn't make any sense, except to either assuage their corporate sponsors, or to give the impression that it's a civil environment, where hillbillies from around the world can join together to discuss hot topics in computer chess, such as white power and the international conspiracy of world jewry. Oh wait, that forum's hidden, too...

Seriously, though, thanks for noticing that OpenChess does it differently. The mods here deserve everyone's (but most especially my) gratitude and respect for their hard work of doing nearly nothing. ;-) Restraint requires patience, intelligence and good judgement, and I continue to be pleased and impressed by the restraint demonstrated here on a nearly-daily basis.
I am a very active member of CCC, but what Bob Hyatt and the other moderators have done on CCC to hide this issue is shameful. And I am a member that still agrees that ICGA made the correct call. For them to say this issue has already been talked about, and that it is not topical for the general forum. When this issue is front page on a major chess site is a obvious crock. The member at CCC are again trying to post on this subject in the general forum. I will not waste my time there any longer to have the post moved and/or deleted because CCC members dare post about this subject.

Thank again for Open Chess.

"Bob Hyatt" did NOTHING to "hide the issues". The "engine origins" forum was started by the PREVIOUS moderators, against my advice (and the advice of others). They did this EXPLICITLY to hide the discussion from public eyes, no doubt about it. But it is the way things are and we've had no success in undoing it. Do NOT blame that on me, as I had no part in it and opposed it from the beginning...

Very nice Bob,

Then lets do the right thing for CCC and CCC members and put CCC's-A Gross Miscarriage of Justice in Computer Chess back in General Topics where it belongs. If you don't take such action then this in nothing more then a smoke screen.

Here is what Roger Brown the moderator said.

"Hello Ingo,

Actually, I fully agree with you on this point.

A subsequent moderator/moderator team may decide to move this back to the main forum but until there is new information from, say Vas, then I am moving this to the Engine Origins forum.

This topic has been hashed, re-hashed and rere-hashed in here no end.


It has never been the job of a CCC moderator to pick general topics that are in todays news and decide they have been talked about too much, thats what the CCC members are here for. The moderators are to make sure the charter rules are being followed.

Roger Brown SAID ANOTHER MODERATOR CAN MOVE THE THREAD BACK. You being a Moderator have the power to do the right thing, if you wish. Secondly Chessbase has given new information, So why is the thread being hidden?

You have a opportunity Bob as a moderator of CCC to do the right thing for CCC, and its members. Lets see if you take action... Actions speak louder then words!

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Re: ChessBase: A Gross Miscarriage of Justice in Computer Ch

Post by Judoka » Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:41 pm

1. The PANEL produced the report and evidence
This is exactly what I am getting at, the PANEL producing both the evidence and the report determining guilt or innocence of a person is critical. If a large portion persons involved in this panel is clearly bais from the start of the proceedings then the resulting decisions can be considered bias as well.

