Uly wrote:Razor wrote:If you look at the definition for 'Original' you will be hard-pressed to name any engines that are 'Original'!
Yes, that's why I sad "nothing is original", not as an insult to original developers, but as a claim like, if you build a new floating car, AND it has a steering wheel inspired by the steering wheel of normal cars, then that part of the car is not original, and thus, the whole product isn't.
Charles wrote:Competition is ingrained in the human soul just as much as co0peration.
No, we are taught to compete as kids.
Charles wrote:Otherwise there would be no sports ...
Sports could be played exclusively for fun. I don't get it, you're having a lot of fun playing a sport, but if in the last second you lose, then all the fun had didn't count?
My most memorable correspondence games have been lost ones, in where I learned a lot about myself, and improved. I also have a lot of fun in my won ones, but it's not an obsession.
Charles wrote:You really think people should not be paid for hard work?
Money isn't necessary in a society with enough abundance, suppose there is enough food for everyone. Is there enough food for everyone as it is? (no, really poor people may not eat today), but the same food could be produced without exchange of money, of course, the system does not allow for this.
Without money you'd still have people like Tord Romstad or Robert Hyatt (and well, insert all developers of freeware chess engines here) doing computer chess because they love it, not because of the money.
The "Designing an analysis friendly Stockfish?" thread was a tremendous success, and all the people involved didn't receive any money for it, they just helped for the satisfaction of doing so.
Rybka went commercial because Vas wanted to make a living out of it, and allowed him to spend all his time doing it. Without the money problem, everything would have gone the same, but Rybka 1.2f, 2.3.2a and Rybka 3 would have been free, and Rybka 4 would have been much stronger.
I'm a graphic designer and I do it because I love it, I like designing graphics as much as playing a chess game. In most of cases I don't get paid for my work. Money isn't needed as an incentive.
So, money seems like an obstacle more than anything, it was a good system back when resources were scarce, now it enforces the scarcity so rich people accumulate more money. I can easily imagine society of the future looking at us as we currently look at cavemen.