houdini testing

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houdini testing

Post by quantum » Tue Dec 25, 2012 9:50 am

Is the advantage of Houdini the pure amount of games played plus some nice ideas from Robert.

He states that Houdini played more than 10,000,000 games before the release. This would lead to an average of 33,333 games/day if he tested on 300 days.
Does any other engine author comes close to this?

Posts: 39
Joined: Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:31 am
Real Name: Jose Mº Velasco

Re: houdini testing

Post by velmarin » Tue Dec 25, 2012 2:33 pm

I guess that only authors with commercial projects can.

Would be ideal, multiple computers with different internal data to search for the best performance.

Not enough to have ideas, if the idea works, it must be adjusted.
Lots and test methodology.

Yesterday just delete my Test database, calculation about 30,000 games , maybe in a month, 400,000 a year, maybe can be.

Of course if you have multiple computers, electricity free, would have enough ideas to reach those millions of games.

Finally some limited tests and some intuition, Nothing more.

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