Can you please answer the question: why did the persons who had already clearly determined the guilt or innocence of Vas prior to the meeting of the panel not recuse themselves from the proceedings? I assume at this point in their lives as educated and professional persons they are aware of the concept of conflict of interest. This is a clear case of that.
2. The ICGA board, which is completely disjoint from the panel rendered the final verdict AND determined the punishment.
If the panel was bias or the members of the board already baised based on previous conversations then the panel members should have also recused themselves from the proceedings. They should have also demanded an unbiased review of the evidence and asked about the formation of the panel and who was on it. According to previous posts some members of the board had already stated their opinions on the subject. What was the vote on the board? According to most bylaws this should be recorded by the secretary and the vote and meeting notes made public if asked (especially for non-profits)
3. Vas had a chance to participate in the panel, and he had a chance to participate directly with the ICGA board after the panel report was completed and he had received a copy. He chose to exercise his right to remain silent.
Agreed.. but a few points.
1) how much time was Vas given to gather facts? based on what i have read so far the reverse engineering and fact gathering by the prosecustion was something done over several years .
2) by using the verbal "right to remain silent" i assume you realize that this whole proceeding had legal ramifications so leaning toward a trial than a casual meeting.
I don't see how one can misconstrue the meaning of "code copying." Quite simply, "to copy code someone else wrote". Plagiarism is a bit broader, but in the case of computer software, it would be "copying someone else's code and then claiming that you wrote it yourself."
but plagiarism and copying are different.
here is how i see it. Code copying is clear, its like a photo, you can compare it side by side and see the match with ZERO modification. even a layperson or someone uneducated in programming can compare two things. once you move to modification of code then things are defined differently...
:arrow: from this point forward I would like to propose that debate revolve around if RYBKA code is plagiarized.
It is clear that the code is not a direct copy of the fruit code so this seems to be is a better word to use. the two words are not interchangeable and using them so creates confusion.
Easiest example to understand is the Rybka 1.6.1 / Crafty 19.x copying that was blatant and massive in its scope...
You didnt answer my question.
What versions of Rybka competed in ICGA events?
Was 1.6.1 an official competitor in an ICGA event?
Did this version compete in any ICGA events that are in question?
The conviction of someone based on a program that did not compete in an ICGA event is outside the scope of the ICGA.
Finally, the people best qualified to examine Crafty/Rybka/Fruit and determine if code had been copied WAS/IS chess programmers. They can do this in 1/100th the time a non-chess person would require, because they are familiar with the underlying data structures, program functions, and chess algorithms. The original letter of protest was signed by 16 programmers. You could hardly exclude them from the proceedings as they had been the ones that discovered the evidence. The panel did NOT convict Vas. The panel presented evidence to the ICGA board. They formed an opinion, and rendered a verdict based on the preponderance of the evidence presented and the absolute refusal of Vas to supply anything in opposition.
Again why can they not be excluded from the panel?
Agreed professionals or knowledgeable people are key(e.g. expert witnesses) in a proceeding but your missing my point the panel is essentially the Jury in this circumstance. The panels opinions and evidence should be presented to the board without preconceived prejudices. The evidence presented by the 16 members of the letter and should stand on its own with out them having to be a part of the proceedings.
A similar process from a college setting (since at least a few are in that setting would have been an excellent guideline) would perhaps have provided a guideline.

Does the college you are teaching at allow the accusing professor to sit on the review board for the student being accused?

:idea: Finally can we all be a bit more professional about this. Emotions are runnning high but name calling ,... really? I tell my ten year old when she is upset to think it but dont say it

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Re: ChessBase: A Gross Miscarriage of Justice in Computer Ch

Post by Prima » Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:34 pm

Harvey Williamson wrote:
kingliveson wrote:
Harvey Williamson wrote:Just shows what a jerk you are. I am in the relatively unique position of having met most of the current players in Computer Chess. In the Pub I have got on with all of them. I think idiots like you should actually visit a Computer Chess event and see how well everybody gets on.
I don't think that is fair or appropriate as things can go downhill from here once we get into the back and forth of name calling. Let's all try to be nice.
personally i would love to meet Bob, as would any true fan of computer chess.
If opportunity presents itself, it would be a pleasure to meet Dr. Hyatt (Bob). Ditto for other honest individuals with ethics, morals, and are law-abiding.

I certainly DON'T want to meet Vas.

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Re: ChessBase: A Gross Miscarriage of Justice in Computer Ch

Post by Prima » Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:17 pm

hyatt wrote:
Rebel wrote:
hyatt wrote: So no dishonesty on Zach's part,
Don't imply I ever called Zach dishonest you bully, I never did.

Instead look in the mirror, you, Robert Hyatt, wishing Jeroen Noomen dead.

EDIT, just see Uly beat me to it.

So your web page is not harping on the word "EXACT" with regard to the PSTs? Who, EXACTLY, wrote that report on the PSTs? The report you are saying is intentionally distorting... I will point out AGAIN. I have REPEATEDLY said that the fruit pst code, modified by the constant changes Zach proposed, produces the Rybka PST values EXACTLY. You, in your usual dishonest way, claim that both I, Zach and Mark state that the fruit/Rybka PST values match EXACTLY. And you go to great lengths to show them. KNOWING that is not what the report says. I quoted the relevant section of the report stating EXACTLY what I said it said. So, you are dishonest. And you claim that Mark/Zach/I are the ones that are making false statements.

