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Re: Qd5?

Post by BB+ » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:55 am

info depth 13 score cp -85 time 39547 nodes 22902784 nps 579128 pv d7d5 f4f5 e6f5 f2f5 g7g8 a3b4 c6b4 d3e4 d5e6 f5f7 e6g4 f7f8 d8f8 f1f8 g8f8 h3g4 f8f7 h2g1 d4d3 g1e3 f7e6 a5a6 b4a6 e4d3 a6c7 d3g6 e6e5 e3d2 c7d5 h1h2 e7d6
So the PV contained 114... Qd5 115. f5 exf5 116. Rxf5 Kg8 as per the game, but the crushing 117. Rh5! was not seen from afar.
3r1rk1/4bp2/2n3p1/P2qPR2/1p1p2Qp/P2B3P/6PB/5R1K w - - 1 117I get about ~3s (depending on SMP luck -- Qe2 can also show high scores, but for that move they typically don't climb as fast as with Rh5) to find Rh5 even at move 117, so it's not surprising if some pruning make it less likely to be noticed at move 114.

Posts: 1484
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:26 am

Re: Qd5?

Post by BB+ » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:02 am

So is this Much Ado About Nothing now? Can we say All's Well That Ends Well?

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