Your words will continue to haunt you when you try to publish outright lies. Want to turn over this can of worms again? My statements about "EXACT" are QUITE CLEAR and have NEVER included the phrase "Rybka PST values match Fruit PST values exactly." My statements have ALWAYS said, the fruit pst code will produce Rybka PST values EXACTLY, if you make the changes Zach shows. If you change the constants, it makes your statement look even more idiotic, because how could the values match if the constants change??? jeez

"What a wicked web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."

You should remember that...
I'm in the Healthcare Administration & Environmental Health Science fields, NOT a programmer. Yet I understand the concepts of applying Zach's constants to Fruit's PSTs to get exact values found in Rybka's PSTs. That is:

1. Fruit PSTs + Zach's Constants = Rybka PSTs.

and NOT;

2. Fruit PSTs = Rybka PSTs.

Simple equation, simple concept.

#1 has always been asserted and enunciated to be what transpired between Fruit & Rybka, not #2. Ed claims, albeit misguidedly, #2 is what Zach's report said happened. This is false.

If a non programmer, as applicable in my case, can cognize this relatively simple concept, clearly Ed's is deliberately being dishonest and/or misunderstanding Zach's report, to either throw-in unnecessary confusions or to fruitlessly vindicate Vas.

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Re: ChessBase: A Gross Miscarriage of Justice in Computer Ch

Post by Rebel » Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:56 pm

hyatt wrote: So your web page is not harping on the word "EXACT" with regard to the PSTs? Who, EXACTLY, wrote that report on the PSTs? The report you are saying is intentionally distorting... I will point out AGAIN. I have REPEATEDLY said that the fruit pst code,
Not in the beginning at Rybka forum Bob. Again you ignore your own words once written. The quote used in the CB article is even more clear how you were manipulating the innocent reader to believe Ryba PST = Fruit PST and many believed you until I unmasked you and you quickly altered your speech.

Hyatt - The evidence is _not_ based on "conjecture". It is based on specific analysis of Rybka and Crafty or Rybka and Fruit. There is no "interpretation" required. Have you actually _read_ Zach's and Mark's report? People keep saying "show me side by side comparisons." First page of Zach's report has _exactly_ that. Two columns. The comparison goes on for pages and pages. Side by side. Piece by piece... ... #pid354882

So part-1 of the PST page clears up the misinformation you spread pointing out that the Rybka PST is not equal to the Fruit PST and part-1 was dedicated to you with 2 of your manipulative quotes.

The second part is criticism to the real issue at hand.

There is nothing wrong with that page.

That you don't like it is not my concern.

Just stop with your manipulations and you won't hear me.

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Re: ChessBase: A Gross Miscarriage of Justice in Computer Ch

Post by hyatt » Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:01 pm

Uly wrote:
Jeremy Bernstein wrote:I'll need access to the forum posting stats for this. As a randomly-chosen example, Jeroen has posted 500 mostly Rybka/ICGA-related messages in the last 20 days (I can't see more than his last 500 posts, though).
bob replied to most of them. Jeroen also posted messages unrelated to the case (while all of bob's posts are about it). bob also replied to most other people talking about it with him. bob also made thousands of messages about it in other fora, while Jeroen only does it in Rybka Forum.

So, you can't say Jeroen is as "freaky"/"desperate" about it as bob.
thorstenczub wrote:i wonder how much this is due to the fact that we cannot meet each other in a pub,
and drink together,
I don't drink alcohol but I agree, if I met Jeremy in person I'd probably bring a chess board and we'd have a nice game instead of discussing the ICGA's issues which would seem like a waste of time in that scenario. I wouldn't like to meet bob in person though :lol:

I don't know why it matters, but "Bob hasn't posted thousands of messages on other fora" since the Rybka decision was reached by the ICGA. Simply a gross exaggeration, not that it matters. I am almost 64. I believe I have earned the right to spend my time however I want so long as I keep up with my responsibilities at the office, which I do...

Find something ELSE to worry or gripe about.

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Real Name: Bob Hyatt (Robert M. Hyatt)
Location: University of Alabama at Birmingham

Re: ChessBase: A Gross Miscarriage of Justice in Computer Ch

Post by hyatt » Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:05 pm

Rebel wrote:
Jeremy Bernstein wrote: I am very disappointed in your website. The PST page pretends to address the PST issue, addresses, instead, a completely different issue -- one that isn't claimed by the investigators. Your insistence on this point, despite the fact that you are aware of the difference between what is claimed (A) and what you refute (B), indicates a willingness to distort and manipulate the available data in order to achieve your desired results, rather than seriously evaluating the evidence on its own merits.
1. When the accusation is that Vas copied the Fruit eval and I am able to list 10+ differences then I think I do have a point.

2. When the accusation is that Rybka started its life as Fruit and I am able to list 20 (small to huge) differences then I think I do have a point.

3. When you are on top with 150 elo then you are original.

4. When you further add 250 elo then you are unique.
1. 10 differences and hundreds of similarities do not "make a point."

2. Ditto.

3. Bullshit. Anyone can copy and then improve. Houdart did it with Houdini. If you look at Soren's flawed graph he provided, it shows a MOST REMARKABLE jump for Rybka, thanks to Fruit being released...

4. More bullshit. There is probably not a product on the planet that can't be improved in some way. Copying the original and adding one new useful feature does NOT make that "unique".

Posts: 1242
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Real Name: Bob Hyatt (Robert M. Hyatt)
Location: University of Alabama at Birmingham

Re: ChessBase: A Gross Miscarriage of Justice in Computer Ch

Post by hyatt » Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:09 pm

mwyoung wrote:
hyatt wrote:
mwyoung wrote:
Jeremy Bernstein wrote:
Uly wrote:
MoldyJacket wrote:if the general public is not allowed to view these posts then they are of no value to me
Not that I'm trying to defend concealed subforums or anything but if the general public won't register in the forums to read such threads, then they don't care enough.
Today's just our day to disagree, I guess. This is like saying: That the Chinese don't acquire forbidden literature in large numbers demonstrates their lack of interest in that body of work. If you can't see the information, you don't know that there's a reason to join the club to gain access to it. These issues are _the_ issues of the computer chess community at the moment, _not_ which engine has a temporary 30 Elo advantage +- 15 Elo. That Rybkaforum hides them makes commercial sense, but is unfortunate. That Talkchess hides them doesn't make any sense, except to either assuage their corporate sponsors, or to give the impression that it's a civil environment, where hillbillies from around the world can join together to discuss hot topics in computer chess, such as white power and the international conspiracy of world jewry. Oh wait, that forum's hidden, too...

Seriously, though, thanks for noticing that OpenChess does it differently. The mods here deserve everyone's (but most especially my) gratitude and respect for their hard work of doing nearly nothing. ;-) Restraint requires patience, intelligence and good judgement, and I continue to be pleased and impressed by the restraint demonstrated here on a nearly-daily basis.
I am a very active member of CCC, but what Bob Hyatt and the other moderators have done on CCC to hide this issue is shameful. And I am a member that still agrees that ICGA made the correct call. For them to say this issue has already been talked about, and that it is not topical for the general forum. When this issue is front page on a major chess site is a obvious crock. The member at CCC are again trying to post on this subject in the general forum. I will not waste my time there any longer to have the post moved and/or deleted because CCC members dare post about this subject.

Thank again for Open Chess.

"Bob Hyatt" did NOTHING to "hide the issues". The "engine origins" forum was started by the PREVIOUS moderators, against my advice (and the advice of others). They did this EXPLICITLY to hide the discussion from public eyes, no doubt about it. But it is the way things are and we've had no success in undoing it. Do NOT blame that on me, as I had no part in it and opposed it from the beginning...

Very nice Bob,

Then lets do the right thing for CCC and CCC members and put CCC's-A Gross Miscarriage of Justice in Computer Chess back in General Topics where it belongs. If you don't take such action then this in nothing more then a smoke screen.

Here is what Roger Brown the moderator said.

"Hello Ingo,

Actually, I fully agree with you on this point.

A subsequent moderator/moderator team may decide to move this back to the main forum but until there is new information from, say Vas, then I am moving this to the Engine Origins forum.

This topic has been hashed, re-hashed and rere-hashed in here no end.


It has never been the job of a CCC moderator to pick general topics that are in todays news and decide they have been talked about too much, thats what the CCC members are here for. The moderators are to make sure the charter rules are being followed.

Roger Brown SAID ANOTHER MODERATOR CAN MOVE THE THREAD BACK. You being a Moderator have the power to do the right thing, if you wish. Secondly Chessbase has given new information, So why is the thread being hidden?

You have a opportunity Bob as a moderator of CCC to do the right thing for CCC, and its members. Lets see if you take action... Actions speak louder then words!

I didn't move the thread. Actually, "Engine Origins" is probably the correct place for it. I just wish that were not "for members only". I will raise that issue again, whether it will accomplish anything or not is unknown. I'm not willing to over-rule another moderator's decision unilaterally. We've seen the result of that in the last group of moderators (the last group where I was not a moderator). I will discuss it however... I always forget that the "origin" forum is for members only as I always use auto login and never notice it.

Posts: 1242
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:13 am
Real Name: Bob Hyatt (Robert M. Hyatt)
Location: University of Alabama at Birmingham

Re: ChessBase: A Gross Miscarriage of Justice in Computer Ch

Post by hyatt » Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:34 pm

Judoka wrote:
1. The PANEL produced the report and evidence
This is exactly what I am getting at, the PANEL producing both the evidence and the report determining guilt or innocence of a person is critical. If a large portion persons involved in this panel is clearly bais from the start of the proceedings then the resulting decisions can be considered bias as well.
Let me repeat... the "report" did not "determine" anything. It was a compilation of evidence produced by the panel. The ICGA board used that evidence (and only that evidence since Vas refused both the panel and the board's request for anything in his defense. The panel made NO DECISIONS. We laid out the evidence we uncovered in an orderly and clearly explained way. The ICGA took that and formed THEIR decision relative to innocence or guilt, and the punishment. The panel was similar to the prosecution's side of things. The defendant chose to not take the stand and remain silent. So the "court" (the ICGA board) took what they had and reached the decision they reached. One can't COMPEL someone to defend their actions if they choose not to.

Can you please answer the question: why did the persons who had already clearly determined the guilt or innocence of Vas prior to the meeting of the panel not recuse themselves from the proceedings? I assume at this point in their lives as educated and professional persons they are aware of the concept of conflict of interest. This is a clear case of that.
What "proceedings" are you talking about? Do the police recuse themselves when the prosecution starts to look for evidence? Or do they help? Does the prosecutor (who almost certainly believes the defendant is guilty else he would not prosecute the case) recuse himself while evidence is gathered? No, both of those provide their input to the "court" (which is basically the ICGA board in this instance).
2. The ICGA board, which is completely disjoint from the panel rendered the final verdict AND determined the punishment.
If the panel was bias or the members of the board already baised based on previous conversations then the panel members should have also recused themselves from the proceedings. They should have also demanded an unbiased review of the evidence and asked about the formation of the panel and who was on it. According to previous posts some members of the board had already stated their opinions on the subject. What was the vote on the board? According to most bylaws this should be recorded by the secretary and the vote and meeting notes made public if asked (especially for non-profits)
We had unbiased panel members. One was Ken Thompson, well known, certainly well-qualified to examine the evidence. And he had not been involved in computer chess since the 80's for competition, or the 90's as he helped with the Deep Blue / Kasaparov matches. There were others. I see NO ONE on the ICGA board that would be prejudiced, since none are in active competition and have not been for 20+ years.

You are mangling "board" and "panel". The board is the ICGA governing officers. The board formed the panel by asking Mark, Harvey and myself to "chair" the panel and to enlist the aid of others as we saw fit. I am aware of NO statement by any ICGA board member saying that they thought Vas was guilty prior to the investigation.
3. Vas had a chance to participate in the panel, and he had a chance to participate directly with the ICGA board after the panel report was completed and he had received a copy. He chose to exercise his right to remain silent.
Agreed.. but a few points.
1) how much time was Vas given to gather facts? based on what i have read so far the reverse engineering and fact gathering by the prosecustion was something done over several years .
He was given maybe 6 months while the panel compiled evidence. Once the report was in, the ICGA gave him 30 days to supply anything, which could have included a request for more time (He really would not need more time, he knows what he did, he has the source code to confirm or disprove any evidence we provided.)

The ICGA "panel" was convened for less than 6 months total. Not "several years". Some had been looking at the rybka binary for several years, of course.

2) by using the verbal "right to remain silent" i assume you realize that this whole proceeding had legal ramifications so leaning toward a trial than a casual meeting.
There was no "legal ramifications" whatsoever. A private organization can create whatever rules they want, and require that all participants adhere to those rules. They could demand that all chess programs be written in Perl, if they wanted. And everyone could either write in Perl or not participate. Or, if you wrote in something else and got caught, you would see those titles vacated and your future participation disallowed.
I don't see how one can misconstrue the meaning of "code copying." Quite simply, "to copy code someone else wrote". Plagiarism is a bit broader, but in the case of computer software, it would be "copying someone else's code and then claiming that you wrote it yourself."
but plagiarism and copying are different.
here is how i see it. Code copying is clear, its like a photo, you can compare it side by side and see the match with ZERO modification. even a layperson or someone uneducated in programming can compare two things. once you move to modification of code then things are defined differently...
:arrow: from this point forward I would like to propose that debate revolve around if RYBKA code is plagiarized.
It is clear that the code is not a direct copy of the fruit code so this seems to be is a better word to use. the two words are not interchangeable and using them so creates confusion.
The common definition of plagiarism, as applied to written text, can be found on the net. And it includes both ideas and text, such as the plot of a story or movie, rather than just the book or screenplay being copied. For computer software, that is not the case. We use copyright law there, which explicitly excludes "ideas". One patents ideas, and copyrights written text (only). And for computer software, you can not patent that at all for various reasons. So all that is protected is the actual source code. So in the software development usage of plagiarism, this is used as "copying the source code of others and then claiming it to be your original work". Very much as one would copy a part of a paper and then not properly "cite it." In the case of the ICGA, citing the author might be ok or it might not. If you copy from someone, and supply their name, and there own program is not in the tournament, then you can legally compete. We have had versions of Toga compete in lieu of Fruit, for example. But Toga can't compete if Fruit competes...

Easiest example to understand is the Rybka 1.6.1 / Crafty 19.x copying that was blatant and massive in its scope...
You didnt answer my question.
What versions of Rybka competed in ICGA events?
Rybka 2.3.2a to name just one that is in our report, and is on the formal record for participating in an ICGA WCCC tournament.

Was 1.6.1 an official competitor in an ICGA event?
Did this version compete in any ICGA events that are in question?
The conviction of someone based on a program that did not compete in an ICGA event is outside the scope of the ICGA.
Sorry, but it is NOT outside the scope of the ICGA. The ICGA can define their own "scope" in any way they want. And in this case, we chose to do exactly the same as the court system does and allow the admission of a "prior bad act" to show a "pattern of behavior." This is perfectly accepted in legal proceedings as well. So while others, and perhaps you as well, would LIKE to see the 1.6.1 evidence thrown out, because it is impossible to refute, that is not going to happen, nor should it. Other events use the ICGA rules, such as the CCT events, and there 1.6.1 DID compete... As well as being fraudulently entered into ChessWar and other events.
Finally, the people best qualified to examine Crafty/Rybka/Fruit and determine if code had been copied WAS/IS chess programmers. They can do this in 1/100th the time a non-chess person would require, because they are familiar with the underlying data structures, program functions, and chess algorithms. The original letter of protest was signed by 16 programmers. You could hardly exclude them from the proceedings as they had been the ones that discovered the evidence. The panel did NOT convict Vas. The panel presented evidence to the ICGA board. They formed an opinion, and rendered a verdict based on the preponderance of the evidence presented and the absolute refusal of Vas to supply anything in opposition.
Again why can they not be excluded from the panel?
Exclude chess programmers from the panel? Exclude DNA experts from developing and submitting the DNA evidence at a trial? Exactly what sense does this make?

Agreed professionals or knowledgeable people are key(e.g. expert witnesses) in a proceeding but your missing my point the panel is essentially the Jury in this circumstance. The panels opinions and evidence should be presented to the board without preconceived prejudices. The evidence presented by the 16 members of the letter and should stand on its own with out them having to be a part of the proceedings.
A similar process from a college setting (since at least a few are in that setting would have been an excellent guideline) would perhaps have provided a guideline.
Basically you have no point. If, as you said, your point was that the panel was the jury. Because that did not happen. The panel did not render a verdict, nor did we specify what punishment was appropriate. The ICGA board reached a decision after seeing our evidence and zero defense.

Does the college you are teaching at allow the accusing professor to sit on the review board for the student being accused?

Absolutely. Both sides are ALWAYS present in any such proceeding, whether legal or administrative... Note they would not be on the "review board" itself although they would be present at the hearing. And also notice that NONE of the panel was on the ICGA board either. I am certain you have not done enough reading here to understand the process. The panel gathered and presented the evidence. The board (a completely disjoint group from the panel) evaluated the evidence and rendered a verdict. So your question above is really completely irrelevant since that did not happen in this case either.

:idea: Finally can we all be a bit more professional about this. Emotions are runnning high but name calling ,... really? I tell my ten year old when she is upset to think it but dont say it

Posts: 1242
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:13 am
Real Name: Bob Hyatt (Robert M. Hyatt)
Location: University of Alabama at Birmingham

Re: ChessBase: A Gross Miscarriage of Justice in Computer Ch

Post by hyatt » Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:45 pm

Rebel wrote:
hyatt wrote: So your web page is not harping on the word "EXACT" with regard to the PSTs? Who, EXACTLY, wrote that report on the PSTs? The report you are saying is intentionally distorting... I will point out AGAIN. I have REPEATEDLY said that the fruit pst code,
Not in the beginning at Rybka forum Bob. Again you ignore your own words once written. The quote used in the CB article is even more clear how you were manipulating the innocent reader to believe Ryba PST = Fruit PST and many believed you until I unmasked you and you quickly altered your speech.

Hyatt - The evidence is _not_ based on "conjecture". It is based on specific analysis of Rybka and Crafty or Rybka and Fruit. There is no "interpretation" required. Have you actually _read_ Zach's and Mark's report? People keep saying "show me side by side comparisons." First page of Zach's report has _exactly_ that. Two columns. The comparison goes on for pages and pages. Side by side. Piece by piece... ... #pid354882

So part-1 of the PST page clears up the misinformation you spread pointing out that the Rybka PST is not equal to the Fruit PST and part-1 was dedicated to you with 2 of your manipulative quotes.

The second part is criticism to the real issue at hand.

There is nothing wrong with that page.

That you don't like it is not my concern.

Just stop with your manipulations and you won't hear me.

Sorry, I have NEVER "altered my speech." More nonsense. I NEVER stated that rybka and fruit PST values were the same. You can find very early statements by me on RF that completely debunk that claim you are making. As I said, I even took the PST code, made it compilable by itself, and posted the output when the PST discussion FIRST started...

You and Chris are really the ones that have to back-peddle. Now you want to try to get out of a hopeless debate by claiming that your web page is there to debunk something you "remember that I claimed" (but which is something I NEVER said)? Ever thought about picking a train of argument and sticking with it? Zach's paper, nor the report, say ANYTHING about matching PST values. yet one whole page of your "misinformation web site" is devoted to showing that the values don't match. Why not spend another whole page showing that the values are all even or all odd? That would be just as relevant, since the panel certainly never made any such claim.

I feel the same way, BTW. STOP with the outright lies and exaggerations and you won't hear from me, either. Otherwise, expect me to show up at each pot-shot you take at the ICGA panel or evidence.

You love to shift the discussion. You challenge me on reverse-engineering. I do what you ask. Then you say "you are just luckiy". I take the asm I pointed out and matched it EXACTLY to the C code in Zach's report, by interleaving it with the C source. You say "that is flawed, there should be four arithmetic operations, not three." I point out that the code looks like this:

if (c)
x+= something_else;
x+= another_something_else.

and not like this:

if (c) {
x+= something;
x+= another_something_else;
} else {
x+= something_else;
x+= another_something_else;

even though the above two are semantically equivalent.

You then post "OK, now that we have that cleared up... " and you move on to the next lame attempt to shift the discussion from the evidence to something else... Not one "Hmm, guess I was wrong there..." or anything remotely resembling that.

It DOES get old...

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